[RELEASE] Tuya Wall Mount Thermostat (Water/Electric Floor Heating) Zigbee driver

I am looking to add thermostat to my pellet stove which would need to have remote capiably and the contact box switch need to be remote as well too since wood stove location and themstat would be across room from each other.

I am looking at something like this Tuya Wifi RF Smart Thermostat Switch Temperature Controller for Gas Boiler Water Heating Support Alexa Google Home Yandex Alice - Walmart.com

Would this driver work with this?

Why do you prefer WiFi?
All WiFi devices use proprietary protocols and are cloud-dependent...

You can try one of the Zigbee thermostats - as an example, this one: Air Conditioning Floor Heating 2-in-1 Zigbee/WiFi Mobile Control Thermostat - Walmart.com

Note, that there is no guarantee that what you will receive will be one of the models supported in this driver. Purchasing Tuya devices is always a risk.

I been looking for zigbee or zwave version .. let me go look ..

Does it come with a remote contact switch box or it have to be wired directly to the pellet stove?

Reason I was looking at the wifi version is because it come with a contact box that is hooked up to source for off/on switch then thermostat control the contact box wirelessly

The one you linked is wire directly to the thermostat. It won't work for me since I need the thermostat to be mounted on wall on other side of the room so it doesn't shut off the pellet wood stove prematurely before filling the room with heat to the other side.

I would have prefer remote control with thermostat built into it with wall mount and it have a wireless contact box for pellet stove but unfortunely I am unable to find anything with zigbee or zwave included into the system yet .. - Amazon.com

I been searching everywhere on Aliexpress but no luck yet or nobody have manufactured one yet

Hi @kkossev apologies for the request. Do you have an indication when you would be able to amend the driver to incorporate this TRV. Appreciated in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @stueyhughes , hopefully I can come back to this request after a week or two.
Currently, I am intensively working on Zemismart M1 - Matter Bridge for Tuya Zigbee devices project, and there is a critical volume of initial efforts that must be put into this, in order to release the first alpha-version for broader testing.

This driver (Tuya Wall Thermostat) will not be extended with new thermostats and TRVs, it came to a state where this is almost not possible.

New Tuya thermostats and TRVs will be added to the new [ALPHA] Tuya / Moes BRT-100 TRV driver, I will follow-up in this thread.

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Thank @kkossev you're really generous and we all appreciate how busy you are. Thanks for the update, we look forwards to your driver :slight_smile:

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Hi @kkossev. Thanks for your awesome work!
I would like to buy some thermostats for my floor electric heating. Could you confirm that they all work with your driver:
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005004819384249.html (AVATTO 2.0?)
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005003252110774.html (Beok TGR85)
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005003575320865.html (AVATTO 1 w/o brightness adjustment & buzzer on/off?)

Maybe there are some preferences in terms of known issues/bugs?

Hi @anesterov ,
Unfortunately, it is impossible to confirm 100% whether a Tuya device (no matter where it was purchased from - AliExpress or Amazon) will work paired directly to HE or not. Even if it will look exactly the same as in the seller's site pictures, you may receive a different device (different Manufacturer ID). So, purchasing a Tuya platform device is always a risk.

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Hi @kkossev ,
Have you been able to work on this driver version yet? I am not sure if you did or not.

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Not yet, the work on the Matter Bridge project takes all my free time.

Hopefully the thermostats will be supported also in a future Tuya Zigbee->Matter Bridges, so there will be no need to write new drivers for the new devices that will appear in the future.


Hi @kkossev ,
What does this mean? Do you suggest that the solution would be to buy a Tuya hub that will connect to these thermostats and then will be bridged through matter to HE?
If so, can you suggest what Tuya hub should I buy?

Unfortunately, I did a test yesterday and my Tuya thermostat was not exposed as a device via the Tuya Matter gateway. At the moment, Tuya has implemented the Zigbee to Matter bridging for a limited number of Zigbee devices:

  • 'On/Off Light'
  • 'Dimmable Light'
  • 'Color Temperature Light'
  • 'Extended Color Light'
  • 'On/Off Plug-in Unit'
  • 'Dimmable Plug-In Unit'
  • 'Contact Sensor'
  • 'Occupancy Sensor'
  • 'Window Covering'
  • Temperature sensors
  • Humidity sensors

The thermostats/TRVs are not on the list, so sadly, they can not be used via the Tuya Matter Bridges at the moment - hopefully, Tuya will add the thermostats in the future.

About what Tuya hub to buy - you can search AliExpress for the lowest price "Tuya Matter Gateway" - they are all the same, but the price varies a lot. The Zemismart and the Moes Matter gateways seems a bit overpriced at the moment.

@kkossev Out of interest, how did you figure out what Tuya commands to send to the device? The latest MOES unit I've got can display weather icons and I'll like to see if I can make use of them.

Also, it seems there is a slight bug with the latest driver with this device. If you turn the screen off, it can't be turned back on without physically pressing the on button on the unit.

Hi @jonty1 , I usually search GitHub for an existing implementation of the same device in other home automation systems.. For your device TS0601 _TZE204_5toc8efa the implementation in Zigbee2MQTT is here, although it is a bit difficult to read it and understand it, because it uses the legacy definitions of Tuya commands.

Was turning the screen back on working in previous versions of this driver?

I experimented with some different BSEED variations. I have some tweaks to your driver to make these work by the way if you want to incorporate them?

'_TZE204_5toc8efa'  : 'BSEED',
'_TZE200_5toc8efa'  : 'BSEED',
'_TZE204_5toc8efa'  : 'BSEED', 

But it's the MOES TS0601 _TZE204_aoclfnxz that I have now, They only arrived yesterday so I've only ever used the latest driver version with them.

You can send a pull request in GitHub, or just send me your modified code in a DM and I will merge it manually.

This driver is approaching its end of life stage, for new devices it will be better to use the new driver , I have it linked somewhere up in this thread.

This is the version I've been using/modifying - not sure if that is the 'new' driver or not to be honest.

I'll DM you my BSEED changes.

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Any of those wall thermostats allow us to show the outside temperature if this information is set through the hubitat hub? I have some sinope thermostats that are able to do this functionality but they will get really expensive if I change them to this model everywhere in my home.

No, don't think so