Replace Heroku with local server?

I think I at least found something to try...


I have got it running locally myself. That github link is the correct link to the server code that I used. I installed it using NPM but I do not think you have to clone the repo with Git. I believe I gave NPM a direct link to the repo (somehow, I know I found info using google) and I can use NPM to keep it updated as well this way.

For keeping it running, I am using a windows server so I used another method but the advice for using pm2 is good as well, I have seen that app mentioned before.

Hi @tonesto7 (thanks for a great app!) and @molepage (thanks for the write-up), after yet more digging, this is where I wanted to be, running the speaks server in a docker container. This is my first foray into this type of setup so please forgive any stupid questions. Being over a year old are these instructions still valid and do you see any 'gotchas' using the RPi OS instead of Synology? As the container config in these instructions didn't reference nodejs I'm thinking I at least need to install nodejs either in the container or in the OS. or is it not needed at all? Thanks.

I haven't upgraded to Echo Speaks v4 yet, but the instructions should work.
There's nothing specific to Synology, so should work on RPi.
No need to install nodejs. As you'll see in the docker-composer.yml, the container is initialized with image: "node:alpine". This image is nodejs and it will serve the index.js we modified and mounted in the volume.

Let me know if it doesn't work, I'll update to v4 and write new instructions. Good luck!

Thanks, I plan to try this Saturday after I'm done with my honey-do list. :slight_smile:
If I get it to work then I'll post up any lessons learned compared to your instructions.


I went through this last weekend on a pi, and it is pretty much the same as the post from @molepage
I used an environment variable to deal with the IPAddress issue, that was mentioned.

To make things easier, you can try using this branch:
Tony's echo-speaks-server docker Branch

Instructions are in the docker/ directory (if you try it, please provide feedback).


Is it possible to deploy this on a Windows 10 PC. It’s currently only used for running Homebridge.

Thanks, I'll give that a try. Like I mentioned this will be my first try at building a container so I may need to bounce a question off you as some things you know inherently may not be that obvious to a newbie but I'll give it the ole college try. Thanks again.

Hi @tony.fleisher, sorry to bug you and I really hope this isn't something dumb on my part but I'm trying to clone your docker version but it fails with 'cannot find repository'.

I copy/paste this link into my 'git clone' function,, and it fails.

To test to make sure I have connectivity I can successfully clone this one,, but that does not have the docker support (no path to the docker folder).

I downloaded the zip file fine and it listed the main folder as echo-speaks-server-docker-enablement so I tried but that failed authentication with my git login so I'm guessing that one's a private link. I could obviously copy the files into my RPI but then, I assume, I'd lose any automatic future updates by not having the clone.

I've triple checked the syntax and spelling but can't seem to find a reason for it not to clone. Am I missing something? Thanks.

EDIT: Finally got past this step, the git clone command needs to ID the branch specifically instead of the full git link. This worked, 'git clone -b docker-enablement'
Now onward!

Victory! Got it working, thanks @tony.fleisher. A couple of small things I came across before I got it working.

  1. The git clone command to get the docker branch (maybe that's something well known but as a newbie it wasn't obvious), as mentioned above.
  2. When running the build it fails because it can't find the 'env...' file. I noticed in the YAML file that the 'dist' extension was not added. So I made a local copy of the 'env...' file, removed the 'dist' extension and then the build went through, no problem.

Thanks again


Yes it runs off node.js / npm, same as homebridge. You just need to have something to start it as a system service. It does not come with a fancy auto-installer like homebridge does. NSSM, WinSW, or pm2 would work (if pm2 works in windows).

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I just saw that Echo Speaks will stop working soon because of the end of free Heroku accounts.

I use Echo Speaks but not enough to pay $7 to $12 per month for something that used to be free. I would rather spend hundreds of dollars on more computer stuff and hundreds of hours of my time trying to get it to work.

I have some legacy software/IT knowledge and a spare Raspberry Pi. So, this sounds like a good way for me to keep using Echo Speaks.

Does anyone agree as of 9/22?

Does anyone have any good links to recommend for implementation?


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If you already have a pi and have nodejs installed. The following post from the ES thread should get you going...

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That's not scheduled until November IIRC, and @tonesto7 has stated a few times that he is working to completely revise the process such that the Heroku server isn't needed. Just need to be little patient so that you don't spend a lot of time replicating the current, only to turn around and rip it out as unnecessary.


I totally missed that Tony stated that he was working on a solution. I have fully applied the brakes as a result.


Is it possible to run this local server in Windows 11 Pro? I'm not familiar with Linux...

Yes, same as my response above about Windows 10:

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That’s the way I’ll be going as soon as I find the motivation to move my Homebridge setup to the computer my son gave me. A custom built Ryzen 5600X is probably overkill, but I’m not complaining.

Thanks a lot, jtp10181! I'll look for instructions.

@Ken_Fraleigh, I will use a Chinese Mini PC with a Celeron, 16 Gb Ram and a 512 Gb SSD that I bought at Ali Express paying US $179.55, cheaper than a Raspberry. It is running Windows 11 Pro like a charm! The Ryzen will be a waste of processing power...

just wanted to thank everyone, was able to run and migrate to a local instance from heroku thanks to this thread!