I know this is on the older side, but I got a couple of these yesterday, and bounce the visitor signal through Blue Iris and use Maker API to allow blue iris to send the visitor alert to Hubitat for actioning.
Got one of these doorbells, got Blue Iris configured, got the rvent triggering enabled... now I'm stuck... Stared at this for ages and the light bulb is not coming on above my head!
Is there a walkthrough of this anywhere, so that I can trigger an event in HE when someone presses the doorbell? It's doing my head in now... Thanks!
Well, that worked a treat. Many thanks! I know have an instantaneous Ding Dong from the Aoetc 6 chime whenever someone presses either of the Reolink Doorbells!
Next stage is to do this on two meshed hubs, each with an Aeotec Chime 6 but in two remote locations...