[Released] Rule Machine 3.0

I'm not entirely opposed to this, because for the most part I like instructions to be overt and show up in logs. But, please give a little warning before you do that so I can "fix" all of the rules that I just added restrictions to. :roll_eyes:

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I like restrictions, to me they stop rules waking up and using resources when they just don't need to. I have rules that are restricted for most of the year and ones that only run when the lights are ON. Would there be a way to still do this?

Agreed, perhaps it's "lazy", but I like writing a rule for "all times" as it were, and then (if needed) restricting it to a certain time of day, or perhaps a period of time using "restrictions".

Just my .02 however, and as I become more accustomed to 4.0 perhaps I'll change my position!


Agreed. I don't see much sense in a rule being triggered if it's not needed.

This is fundamentally not the case. The rule wakes up to check the restriction, and uses just as much in the way of resources as any other rule does.

What one could do instead is put an action like this at the beginning of Actions:


This is essentially exactly what a restriction does.


so with this (currently a 3.0) then disabled when the switch is OFF

I could put that simple condition at the top of the actions and it would be as efficient as this old rule and also work obviously

Ah, It appears I wrongly assumed that restrictions made the triggering events "invisible".

Restrictions are effectively conditions that have to be checked. So something has to do that checking, and that something is the rule.

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