[RELEASE] Tuya Wall Mount Thermostat (Water/Electric Floor Heating) Zigbee driver

It definitely does not look like it is reporting. When I look more closely at the zigbee2mqtt they only reference the GC model, not the GB mode. If it is confirmed that the external sensor works on the GC model then I might just get one of those. As I only want to monitor the floor temperature this is an inexpensive way of doing it.

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Did your thermostat come with an external temperature sensor? It should be included as obligatory for the GB model (Electric Floor Heating)

It did. And it is hooked up. And it works. When I hold the temp up (or down - can’t remember which one it is) button for about 3-4 seconds the display switches to the external temp sensor.

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What do you see in the live logs (w/ Debug option turned on) when you switch it to use the external temp sensor?

Here is what I see. The last log entry repeats a lot which I think is the bug with this thermostat? Later it does report temperature as usual but I think this is the internal sensor. When the external sensor reports what does it say? Thanks.

dev:18012023-06-10 07:12:17.824 AMinfoConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 temperature is: 20.0°C


dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:59.673 AMdebug(duplicate) transid=6 dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=7 command=01 data = [00, 06, 10, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 07]

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:59.624 AMinfoConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 heatingSetpoint is: 7.0°C

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:59.620 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=7

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:56.317 AMinfoConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 Sensor is: out (1)

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:56.314 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 dp_id=4 dp=43 fncmd=1

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:56.275 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:56.222 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xFB8A 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00052B04000101} {}, delay 200])

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:56.220 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 changing sensor selection to out (1)

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:56.218 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xFB8A 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00052B04000101} {}, delay 200]

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:56.213 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 sensorSelection out key=1

dev:18012023-06-10 07:10:45.518 AMdebugConservatory Floor Thermostat 2 sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[])

I have started adding code for basic functionality support of this TRV (TS0601 _TZE200_ckud7u2l) :

If anyone has it, please update the driver to the latest dev. branch version and let me know how it goes.

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Hello! This is my first post in this forum. I have to say I appreciate all the time @kkossev has put into supporting this messy Tuya hardware.

I am in the process of evaluating several TRVs for myself, trying to decide which one to use. Fortunately several are available to purchase here in Romania, and I can return them when I don't like them. I may write about the whole experience when I am done, but, for now, to the issue at hand:

The TRV I am writing about today is an Avatto TRV07. For some reason, the driver or the device seem to be confused about when to use Celsius and when to use Fahrenheit. I am, obviously, only trying to use Celsius, I don't want any Fahrenheit in my life.

For example, using the "Set Heating Setpoint", I can set a temperature of 20 degrees, and the TRV sets it to 20 Celsius. But when I try to set 18, it sets the TRV to 15 degrees Celsius, and I get an info message in the logs saying: Dressing TRV temperature scale is: F (987648)

Also, there is no battery information. And no valve % open, like on other TRVs I've tested.

I am using the latest dev driver from github. I used the prod one with the same issues.

Please let me know if I can help with other information.

Later edit The TRV or the driver think that the TRV is in Fahrenheit, and the temps I am sending are in Fahrenheit. The TRV does not open the valve. I can confirm the TRV, by itself, works when setting it manually, when disconnecting from Hubitat. The temperature it is reporting is in Celsius, The valve does not open even when sending temperatures of like 85 Fahrenheit. Something, somewhere, is broken, and it may not be the driver.

