Removing Invalid Child Devices?- Minoston MP22Z

Just received 2 new Minoston MP22Z Outdoor Smart Plugs. This makes 5 of these I have in all and the previous 3 were all identified as either EVA LOGIK Smart Plugs or Generic Z-Wave Outlets. However these 2 were both initially identified as Zooz Double Plugs, which means they automatically generated 2 children each for the Left/Right outlets those have.

However, this plug only has the single outlet and has no need for these children. But the children DO NOT have the Remove Device option enabled (it is greyed out). I have tried changing the driver to the EVA LOGIK Smart Plug or Generic Z-Wave Outlet the other 3 are... but the Remove Device option does not become available.

Tried excluding one and including it again, but it still comes back as the Zooz Double Plug.

Any recommendations for removing these children?

Change your driver to "Device" and then you'll have an option to delete children on the Device page.


As long as you are on 2.2.4 or newer. :slight_smile:

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If all else fails, user BoristheCat wrote a "clean device" driver. It basically has three buttons:

  • Clear states
  • Remove Child devices
  • clear schedule(s)

I use it often when having issues with old/bad stored by the driver;

Clean Device


There's a law about that, isn't there? :wink:

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Thanks. Changing it to Device and using the Delete All Child Devices button worked great. Bummer I could not find that simple of an answer when I was first searching. Oh well. Maybe someone in the future will search and hit this topic. Thanks folks!


FYI, this link is DEAD. Also it appears borristhecat is not on GitHub anymore.

:cat: :wink:

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Awesome! Thank you!