Not quite answering your question, but I'm porting my crap from ST to here. My trvs are currently unsupported in hubitat and to be honest, have always been a bit flakey. Decided to try an alternative approach.
Here's a text I just sent an hour ago to my plumber mate...
Bet this hasn't exactly been keeping you awake at night, but I knew there was a simple solution.
Specifically designed for cutting off liquid flow at a manifold etc. Screws directly onto an m30 thread (I. E. Onto an existing standard TRV body).
Apply a voltage, actuator moves one way. Remove the voltage, actuator returns to start position.
They're used for underfloor heating, most commonly.
"2 wire thermal actuator".
Pack of 10 for 58 quid on amazon. Or buy a single from a merchant for 12 quid.
It's essentially an electronic trv, no smart involved, purely a dumb device.
Completely agree that my ideas for pretty much everything can sound a bit mental, but they're generally based on something solid.
Doddle =p
I've currently ordered 1 brand at 12 quid and another for 8. The 8 quid one is yet to arrive (Thurs). If it works (the 12 quid one is fine), then I'm buying the 10 set for 58 quid.
I'm sick of the complexities of setpoints etc. I'll adjust my webcore script to turn on/off when needed.
I use external temp sensors and different 'desired temps' depending on time of day or whether I'm home or away, if the heating schedule for that particular room is enabled or not etc.
Would be happy to share the code if you so wish, but it is webcore. But that runs local.