[RELEASE] Tuya NEO Coolcam Zigbee Water Leak Sensor

Thanks for the quick reply. So is there a sure way to get it to report battery level and a way to verify that it will report battery (without waiting 24 hours) ?
Thx again

If the HE stock driver is not working as expected with a Tuya device, then you can try the custom Tuya driver.

There should be a preference how often you want the battery status to be reported. Remember to pair the sensor again after saving the preference.

I'm trying the Tuya driver...the latest on github was 1.1.3
I didn't see an option to set the battery reporting interval.

You're correct. There aren't any battery reporting configuration options in this driver, I was thinking of another one...

Check the debug logs and the events page after 4 hours, anything there?

sure enough you were correct...after re-pairing at the hub, the 2 units are working correct with your driver and getting temp report every 4 hours
I have another one that is still set to generic with no temp reporting and so I re-paired it this morning...I want to see if the generic driver works after multiple repairing or I need your driver.
Thanks again for all of your help...we'd all be lost without your expertise.

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Well the generic driver did NOT generate battery events even after pairing multiple times near the hub....when I get home later today I will switch to YOUR driver.
Thx again for such great software

Had a weird thing happen..not sure if seen before... I switched the driver to YOUR driver and then tested that it detected when it was wet and it worked.
I then tested again and with the sensor submerged in water it said dry. I dumped the events and there is some weird text in the reading...
I dried the sensor and tested several times and it worked fine.
I've seen this several times but never thought to look at the logs ...its a bit scary if the one time it screws up is when the house is flooding : )
Any thoughts or can anything be done ?

Is this sensor IP66 rated, i.e. are you sure that it can be fully submerged in water without the water reaching the electronics board inside?

The check-in message in the Debug logs is harmless and is expected,

However, the device has self-reset for some reason! The message ‘device announcement’ means that it has rejoined the Zigbee network, i. e reset.

Yes it is rated to be submerged. I will do some more experiments to see when that reset was generated