Device pairing info
Device pairing info
Manufacturer:	_TZE200_bvrlmajk
Endpoint 01 application:	48
Endpoint 01 endpointId:	01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt:	1
Endpoint 01 inClusters:	0004,0005,EF00,0000
Endpoint 01 initialized:	true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer:	_TZE200_bvrlmajk
Endpoint 01 model:	TS0601
Endpoint 01 outClusters:	0019,000A
Endpoint 01 profileId:	0104
Endpoint 01 stage:	4
Current States
Current States
coolingSetpoint : 30.0
healthStatus : online
heatingSetpoint : 15.0
rtt : 0
supportedThermostatFanModes : ["auto","circulate","on"]
supportedThermostatModes : ["off","heat","auto"]
temperature : 22.0
thermostatFanMode : auto
thermostatMode : heat
thermostatOperatingState : idle
thermostatSetpoint : 15.0
State Variables
State Variables
packetID : 0
deviceProfile : Auto detect
lastTx : {"isModeSetReq":false,"isSetBrightnessReq":false,"isSetPointReq":true,"mode":"unknown","setBrightness":-1,"setBrightnessRetries":0,"setModeRetries":0,"setPoint":20.0,"setPointRetries":0}
lastThermostatMode : heat
lastRx : {"dp":-1,"fncmd":-1,"setBrightness":-1,"setPoint":20.0}
lastThermostatOperatingState : idle
stats : {"dupeCtr":0,"rxCtr":167,"txCtr":52,"txFailCtr":0}
driverVersion : 1.3.1 2023/10/30 2:27 PM
heatingSetPointRetry : 0
notPresentCounter : 0
dev:2542023-11-14 13:44:10.984warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=212)
dev:2542023-11-14 13:44:10.976debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=212 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2542023-11-14 13:44:10.968debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=212
dev:2542023-11-14 13:28:55.509debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x24 response 0x00 data = [24, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 13:28:55.359debugDressing TRV sending time data : [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {0008655359F765537617}, delay 2000]
dev:2542023-11-14 13:28:55.352debugDressing TRV timezone offset of current location is 7200000 (2 hours), current hour is 13 h
dev:2542023-11-14 13:28:55.342debugDressing TRV time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 A6FC 01 00 0000 24 01 A700, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:A6FC, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[A7, 00]]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:58:55.063debugDressing TRV sending time data : [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {0008655352EF65536F0F}, delay 2000]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:58:55.055debugDressing TRV timezone offset of current location is 7200000 (2 hours), current hour is 12 h
dev:2542023-11-14 12:58:55.046debugDressing TRV time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 A6FC 01 00 0000 24 01 A500, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:A6FC, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[A5, 00]]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:55:20.886warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=217)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:55:20.872debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=217 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:55:20.855debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=217
dev:2542023-11-14 12:28:54.623debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x24 response 0x00 data = [24, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:28:54.480debugDressing TRV sending time data : [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {000865534BE665536806}, delay 2000]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:28:54.470debugDressing TRV timezone offset of current location is 7200000 (2 hours), current hour is 12 h
dev:2542023-11-14 12:28:54.460debugDressing TRV time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 A6FC 01 00 0000 24 01 A200, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:A6FC, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[A2, 00]]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:27:22.301warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=222)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:27:22.293debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=222 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:27:22.285debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=222
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.718infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (987648)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.710debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.521warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=987648 descMap.data = [00, 9E, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 0F, 0C, 00, 00, 0F, 12, 00, 00, 0F, 16, 00, 00, 0F]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.513debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.335warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(1975296)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.328infoDressing TRV battery is: 987648 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.322debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.181infoDressing TRV Dead Zone Temp (hysteresis) is: 987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:07.163debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.933infoDressing TRV UNKNOWN Max Temp Limit is: 987648 C (dp=19, fncmd=987648)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.925debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.735infoDressing TRV Max Temp Limit is: 987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.727debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.538infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.530debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.370warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=227)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.346debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=227 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.335debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=227
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.177infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 15.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.168debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=15
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:06.059debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:05.534debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00011002000400000012} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:05.525debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00011002000400000012} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:05.431debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 18.0
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:05.418debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(18.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:09:05.411debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 18 as int = 18 (previousSetpointt = 20.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.710debugDressing TRV nothing to update
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.645infoDebug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.636infoForce manual is false; Resend failed is false
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.628infoUpdating Dressing TRV (Avatto TRV07) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_bvrlmajk modelGroupPreference = Auto detect (UNKNOWN)
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.620infoDressing TRV press F5 to refresh the page
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.612infoDressing TRV InitializeVars()... fullInit = false
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.605warnDressing TRV changing the device profile from null to Auto detect
dev:2542023-11-14 12:08:41.596debugDressing TRV current state.deviceProfile=null, settings.modelGroupPreference=Auto detect, getModelGroup()=UNKNOWN
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:02.148infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:02.141debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:01.953warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=3281408 descMap.data = [00, 95, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 32, 0C, 00, 00, 32, 12, 00, 00, 32, 16, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:01.946debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:01.483warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(6562816)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:01.464infoDressing TRV battery is: 3281408 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:01.451debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:01.172infoDressing TRV lower limit F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:01.161debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.977infoDressing TRV AVATTO Max Temp Limit is: 3281408 C (dp=19, fncmd=3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.895debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.690infoDressing TRV Set temperature upper limit F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.666debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.490infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.478debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.228infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 20.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.221debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=20
dev:2542023-11-14 11:59:00.132debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:59.812debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00041002000400000014} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:59.805debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00041002000400000014} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:59.753debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 20.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:59.744debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(20.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:59.737debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 20 as int = 20 (previousSetpointt = 15.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:42.040infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (987648)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:42.033debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.855warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=987648 descMap.data = [00, 8D, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 0F, 0C, 00, 00, 0F, 12, 00, 00, 0F, 16, 00, 00, 0F]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.846debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.679warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(1975296)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.671infoDressing TRV battery is: 987648 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.661debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.453infoDressing TRV lower limit F is: 987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.446debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.297infoDressing TRV AVATTO Max Temp Limit is: 987648 C (dp=19, fncmd=987648)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.275debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.083infoDressing TRV Set temperature upper limit F is: 987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:41.067debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.864infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.857debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=987648
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.756infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 15.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.739debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=15
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.695debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x24 response 0x00 data = [24, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.578debugDressing TRV sending time data : [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {0008655344D0655360F0}, delay 2000]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.569debugDressing TRV timezone offset of current location is 7200000 (2 hours), current hour is 11 h
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.558debugDressing TRV time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 A6FC 01 00 0000 24 01 8600, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:A6FC, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[86, 00]]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:40.506debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:39.643debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00031002000400000013} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:39.635debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00031002000400000013} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:39.577debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 19.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:39.571debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(19.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:39.564debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 19 as int = 19 (previousSetpointt = 20.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:16.146infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:16.139debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.953warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=3281408 descMap.data = [00, 83, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 32, 0C, 00, 00, 32, 12, 00, 00, 32, 16, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.945debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.759warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(6562816)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.752infoDressing TRV battery is: 3281408 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.744debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.555infoDressing TRV lower limit F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.547debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.380infoDressing TRV AVATTO Max Temp Limit is: 3281408 C (dp=19, fncmd=3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.371debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.170infoDressing TRV Set temperature upper limit F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.163debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:15.132infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.982debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.707infoDressing TRV Thermostat working status (thermostatOperatingState) reported is: idle (dp=3, fncmd=230)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.689debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=230 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.680debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=230
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.506infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 20.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.491debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=20
