Removing ghost devices

Not recently. It’s been working fine for quite a while now, and I am not going to risk breaking it. :sunglasses:

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Actually on the very old non plus GE switches the air gap did not cut power to the Zwave radio, only the switch. So you had to use the breaker.


I had no idea, thanks for sharing that. Any idea how to ID which older switches worked that way...I still have a few GE Z-Wave switches that keep working fine so I haven't replaced them. Be good to know when I'm getting ready to replace them if I have to take "extra measures" to remove them from my mesh.

The blue LED is much larger on these older switches.

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A happy surprise today...based on @jonkdugan's success setting up the Harmony device buttons I tried again this morning and it worked...the part where it had been failing (authorization in the Harmony app) succeeded. Must have been a temporary issue w/Harmony servers when I tried several weeks back. Glad that his activity spurred me to try again!

So things look good, your (very cool) integration is still healthy. :slight_smile:


ya i have the harmony one lcd but dont use any of the smart device stuff as all can be controlled directly with hubitat.. what do you need the remote to control that cannot be done with hubitat directly.

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Use case for me is sitting on the couch w/wife in our bedroom watching TV, and want to turn off one of the bedroom lights that she has left on. (You can track her progress through our home by following the trail of lights that she has left on, drives me absolutely crazy, but have not been able to break her of this bad habit.)

So I can hit the Device buttons on the TV remote (which is already in hand/close to hand) to turn off any of the bedroom lights that are annoying me. :slight_smile: Simpler/easier than fishing out my phone to do so, and we don't have any GH or Alexas anywhere but the family room, so no voice options.


I use the home control buttons for a couple things, I can control lights, shades, my garage door. The remote is always at had, and I don’t have to send a voice command and scream over the TV volume.

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Maybe don't watch "Mad Max" at 80 decibles? :wink:

Or are you like me, w/"The Sound of Music" going at full volume. When you do that, the hills really are alive... :smiley:


I typically keep it reasonable, I’m in a townhouse, so I try to be nice.

Now if the neighbors kids have pissed me off, I’ll turn the volume to 80 and let this play for the day. It’s not loud enough to hear from outside, but it’s enough to make everything in their house shake all day. I like when they ask me “did you hear like a thunder rumble all day?” Nope.


10 hours...egads!

Or grab a "Mosquito"...