[RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Multi-Sensor 4 In 1 (PIR motion sensors) w/ healthStatus

If you still get triggering from the room above after mounting it on the ceiling, you should try adding a ~25x25cm metal plate on the ceiling behind it to reduce detection from behind.

Oh, it was mounted front wall, pointing towards the overhead door, slightly angled down. In my case, purely a location issue since the cone could project up through the floor above. I'd just have to relocate it to the center of the ceiling pointed down and it would most likely be fine.


I have a Zigbee OWON PIR323-PTH Multi-Sensor, which maybe a Tuya brand.

This driver motion detection works fine. However, I can't find the Temperature and Humidity measurement values. There are models that also include luminescence.

Are there any drivers that provide some of the other measurement values?

Well. Pooo

I got a few on the way to play around with.

Going back to install on ceiling face down. I will test the cone and see what kind of range it has.

Will be garage ceiling 10’.
Got a couple different variations to play with.

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An extra data point on compatibility, in case it's useful - yesterday I received one of these (my first mmWave sensor) from Amazon UK:


(Reasonably well packaged, although slightly raised eyebrow at the label on the box which called it a "Breathing Sensor")

I'd previously installed the 4 in 1 driver, and on powering up the sensor it immediately went into pairing mode, was found by the hub and recognised, and...job done - fully functional from that point on. :+1:

Big thanks to @kkossev for all the driver work that made this so easy!

The device details are:

  • manufacturer: _TZE204_sxm7l9xa
  • model: TS0601
  • tuyaVersion: 1.0.10

I will report back on this after testing. Should be here in a week or so.... I have some test Rules premade to get the process running.

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I have a 12x12’ bedroom with a walk in closet. There’s a spot in the closet I could place the sensor “looking into” the bedroom. I presume it’s just drywall+studs in between. Would the 24ghz have issues penetrating this and seeing the 12’? Should I consider a 5ghz for this?

I've never done a test like that ... You mean you want to hide the sensor in the closet, and install it so it's against the wall to use it to monitor the bedroom, I assume.

I have a spare Linptech that I can try this with tomorrow, sounds interesting.

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Yep. Basically presence sensor of the bedroom while being completely invisible. And if it “bubbles” into detection within the closet too, I’d consider that a bonus not an issue!

I also happen to have a high-up outlet in the closet (not sure why!) so that makes it even better for powering it

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OK, test results from this AM. TL;DR - it works (at least for me). :slight_smile:

I put the Linptech behind a TV in the family room, hanging off my TV wall mount about 3" from the wall, facing the wall, and also w/it taped directly to the wall. The living room is on the other side of the wall, about 18' wide.

2023-12-06 10_25_43-Main Chrome
2023-12-06 10_25_53-Main Chrome

The sensor had no trouble reading through the wall:

  • Sensed >15' into the living room on the other side of the wall. Furniture in the living room along the far wall kept me from getting any farther away that about 15'-16'.
  • Sensed at least >6' into the family room ("backside" sensing). I forgot to test further distances before putting the sensor away. Oops. :slight_smile: Anyway, you'll definitely get some of the "bonus" sensing inside your closet.
  • I just realized that I didn't test static sensitivity (sit still in the living room). Oops. :man_shrugging:

This was w/these settings on Linptech driver:

So definitely will work for motion w/the Linptech, can't tell (yet) if it will work for static detection as well.

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Awesome, thanks and that’s good to know!

Surely with the varied detection, it should also be able to detect being static too - after all the actual detection itself works…?

I anxiously await the completion of your review. I’m going to be doing this when I get my Christmas presents. Our walk-in closet is off the Main Bathroom. I can use the back sensing for keeping the light on in the closet, and the front for keeping lights on over the Jacuzzi and hopefully walk-in shower. Will it see through two layers of slate?

I have 3 linptech sensors plus other radars, but I am a little disappointed with the linptech static results for laying in bed or sitting very still. Does anyone have any tips?
(I am now using FP2's in hallway, high traffic, seems better than linptech, and bathroom - very pleased with the results, so 1st position is for my FP2's).

Where do you have the Linptech sensor positioned, and what sensitivity settings are you using? I have not used the FP2's.

Sensor is hidden/positioned behind the headboard (also had it directly facing the bed before).



OK, @Kaitlyn & Ken, a round of static testing.

Tried sensor in two locations - on the wall 5 1/2 to 6 feet off the floor, and about 4' off the floor.

The ~4' height on the wall was definitely much better - the sensor was unable to do accurate static sensing from up higher on the wall. The sensor picks up entry into room. Definitely slower/later than my other Linptechs that are not sensing from behind walls. I laid down on a couch in the middle of the room and was still and presence continued for several minutes w/out issue. Returned to other room and presence reverted to inactive as expected.

In general the sensor seems to react more slowly to entry/movement when it's sensing throug the wall, which seems to make sense. Even when used normally the Linptech is not as fast as my very fast Iris motion sensors, so each of my Linptects is teamed up w/an Iris motion sensor to get the fastest triggering, and provide some minor motion sensing backup.

So frontside sensing through the wall seemed it could/should work. YMMV as always.

Backside sensitivity in the spot behind the TV was different this time for some reason - not sensitive. I can walk about 3' to 4' behind the sensor and no motion is detected now. Can't explain why it was more sensitive on my earlier test.

I also tried backside sensing in another location where the sensor is attached to the wall but not behind anything, and in that testing it was sensitive to motion from 4'-10' away, depending on the motion. So that should be helpful in the closet but not sure, depending on how big the closet it, if it would be enough alone.

I did notice something odd, where in some cases when I mounted the sensor facing against a wall it would get stuck in active even w/nothing moving on either side of the sensor. It's like it is sensing the wall/studs inside wall and thinking there is presence? I haven't run into that w/normal installs w/the back to the wall.


Maybe something alive in the walls? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Thanks for the in-depth testing! Did you tell your wife you were laying on the couch for science? I will be pairing these with Iris and Hue motion sensors, so it should be just the ticket. I am probably going to move some of the motion sensors I have now (4 in the kitchen, 5 in the garage) since I should be able to keep the lights on using fewer PIR sensors combined with the Linptech sensors. My biggest fear is the lights shutting off while my wife is cooking.

You do NOT want to be on the wrong end of that situation. :wink:

Sure hope not!! :wink:


Did you try increasing the sensitivity settings for motion and static?

I believe I did, if you guys had good results for detecting a totally still or sleeping person then I will experiment again.