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.376debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.034debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00021002000400000014} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:14.027debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00021002000400000014} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:13.936debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 20.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:13.930debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(20.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:58:13.923debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 20 as int = 20 (previousSetpointt = 35.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:57.213infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (2298368)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:57.205debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:57.015warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=2298368 descMap.data = [00, 7A, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 23, 0C, 00, 00, 23, 12, 00, 00, 23, 16, 00, 00, 23]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:57.008debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.830warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(4596736)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.822infoDressing TRV battery is: 2298368 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.814debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.624infoDressing TRV lower limit F is: 2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.616debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.455infoDressing TRV AVATTO Max Temp Limit is: 2298368 C (dp=19, fncmd=2298368)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.441debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.289infoDressing TRV Set temperature upper limit F is: 2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:56.277debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.937infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.928debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.775infoDressing TRV Thermostat working status (thermostatOperatingState) reported is: idle (dp=3, fncmd=231)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.756debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=231 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.744debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=231
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.614infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 35.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.608debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=35
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.453debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.053debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00011002000400000023} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:55.042debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00011002000400000023} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:54.978debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 35.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:54.970debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(35.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:56:54.958debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 68 as int = 68 (previousSetpointt = 15.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:47:42.718debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:47:42.689infoDressing TRV InitializeVars()... fullInit = false
dev:2542023-11-14 11:47:42.678debugDressing TRV updating the settings from the current driver version 1.3.0 2023/06/03 7:19 PM to the new version 1.3.1 2023/10/30 2:27 PM
dev:2542023-11-14 11:47:42.380debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00162704000400000000} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:47:42.366debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00162704000400000000} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:47:42.352debugDressing TRV refresh() AVATTO...
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:15.218debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:15.189debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:15.149debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:15.096debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.229debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00121B02000400000000} {}, delay 200, he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00136A02000400000000} {}, delay 200, he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00141A0200040000000A} {}, delay 200, he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00151302000400000023} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.220infoDressing TRV Update finished
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.211debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00151302000400000023} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.202traceDressing TRV setting maxTemp to= 35
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.193debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00141A0200040000000A} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.182debugDressing TRV setting minTemp to 10
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.174debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00136A02000400000000} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.165debugDressing TRV setting hysteresis to 1.0 (0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.157debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00121B02000400000000} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.149debugDressing TRV setting tempCalibration to 0.0 (0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.141debugDressing TRV tempCalibration fncmd = 0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.132debugDressing TRV tempCalibration = 0.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.061infoDebug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.052infoForce manual is false; Resend failed is false
dev:2542023-11-14 11:45:14.044infoUpdating Dressing TRV (Avatto TRV07) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_bvrlmajk modelGroupPreference = AVATTO (AVATTO)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:56.385infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:56.372debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:56.145warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=3281408 descMap.data = [00, 71, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 32, 0C, 00, 00, 32, 12, 00, 00, 32, 16, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:56.128debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.994warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(6562816)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.985infoDressing TRV battery is: 3281408 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.978debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.787infoDressing TRV lower limit F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.779debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.590infoDressing TRV AVATTO Max Temp Limit is: 3281408 C (dp=19, fncmd=3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.579debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.408infoDressing TRV Set temperature upper limit F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.395debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.163infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:55.149debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:54.952infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 15.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:54.945debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=15
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:54.872debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:54.157debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00111002000400000012} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:54.137debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00111002000400000012} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:53.915debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 18.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:53.896debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(18.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:53.888debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 18 as int = 18 (previousSetpointt = 35.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:39.336debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:38.456debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:38.222debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:38.192debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.904debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000D1B02000400000000} {}, delay 200, he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000E6A02000400000000} {}, delay 200, he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000F1A0200040000000A} {}, delay 200, he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00101302000400000023} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.896infoDressing TRV Update finished
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.887debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00101302000400000023} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.878traceDressing TRV setting maxTemp to= 35
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.869debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000F1A0200040000000A} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.860debugDressing TRV setting minTemp to 10
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.851debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000E6A02000400000000} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.842debugDressing TRV setting hysteresis to 1.0 (0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.834debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000D1B02000400000000} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.824debugDressing TRV setting tempCalibration to 0.0 (0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.817debugDressing TRV tempCalibration fncmd = 0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.808debugDressing TRV tempCalibration = 0.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.698infoDebug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.688infoForce manual is false; Resend failed is false
dev:2542023-11-14 11:43:37.675infoUpdating Dressing TRV (Avatto TRV07) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_bvrlmajk modelGroupPreference = AVATTO (AVATTO)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:16.143infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (2298368)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:16.134debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.947warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=2298368 descMap.data = [00, 69, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 23, 0C, 00, 00, 23, 12, 00, 00, 23, 16, 00, 00, 23]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.939debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.764warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(4596736)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.755infoDressing TRV battery is: 2298368 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.746debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.560infoDressing TRV Dead Zone Temp (hysteresis) is: 2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.551debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.363infoDressing TRV UNKNOWN Max Temp Limit is: 2298368 C (dp=19, fncmd=2298368)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.354debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.167infoDressing TRV Max Temp Limit is: 2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.157debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.028infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:15.019debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=2298368
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:14.753warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=233)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:14.745debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=233 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:14.736debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=233
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:14.564infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 35.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:14.529debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=35
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:14.440debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:13.559debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000C1002000400000023} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:13.531debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000C1002000400000023} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:13.406debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 35.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:13.397debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(35.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:41:13.390debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 90 as int = 90 (previousSetpointt = 20.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.682infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.674debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.487warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=3281408 descMap.data = [00, 60, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 32, 0C, 00, 00, 32, 12, 00, 00, 32, 16, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.477debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.301warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(6562816)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.293infoDressing TRV battery is: 3281408 % (dp=21)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.284debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.095infoDressing TRV Dead Zone Temp (hysteresis) is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:14.086debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.925infoDressing TRV UNKNOWN Max Temp Limit is: 3281408 C (dp=19, fncmd=3281408)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.911debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.751infoDressing TRV Max Temp Limit is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.742debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.720infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.709debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=3281408
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.344infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 20.0°C
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.335debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=20
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:13.211debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:12.875debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000B1002000400000014} {}, delay 200])
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:12.864debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xA6FC 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {000B1002000400000014} {}, delay 200]
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:12.778debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 20.0
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:12.768debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(20.0)
dev:2542023-11-14 11:40:12.758debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 20 as int = 20 (previousSetpointt = 15.0)
1 Like

