Replace Heroku with local server?

I totally missed that Tony stated that he was working on a solution. I have fully applied the brakes as a result.


Is it possible to run this local server in Windows 11 Pro? I'm not familiar with Linux...

Yes, same as my response above about Windows 10:

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Thatโ€™s the way Iโ€™ll be going as soon as I find the motivation to move my Homebridge setup to the computer my son gave me. A custom built Ryzen 5600X is probably overkill, but Iโ€™m not complaining.

Thanks a lot, jtp10181! I'll look for instructions.

@Ken_Fraleigh, I will use a Chinese Mini PC with a Celeron, 16 Gb Ram and a 512 Gb SSD that I bought at Ali Express paying US $179.55, cheaper than a Raspberry. It is running Windows 11 Pro like a charm! The Ryzen will be a waste of processing power...

just wanted to thank everyone, was able to run and migrate to a local instance from heroku thanks to this thread!