Also, I tried this on my devices that are fully supported with this driver and I am able to change the values and save them so I suspect it's not related to Hubitat UI.
I ordered a few of these based on this discussion (can't beat the price at $9!). However, they still seem pretty spammy - maybe that's the nature of presence sensors? My Linnptech ones (which I'm not using in a prod capacity anymore as they would disconnect periodically requiring a device power cycle) has around 13k messages for a full cycle. The ones I linked earlier from Amazon hit 120K messages per day in my zigbee stats (I replaced them with these). These are at 18k messages after about 14 hours (I assume it's a 24h view?). So far though, functionally they seem solid, if maybe a slight pause in detection triggering compared to some other models I've tried.
Curious which devices folks are having the most luck with (least spammy, reliable connection, etc.)? Also curious if folks have any insights into how much message traffic is too much - e.g. what ends up having an impact on your hub? Is having a bunch of sensors with 40k messages per day a problem, or not really?
As most of these are USB powered how are you getting USB power to them if they are on the ceiling or on the walls?
Was thinking of replacing some of my motion sensors (all battery powered) with these.
I have mounted some of my mmWave sensors on top of a shelf to keep the cables out of sight, making them less visible to my wife. When mounted at such a height, the sensor must be tilted downward towards the floor for optimal performance :
(Aqara FP2 sensor)
There is a second mmWave sensor (Tuya) hidden behind the same cabinet wooden door:
It is a 5.8GHz radar, which are less prone to loosing sensitivity when hidden this way.
I have discovered (after a few power outages last week) that if the device loses power, both radarSensitivity and staticDetectionSensitivity reset to zero, which impacts its operation. I tested this by using Set Par and Preferences to configure these attributes and then unplugging the device. Upon restarting, both values returned to zero. Unfortunately, it seems my earlier optimism about resolving this issue was premature.
I can recall similar complaints (preferences not retained after cycling the power supply) in Zigbee2MQTT-related posts.
A potential solution would be to intercept the device reboot event and automatically send all the configured parameters in the driver code.
I can experiment with this idea the days after HE fixes the problem, which does not allow user driver code to be saved when it includes library files. Currently, this driver can not be modified.
Thank you for the update! Once HE resolves the issue with saving user driver code, let me know when you're able to apply the fix, and I'll gladly test it for you. In the meantime, keep up the excellent work!"
I've been thinking about this and I believe I can write a webCoRE piston that resets the settings whenever either value changes to zero, along with a check every half hour to ensure they remain correct.
On this Page, there are two Zigbee versions, which one is recommended and functional for use with HE or both the same ?
If I want presence and temperature, is there some other better one to use?
None of the Tuya mmWave sensors are reporting temperature.
It is not possible to identify a Tuya device based on a picture (there are at least 2 x 10 = 20 different mmWave sensor models in the same form factor cabinets...). At this price, I can only speculate that these are the old, spammy models.
If you really need an inbuilt temperature sensor inside a mmWave device, I can recommend this one:
There is an interesting new mmWave radar combined with a temperature and humidity sensor - designed and assembled in Santa Monica :
A cheaper alternative (w/o temperature reporting) :
This is the link to the new non-spammy 24Ghz mmWave radar : AliExpress (Wenzhi store) Make sure you are selecting the 'NEW update' model : [image] The new device TS0601 _TZE204_ya4ft0w4 is supported starting from version 3.3.1 2024-09-28 , many thanks to Rafael Batista for the tests! There is a new preference 'Distance Reports' (for this model only!), 'disabled' means that the device will not send the distance reports over the air : [image] The same device is also sold on AE from this …
This battery-powered mmWave sensor is also very good and not spammy :
Please update the driver manually to the development branch version 3.1.3 (link) I had a similar device sitting in my drawer for quite a long, it is made by another manufacturer, but yours seems to be of the same type : endpointId: 01 application: 90 inClusters: 0000,0003,0500,0001,0400 manufacturer: _TZE200_2aaelwxk model: TS0601 softwareBuild: 0122052017 tuyaVersion: 2.1.0 [image] AliExpress : (link) I have added just another 'Device Profile' group: [image] After updating the driver…
AliExpress : (link) Attention: there are two models in the same cabinet - the cheap PIR only sensor and the more expensive PIR+24GHz radar.
I should probably move it on top of the first post in this thread. I have it working on 2xAAA cheap batteries for several months now.
One of my sensors has been acting oddly recently and would be stuck in "active" with Human Motion State "small" indefinitely even when no one would be downstairs to trigger that. I compared it to the same sensor at a different location that is working fine and noticed that it may be because I had the motion detection sensitivity and small motion detection sensitivity set to 8. It's just odd because the sensor was working fine before. Changing them back to 6 works now. I'll just have to test to make sure it's still sensitive to someone sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time. That was the reason I had the sensitivity set to 8.
Hi everyone, could you please help me?
I have a "TS0601_TZE204_clrdrnya" installed and running with this kkossev Driver (Thanks kkossev for it) configured with the auto-detect profile (SBYXOLM6) but even though every time I enter the space where it is located it detects me without problems, there are many times a day where the device detects movement when there is none. Could it have to do with the Drivers? I have already configured it at both sensitivity extremes and it is the same... Thanks!
mmWave sensors can be difficult to tune to completely avoid false positive triggers.
Are you certain it can’t be something like a fan, or curtains that’s causing it to trigger?