I have since Factory Reset the device, to check if I had done something to it while setting it up. Answer is no. But when it first gets set up in Hubitat, it has some strange numbers in the Current States

Current States
Current States
battery : 0
childLock : on
coolingSetpoint : 30.0
healthStatus : online
heatingSetpoint : 300.0
rtt : 0
supportedThermostatFanModes : ["auto","circulate","on"]
supportedThermostatModes : ["off","heat","auto"]
temperature : 22.0
thermostatFanMode : auto
thermostatMode : heat
thermostatOperatingState : heating
thermostatSetpoint : 300.0

Logs of me trying to set it to 25 Celsius, including the initial setup of the device after the FR.

dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:08.015infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (1643008)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:08.013debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:07.916warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=1643008 descMap.data = [00, 38, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, 19, 0C, 00, 00, 19, 12, 00, 00, 19, 16, 00, 00, 19]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:07.915debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:07.869debug(duplicate) transid=55 dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=1643008 command=02 data = [00, 37, 15, 00, 00, 11, 05, 06, 00, 00, 19, 0C, 00, 00, 19, 12, 00, 00, 19, 16, 00, 00, 19]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:07.344warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(3286016)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:07.343infoDressing TRV battery is: 1643008 % (dp=21)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:07.342debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:07.221debug(duplicate) transid=54 dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=25 command=02 data = [00, 36, 10, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 19]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:06.643infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 25.0°C
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:06.641debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=25
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:06.525infoDressing TRV Dead Zone Temp (hysteresis) is: 1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:06.523debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:06.084infoDressing TRV UNKNOWN Max Temp Limit is: 1643008 C (dp=19, fncmd=1643008)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:06.082debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:06.053debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.908infoDressing TRV Max Temp Limit is: 1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.907debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.767infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.765debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=1643008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.245warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=221)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.219debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=221 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.216debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=221
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:05.070infoDressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 25.0°C
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:04.935debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=25
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:04.277debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00011002000400000019} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:04.275debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00011002000400000019} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:04.195debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 25.0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:04.193debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(25.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:29:04.188debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 25 as int = 25 (previousSetpointt = 300.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:28:24.498debugDressing TRV basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:805901000026DFFF420FF51CE62C1306000000650700000012, dni:8059, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:26, attrId:FFDF, encoding:42, command:0A, value:õæ,ea, clusterInt:0, attrInt:65503]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:27:32.750warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=219)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:27:32.749debugDressing TRV processing command dp=3 fncmd=219 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:27:32.747debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=219
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:45.402debugDressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x24 response 0x00 data = [24, 00]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:43.574infoDressing TRV Round-trip time is 0 (ms)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:43.572debugDressing TRV Tuya check-in message (attribute 0001 reported: 48)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:43.542debugDressing TRV basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:80590100002A040042105F545A453230305F6276726C6D616A6B, dni:8059, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:2A, attrId:0004, encoding:42, command:01, value:_TZE200_bvrlmajk, clusterInt:0, attrInt:4]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:43.510infoDressing TRV Round-trip time is 0 (ms)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:43.508debugDressing TRV Tuya check-in message (attribute 0001 reported: 48)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.742infoDressing TRV temperature scale is: F (9835008)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.739debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=23 fncmd=9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.540warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=22 value=9835008 descMap.data = [00, 2D, 16, 00, 00, 11, 06, 06, 00, 00, C8, 0C, 00, 00, 96, 12, 00, 00, DC, 16, 00, 00, 96]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.538debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=22 fncmd=9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.347warnDressing TRV ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(19670016)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.346infoDressing TRV battery is: 9835008 % (dp=21)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.345debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=21 fncmd=9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.164infoDressing TRV Dead Zone Temp (hysteresis) is: 9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:40.161debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=20 fncmd=9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.968infoDressing TRV UNKNOWN Max Temp Limit is: 9835008 C (dp=19, fncmd=9835008)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.966debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=19 fncmd=9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.768infoDressing TRV Max Temp Limit is: 9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.766debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=18 fncmd=9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.587infoDressing TRV Set temperature F is: 9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.585debugDressing TRV dp_id=0 dp=17 fncmd=9835008
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.384infoDressing TRV HY369 auto lock (dp=116) is: 875834400
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.381debugDressing TRV dp_id=3 dp=116 fncmd=875834400
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.179warnDressing TRV NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=115 value=5 descMap.data = [00, 26, 73, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 05]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.177debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=115 fncmd=5
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.004infoTuya Wall Thermostat HY369 away mode temperature (dp=114) is: 0.1 (raw=1)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:39.000debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=4 dp=114 fncmd=1
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.824infoTuya Wall Thermostat reporting status state : [00, 24, 71, 04, 00, 01, 00]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.821debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=4 dp=113 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.647infoTuya Wall Thermostat reporting status state : [00, 23, 70, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 03, E9]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.645debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=112 fncmd=1001
