Remote down again?

Hey Folks,

Is the Remote access down again? I am getting a "no response from hub" message.

Fine UK.

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Wonder if its on my end.

It's back! must have been a little blip

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AWS has been having issues most of the day in the US...

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@thebearmay Yeah heard that. I just started in on some more of my notification stuff, and the next thing I know I am getting notifications from things that happened hours ago. Really weird behavior. I was just about to start looking over the changes I made this morning to see where I f'd it up, but now I am wondering if it wasn't me but rather AWS? Think it's possible? All I have done was add in the Notification Device Tile in all my rules, so that shouldn't cause what I am seeing.

Iā€™d bet on it being AWS just wait for it to resolve

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Ok, that's reassuring. The weirdest thing just happened, EVERYTHING in my house just shut off. All outside lights, Water main valve, Lamps, etc. etc. Everything connected to HE and Alexa.

This is part of a really long log that shows whats going on....

Yeah alexa was choking due to the outage. One of the reasons not to rely on cloud based devices.

Yes, indeed. I was getting notification on my phone throughout the night of stuff that happened earlier that day as well. Everything Hubitat continued to work, very nice!!