Removing damaged device

From the forum I gather it is bad idea to force remove a device from the hub. As it sets up a "ghost device" and should exclude it or the world will come to an end.

I have a device that is ... we'll call it "physically damaged". Therefor no way to power it up and actually use the exclusion process.


If you go to z-wave details and hit refresh on the node it should go to a failed state. As long as the device can’t respond to a ping, from what you described it shouldn’t, it should go away when you click remove on the node.

That is assuming a C7 here. For C5 or older hub, you would do something different.

Which hub do you have?

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Running on a C-5


FWIW, that is not how it works for on my C-7. I can REFRESH to get the node in to a FAILED state, but hitting REMOVE just refreshes that screen.

I just migrated from SmartThings and have quite a number of Zwave switches & motion sensors, and for whatever reasons sometimes things just won't include right until I reboot the hub. So I have quite a few orphaned Zwave in the Zwave settings.


I'd be interested in the same for c5 as have one dead device

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