[Released] Control Switches by Mode


I didn't understand what the example was doing. I didn't even think of putting Groovy statements in that handler. Now that makes so much more sense.

Thanks again for all the help.

Wow, I so was not understanding what was going on there. My coding has gotten rusty. Most of my time is shuffling paperwork these days, :confused:

So I now have the core layout working. I need to add the fields for color selection and I want to make these dynamic as well. So one room might have a single color and another might have several.

I had originally done these lighting controllers mostly in code and it was getting to be quite the spaghetti code. Now I can have a single child for each room and quickly set lighting for every mode. The actual lighting control will be simplified as the code will only need to track the modes and set the appropriate lighting based on the table.

No that's not my normal lighting patterns. I'm just randomly clicking as I'm testing, :wink:

The empty fields will be handled as no change when switching to that mode. There is a specific "off" selection if I want the light to turn off. Now this is getting fun since I'm not scratching my head any longer.

Thanks again for all the pointers!