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.466infoTuya Wall Thermostat HY369 Week format (dp=111) is: 0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.464debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=4 dp=111 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.293infoTuya Wall Thermostat (Low) Battery warning (DP= 0x6E) is: 1
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.290debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=4 dp=110 fncmd=1
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.120infoTuya Wall Thermostat (DP=0x6D) valve position is: 909146112 (dp=109, fncmd=909146112)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:38.117debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=3 dp=109 fncmd=909146112
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.933infoTuya Wall Thermostat (DP=0x6C) unknown parameter value is: 0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.930debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=108 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.756infoTuya Wall Thermostat Thermostat SCHEDULE_1 (0x65) data received (not processed)... -10
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.753debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=101 fncmd=-10
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.582infoTuya Wall Thermostat heatingSetpoint is: 300.0°C
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.580debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=16 fncmd=300
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.415warnTuya Wall Thermostat NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=15 value=50 descMap.data = [00, 1C, 0F, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.414debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=15 fncmd=50
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.226infoTuya Wall Thermostat battery is 0%
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.222infoTuya Wall Thermostat battery is: 0 % (dp=14)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.221debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=5 dp=14 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.049infoTuya Wall Thermostat Child Lock (dp=13) is: 100
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:37.047debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=13 fncmd=100
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.895infoTuya Wall Thermostat Round-trip time is 0 (ms)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.893debugTuya Wall Thermostat Tuya check-in message (attribute 0001 reported: 48)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.868warnTuya Wall Thermostat NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=12 value=0 descMap.data = [00, 19, 0C, 01, 00, 01, 00]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.866debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=1 dp=12 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.696infoTuya Wall Thermostat Open window detection MODE (dp=8) is: 0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.694debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=1 dp=8 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.536infoTuya Wall Thermostat valve starts moving: 0x0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.534debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=4 dp=7 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.302warnTuya Wall Thermostat NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=6 value=0 descMap.data = [00, 16, 06, 04, 00, 01, 00]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.298debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=4 dp=6 fncmd=0
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.181infoTuya Wall Thermostat Round-trip time is 0 (ms)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.176debugTuya Wall Thermostat Tuya check-in message (attribute 0001 reported: 48)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:36.027warnnot parsed : [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 8059 01 00 0000 11 01 000A41, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:8059, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:11, direction:01, data:[00, 0A, 41]]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:35.918warnTuya Wall Thermostat Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=3, fncmd=215)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:35.916debugTuya Wall Thermostat processing command dp=3 fncmd=215 (lastThermostatMode=heat)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:35.914debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=3 fncmd=215
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:35.732warnTuya Wall Thermostat Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=2, fncmd=150)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:35.730debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=150
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:35.551warnTuya Wall Thermostat Thermostat model group UNKNOWN is not processed! (dp=1, fncmd=1)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:35.549debugTuya Wall Thermostat dp_id=4 dp=1 fncmd=1
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:34.874debugTuya Wall Thermostat sending time data : [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {00086553758A655391AA}, delay 2000]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:34.871debugTuya Wall Thermostat timezone offset of current location is 7200000 (2 hours), current hour is 15 h
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:34.867debugTuya Wall Thermostat time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 8059 01 00 0000 24 01 1100, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:8059, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[11, 00]]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:34.662warnnot parsed : [raw:catchall: 0000 8005 00 00 0040 00 8059 00 00 0000 00 00 410059800101, profileId:0000, clusterId:8005, clusterInt:32773, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:8059, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[41, 00, 59, 80, 01, 01]]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:33.862debugTuya Wall Thermostat basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:80590100002A040042105F545A453230305F6276726C6D616A6B, dni:8059, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:2A, attrId:0004, encoding:42, command:01, value:_TZE200_bvrlmajk, clusterInt:0, attrInt:4]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:28.574infoTuya Wall Thermostat Initialization finished
version=1.3.1 (Timestamp: 2023/10/30 2:27 PM)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:28.572infoTuya Wall Thermostat manufacturer = _TZE200_bvrlmajk ModelGroup = UNKNOWN
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.918warnnot parsed : [raw:catchall: 0000 8004 00 00 0040 00 8059 00 00 0000 00 00 4200598014010401510001040400050000EF00000219000A00, profileId:0000, clusterId:8004, clusterInt:32772, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:8059, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[42, 00, 59, 80, 14, 01, 04, 01, 51, 00, 01, 04, 04, 00, 05, 00, 00, EF, 00, 00, 02, 19, 00, 0A, 00]]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.859infoTuya Wall Thermostat is now online!
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.858infoTuya Wall Thermostat healthStatus changed to online
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.722warnnot parsed : [raw:catchall: 0000 8005 00 00 0040 00 8059 00 00 0000 00 00 410059800101, profileId:0000, clusterId:8005, clusterInt:32773, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:8059, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[41, 00, 59, 80, 01, 01]]
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.611infoTuya Wall Thermostat is now online!
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.601infoTuya Wall Thermostat healthStatus changed to online
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.461infoUpdating null (Tuya Wall Thermostat) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_bvrlmajk modelGroupPreference = Auto detect (UNKNOWN)
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.459infoTuya Wall Thermostat press F5 to refresh the page
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.351warnTuya Wall Thermostat changing the device profile from null to Auto detect
dev:2552023-11-14 15:26:25.349debugTuya Wall Thermostat current state.deviceProfile=null, settings.modelGroupPreference=Auto detect, getModelGroup()=UNKNOWN

