Remote connection not working

I'm running a pair of C7 hubs on the latest version (just updated yesterday), and I am unable to access them via Hubitat dashboard or HD+ dashboard when i am not on my local LAN. When i am on the LAN, it works fine. No hub settings have changed in quite some time. I noticed the problem a few days ago. Things i have tried are rebooting hub, shutting down hub and disconnecting power, and updating to latest version. The hub has the solid green light on.

I tried it last night with the wifi off on my phone and it was working, which makes me think no settings have been changed. I tried again this morning and it wasn't. So it is intermittent, though it seems it is not working more than it is working.

I know the hub has internet because it can update. I can also remotely access my UDM pro router through the Ubiquiti app and see that the Hubitat hub is connected at the same time i cannot access the dashboards. The hub is assigned a static ip.

Any ideas on what i can look at to troubleshoot?

Please send me a private message along with your admin account. I'd like to see if we can determine what's going on.


Hi @jessie.slimer !

Maybe it's got something to do with your phone.
How about restarting your phone?

Again, as you're aware, I know next to nothing, so there's that.

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You say that the hubs can get to the internet? If you go to can you see them? If not, check to make sure your unifi isn't blocking AWS


@bobbyD was able to verify my hub is not able to be seen. When i get home im going to disable my pihole to see if thats causing an issue. I didnt think to disable it before since i thought the hub was getting out to the internet. No lan settings were changed and I was able to download an update, and all of my hubitat notifications are being sent to pushover properly. But maybe something is being blocked now.

Thanks for the help. I'll update if that is it.

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No luck. I changed the dns in my router to for the iot network Hubitat is on. No effect. I checked through all the router network settings and firewall rules, and didn't find anything that has changed.

I went into the network test section of the Hubitat hub, and can ping my gateway and with expected latency. I ran a trace route through the hub and got this result. Is it normal to have asterisks instead of ip addresses listed? I've never run a trace route with the hub.

Since the trace ends at 12.1, which is my tmobile 5g modem/router, I'm thinking something is blocking it there. But why? Nothing has changed and it's been working fine for so long.

Yep, it was the modem. I rebooted it and all is good now. So weird that the hub had internet but it was not working.

Thanks again for the suggestions.


Well, it has been happening every day for the last 3 days. I'm trying to figure out why everything works except outside access to my dashboards until I reboot the modem. Hubitat is still able to push alerts to my phone via pushover, and everything else works...except the dashboards from outside my LAN.

This Tmobile router has almost no configuration settings, and this is the first time this has happened in the 6 months I've been using tmobile for internet.

Before I get them involved about possibly replacing the router, is there anything else I should be looking at? It can't be my UDMP router if a modem reboot fixes it, right?

Do they have some kind of automatic firewalling feature in it that when it sees too many packets from a particular address it temporarily?

I don't think so, as this is the first time I've had this issue since I have switched to Tmobile late last year. Also, at the same time I am not able to access my hubitat dashboard, I can open my a ZeroTier app and access all of my cameras at home, which takes up a lot more bandwith. Good thought, though.

Well the hub needs internet access for you to get to the dashboards outside of your LAN so that makes sense.

At this point I would call t-mobile and ask if they are doing any sort of blocking on their end. This doesn't sound like a hardware failure of either the hubitat or the tmobile gateway. The fact that you can get to your hubitat on the LAN when it's being blocked on the internet side shows that.... as well as the fact that it works for a little while then stops. If your tmobile gateway isn't doing the blocking, it seems that tmobile themselves is doing something.

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I just replaced one of my c7 hubs with a c8 pro and am immediately experiencing the same issue of no connectivity outside my lan. The hub has internet: sends pushover alerts, downloaded an update, etc. I tried rebooting my router, modem, hubitat, pihole..... I can't get it to work. I haven't had any issues since my last post until I migrated to the c8. I assigned the same static ip to the new hub, and all cloud integrations were disabled on the old hub, then re enabled on the new hub after the cloud backup. The old hub is now powered down and deregistered. I can't think of anything else to test.

The hub traceroute ends at my modem like before, but a modem reboot does not fix it this time.


Ok I feel dumb. I was playing with the official Hubitat app, which I never use, and found it worked outside of my lan. So I went into the maker api app and requested a new token. Then updated the token in HD+, which is what I use to access Hubitat when not home, and its connecting again.

All is good again. I wanted to update in case someone does the same thing.