Thank you for the logs, Vlad!

I am on the TRV wave right at the moment, so I will see what I can do.
Your TRV is different than the TRVs supported by this driver at the moment, it sends the data using different 'data points' - hence the weird readings and behaviour.

I already search the web for information on TS0601 _TZE200_bvrlmajk and strangely - nothing found!

But the debug logs that you provided are very useful, please wait for a driver update.

Update: the first reference to _TZE200_bvrlmajk just appeared - asking for support in Home Assistant ZHA ... [Device Support Request] Avatto TRV TRV07 TS0601 _TZE200_bvrlmajk · Issue #2750 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub

1 Like

Much appreciated! Let me know if you need anything else. Probably a new device. I am a bit excited about this one, as this is the first TRV I've been delivered that doesn't use the Zigbee Tuya TRV driver, which lacks features such as child lock. And the child lock actually worked on this device with your driver.

From the booklet:
Spec sheet
Install instructions
Network setup

1 Like

This TRV has a lot of configuration options!
At this time, we don't know which option is what, but let's see first if we can make the basic functionality work.

Please update to the latest dev. branch version 1.3.2 "2023/11/14 9:33 PM" and let me know if the setting of the heating temperature works. Click on the Initialize button after updating the driver, then F5 to refresh. The TRV should be shown as * deviceProfile : TRV07

Did you purchase it from a local store or AE ?

1 Like

I can confirm that the Set Heating Setpoint appears to work, as in the value of the Current States changes to reflect the temperature I am setting.

I am, however, not as sure about the temperature actually being set, as normally a thermostatSetpoint change is reflected in an info log. Here, I can only see debug. The thermostatOperatingState remains idle even if the thermostatSetpoint is above the temperature.

The device was purchased from the local Amazon-type store in Romania https://www.emag.ro/cap-termostat-smart-pentru-calorifer-avatto-zigbee-3-0-tuya-alb-trv07/pd/DL2CB6MBM/:

Phisically, it looks like this one https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006173033828.html

dev:2552023-11-14 22:15:02.189debug(duplicate) transid=118 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 76, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:15:00.499debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00030202000400000019} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:15:00.490debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00030202000400000019} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:15:00.395debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 25.0
dev:2552023-11-14 22:15:00.389debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(25.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:15:00.381debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 25 as int = 25 (previousSetpointt = 20.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:50.531debug(duplicate) transid=117 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 75, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:49.352debug(duplicate) transid=116 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 74, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:47.386debug(duplicate) transid=115 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 73, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:46.843debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00020202000400000014} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:46.835debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00020202000400000014} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:46.774debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 20.0
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:46.765debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(20.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:46.759debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 20 as int = 20 (previousSetpointt = 30.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:26.143debug(duplicate) transid=114 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 72, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:24.961debug(duplicate) transid=113 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 71, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:22.996warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group TRV07 is not processed! (dp=2, fncmd=50)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:22.988debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:22.534debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0001020200040000001E} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:22.527debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0001020200040000001E} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:22.432debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 30.0
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:22.420debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(30.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:22.404debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 30 as int = 30 (previousSetpointt = 25.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.116debugDressing TRV nothing to update
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.055infoDebug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.049infoForce manual is false; Resend failed is false
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.043infoUpdating Dressing TRV (Tuya Wall Thermostat) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_bvrlmajk modelGroupPreference = TRV07 (TRV07)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.038infoDressing TRV press F5 to refresh the page
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.032infoDressing TRV InitializeVars()... fullInit = false
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.026warnDressing TRV changing the device profile from Auto detect to TRV07
dev:2552023-11-14 22:13:05.020debugDressing TRV current state.deviceProfile=Auto detect, settings.modelGroupPreference=TRV07, getModelGroup()=TRV07
dev:2552023-11-14 22:11:54.538debugDressing TRV basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:80590100000A00002003, dni:8059, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:20, command:01, value:03, clusterInt:0, attrInt:0]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:11:54.320debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0x8059 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 00 00}, delay 2000])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:11:54.308debugDressing TRV refresh() TRV07...
dev:2552023-11-14 22:09:35.214debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00030204000100} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:09:35.207debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00030204000100} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:09:35.171debugDressing TRV sending setThermostatMode(heat)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:16.114debug(duplicate) transid=111 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 6F, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:14.107debug(duplicate) transid=110 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 6E, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:13.123debug(duplicate) transid=109 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 6D, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:12.076debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00020202000400000019} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:12.066debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00020202000400000019} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:12.026debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 25.0
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:11.997debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(25.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:08:11.991debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 25 as int = 25 (previousSetpointt = 22.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:34.896debug(duplicate) transid=108 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 6C, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:32.895debug(duplicate) transid=107 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 6B, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:31.759warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group TRV07 is not processed! (dp=2, fncmd=50)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:31.744debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:30.868debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00010202000400000016} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:30.860debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00010202000400000016} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:30.820debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 22.0
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:30.796debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(22.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:07:30.784debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 22 as int = 22 (previousSetpointt = 20.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:38.113infoDressing TRV Initialization finished version=1.3.2 (Timestamp: 2023/11/14 9:33 PM)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:38.106infoDressing TRV manufacturer = _TZE200_bvrlmajk ModelGroup = TRV07
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:35.079debugDressing TRV nothing to update
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.981infoDebug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.972infoForce manual is false; Resend failed is false
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.958infoUpdating Dressing TRV (Tuya Wall Thermostat) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_bvrlmajk modelGroupPreference = Auto detect (TRV07)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.949infoDressing TRV press F5 to refresh the page
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.928infoDressing TRV InitializeVars()... fullInit = false
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.908warnDressing TRV changing the device profile from null to Auto detect
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.896debugDressing TRV current state.deviceProfile=null, settings.modelGroupPreference=Auto detect, getModelGroup()=TRV07
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.788infoinstalled()
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.781tracesetDeviceLimits - device max/min set
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.673infoDressing TRV Statistics were reset. Press F5 to refresh the device page
dev:2552023-11-14 22:06:34.662infoDressing TRV InitializeVars()... fullInit = true
Current States
Current States
battery : 0
childLock : off
coolingSetpoint : 30.0
healthStatus : online
heatingSetpoint : 25.0
rtt : 281
supportedThermostatFanModes : ["auto","circulate","on"]
supportedThermostatModes : ["off","heat","auto"]
temperature : 20.6
thermostatFanMode : auto
thermostatMode : heat
thermostatOperatingState : idle
thermostatSetpoint : 25.0

later edit: I am getting these warn messages: Dressing TRV Thermostat model group TRV07 is not processed! (dp=2, fncmd=50)

warn messages
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:47.048debug(duplicate) transid=138 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 8A, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:45.862debug(duplicate) transid=137 dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50 command=02 data = [00, 89, 02, 02, 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 32]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:43.869warnDressing TRV Thermostat model group TRV07 is not processed! (dp=2, fncmd=50)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:43.861debugDressing TRV dp_id=2 dp=2 fncmd=50
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:43.446debugDressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00070202000400000017} {}, delay 200])
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:43.422debugDressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00070202000400000017} {}, delay 200]
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:43.348debugDressing TRV changing setpoint to 23.0
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:43.328debugDressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(23.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:29:43.303debugDressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 23 as int = 23 (previousSetpointt = 25.0)
dev:2552023-11-14 22:28:18.586debugDressing TRV sending time data : [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {00086553D8626553F482}, delay 2000]

State Variables
State Variables
packetID : 7
deviceProfile : TRV07
lastTx : {"isModeSetReq":true,"isSetBrightnessReq":false,"isSetPointReq":true,"mode":"heat","setBrightness":-1,"setBrightnessRetries":0,"setModeRetries":0,"setPoint":23.0,"setPointRetries":0}
lastThermostatMode : heat
lastRx : {"dp":2,"fncmd":50,"setBrightness":-1,"setPoint":-1}
lastThermostatOperatingState : idle
stats : {"dupeCtr":19,"rxCtr":33,"txCtr":22,"txFailCtr":0}
driverVersion : 1.3.2 2023/11/14 9:33 PM
heatingSetPointRetry : 0
notPresentCounter : 0
1 Like

By a chance, do you have a Tuya Zigbee gateway?

I have the Hubitat C-8 and a Sonoff USB on a Raspberry Pi with zigbee2mqtt running that I thought would be linked to the same network so I could monitor messages, but it ended up being a separate.

What do you need me to do? Get one?

Neither Sonoff, nor Zigbee2MQTT supports this TRV yet. If you have a Tuya GW, then on iot.tuya.com all the 'data points' and their meaning will be visible and the implementation in HE will be much easier.

Let's make some more trues in the next 1-2 days and we can decide then.

1 Like

Wild guess: the heatingSetpoint is multiplied by 2 when sent to the TRV (because it can be set in 0.5 deg. increments) and is divided by 10 when received .. : )

TimeStamp : 2023/11/14 11:20 PM

We are making progress, as the setPoint was actually set this time, but no matter what I set it to, 20 or 40, it gets set to 5 in the TRV.

The temperature on the other hand has started showing decimals now!
Battery remains at 0.

Current States
Current States
battery : 0
childLock : off
coolingSetpoint : 30.0
healthStatus : online
heatingSetpoint : 5.0
rtt : 0
supportedThermostatFanModes : ["auto","circulate","on"]
supportedThermostatModes : ["off","heat","auto"]
temperature : 20.8
thermostatFanMode : auto
thermostatMode : heat
thermostatOperatingState : idle
thermostatSetpoint : 5.0
State Variables
State Variables
packetID : 2
deviceProfile : TRV07
lastTx : {"isModeSetReq":true,"isSetBrightnessReq":false,"isSetPointReq":true,"mode":"heat","setBrightness":-1,"setBrightnessRetries":0,"setModeRetries":0,"setPoint":40.0,"setPointRetries":0}
lastThermostatMode : heat
lastRx : {"dp":2,"fncmd":50,"setBrightness":-1,"setPoint":5.0}
lastThermostatOperatingState : idle
stats : {"dupeCtr":21,"rxCtr":110,"txCtr":65,"txFailCtr":0}
driverVersion : 1.3.2 2023/11/14 11:20 PM
heatingSetPointRetry : 0
notPresentCounter : 0```
[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:03.362[info](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 5.0°C

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:03.349[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV dp_id=2 **dp=2** fncmd=50

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:03.314[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:02.558[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00020202000400000050} {}, delay 200])

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:02.545[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {00020202000400000050} {}, delay 200]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:02.484[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV changing setpoint to 80.0

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:02.472[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(40.0)

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:02.444[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)0.5 C correction of the heating setpoint40 for BEOK

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:03:02.433[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 40 as int = 40 (previousSetpointt = 5.0)

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:55.675[info](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 5.0°C

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:55.659[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV dp_id=2 **dp=2** fncmd=50

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:55.595[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:54.742[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0001020200040000003C} {}, delay 200])

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:54.736[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0001020200040000003C} {}, delay 200]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:54.685[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV changing setpoint to 60.0

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:54.676[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(30.0)

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:54.671[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)0.5 C correction of the heating setpoint30 for BEOK

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:02:54.664[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 30 as int = 30 (previousSetpointt = 5.0)

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:29.620[info](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV heatingSetpoint is: 5.0°C

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:29.610[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV dp_id=2 **dp=2** fncmd=50

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:29.531[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:29.512[info](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV InitializeVars()... fullInit = false

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:29.506[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV updating the settings from the current driver version 1.3.2 2023/11/14 9:33 PM to the new version 1.3.2 2023/11/14 11:20 PM

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:28.750[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0010020200040000002E} {}, delay 200])

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:28.743[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {0010020200040000002E} {}, delay 200]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:28.650[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV changing setpoint to 46.0

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:28.640[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(23.0)

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:28.626[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)0.5 C correction of the heating setpoint23 for BEOK

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:01:28.619[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV setHeatingSetpoint temperature = 23 as int = 23 (previousSetpointt = 24.0)

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:00:22.144[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x24 response 0x00 data = [24, 00]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:00:22.001[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV sending time data : [he cmd 0x8059 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {000865546C85655488A5}, delay 2000]

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:00:21.994[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV timezone offset of current location is 7200000 (2 hours), current hour is 9 h

[dev:255](http://hubitat.local/logs#)2023-11-15 09:00:21.984[debug](http://hubitat.local/logs#)Dressing TRV time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 8059 01 00 0000 24 01 C400, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:8059, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[C4, 00]]
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Good news! I just realized one of the TRV sets I am testing comes with a little round ZigBee Tuya gateway. I've successfully linked the gateway to the Tuya Smart app, and factory reset the TRV and connected it to the gateway.

Do you have a guide on how I can get you the information you need?

1 Like

Great! You can follow the steps for creating a 'developer' account on the Tuya cloud here :

Hopefully these are still valid (Tuya changes the IOT site quite frequently..)

Then, follow the instructions here :

1 Like


Data Points Avatto TRV07
   "2":"Target temperature",
   "3":"Current temperature",
   "6":"Working status",
   "7":"Window status",
   "8":"Open window",
   "12":"Child lock",
   "14":"Fault alarm",
   "15":"Min. limit temperature",
   "16":"Max. limit temperature",
   "17":"Heating schedule",
   "18":"Week program Tuesday",
   "19":"Week program Wednesday",
   "20":"Week program Thursday",
   "21":"Week program Friday",
   "22":"Week program Saturday",
   "23":"Week program Sunday",
   "101":"Room sensor calibration",
   "110":"Motor thrust",
   "111":"Display brightness",
   "112":"Software version",
   "113":"Screen orientation",
   "114":"System mode",
   "115":"Switch deviation (energy-saving mode only)",
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