[RELEASE] TP-LINK TAPO Plug, Switch, Bulb, Hub and Robovac Integration

Thank you for your help. The user email and password seem to be correct. I cleared them and reentered just to check and I am still getting the same result.

I get the following prior to the log I posted above. This seems to pertain to the cameras, but perhaps Im am wrong:

warntapo_device_install: [method:getDiscData, status:INVALID, respData:null, error:groovy.json.JsonException: expecting '}' or ',' but got current char '"' with an int value of 34

The current character read is '"' with an int value of 34
expecting '}' or ',' but got current char '"' with an int value of 34
line number 1
index number 1008

***It goes on to list some device specific information which seems to refer to the model numbers of the cameras.

Unplug your cameras and try again. Then plug the cameras back in. This is an issue resolved in next release.

Doing that has cleared up some of the noise but it has still failed. I verified the IP address and made sure it was static on the router. Im now only trying for one EM Plug to see if the problem can be isolated.

Im now getting the following:

2024-08-02 07:49:27.225 PM[info]tapo_device_install: [method:addDevicesPage, findInfo:[method:findTpLinkDevices, action:getSmartLanData, timeOut:15, hostArray:[2, 254], pollSegment:[192.168.1]], installedDevices:, uninstalledDevices:[:], requiredDrivers:]

2024-08-02 07:49:27.223 PM[info]tapo_device_install: [method:updateDevices]

2024-08-02 07:49:27.222 PM[debug] tapo_device_install: [method:updateDevices]

2024-08-02 07:49:15.469 PM[error] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null on line 1059 (method getSmartLanData)

2024-08-02 07:49:15.387 PM[debug] tapo_device_install: [method:getDiscData, type:SMART.KASAPLUG, model:KP125M(US), baseUrl:http://192.168.1.xxx:80/app, dni:98254Axxxxxx, devId:a3xxx4b35acxxxx3f1e586916exxxxxx, ip:192.168.1.xxx, port:80, protocol:KLAP, status:OK]

2024-08-02 07:49:15.372 PM[debug] tapo_device_install: getSmartLanData: responses returned from devices

2024-08-02 07:48:57.217 PM tapo_device_install: sendLanCmd: [port:20002, action:getSmartLanData]

[info]tapo_device_install: Currently Finding Devices

Yes, I have the kasa matter discovery turned on. Are there any known conflicting apps or drivers I could check into? The devise is present in the phone apps for Tapo and Kasa, but I have not run a matter install from Hubitat. I did not think I have to first but perhaps I am mistaken.

Could not duplicate again (this evening). Tried both doing matter install then add and not matter install (tapo app install) the add. Clean install in both conditions:
HW Ver: 1,0, FW Ver: 1.2.3 Build 154806.

Suggest you try the following:

  • Completely uninstall and factory reset the plug from everything.
  • Reinstall the plug using the Tapo Phone App
  • Update firmware on plug.
  • Retry the Hubitat Tapo Integration.

Note: Sometime today I will be updating the Hubitat Tapo Integration to a new major release (to accommodate multi-switch plugs and switches better and also accommodate an unspecified future upgrade.

Note 2: The MATTER Consortium has just added the EM capabilities to the specification. FW Ver 1.2.3 (released July 26) supports Matter. Give Hubitat Staff some time and I believe that the EM function will be added.

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New Version 2.3.9a Released this AM. See top post in this thread for more information.

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Thank you for all your efforts. After the update to 2.3.9a, it worked on the first try.

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Hi everyone, thanks for the great integration and your efforts.

I am trying to add a Tapo P110 and it discovers the device. But then, when I select it and continue, I do not see it in Devices. Here is the log:

I see the driver installed under HPM:

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Wrong driver is installed. It should be the TpLink Plug EM


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Ugh, my bad. Thank you so much for the clarification. It works perfect now!

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Hello again, now I have a weird problem. I changed the Wi-Fi in my house (the SSID and password) and all my Tapo related Dashboards stopped working (I readded all the Tapo plugs back to my Tapo app, so they are working but not via Hubitat).

I re-scanned the Tapo devices from HE but it didn't find any. So I re-entered my TP-Link password, then re-scanned, this time it only found 4 devices where I have like 10-12. I don't know why it finds those 4 particular ones, it doesn't make much sense to me. I can control all the plugs via my Tapo app, but not via HE.

I will try a full re-install for the integration now, but what might I be doing wrong?

Thank you!

Edit: I just realized the 4 that it can find are Tapo C110s but the ones I need (and the ones that it was able to find before) are Kasa H103s. Why would it all of a sudden stop seeing Kasa ones you think?

Edit 2 & Solution: Okay, I figured it out. I was trying to add the Kasa devices via the Tapo Integration. But there is also a Kasa Integration. I needed to use that one. I re-entered my email and password and scanned - and it found it all. Apologies.

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just added TP110M and the units in energy,energyThisMonth,power dont make sense.

energyThisMonth and power are in Wh and W
energy is in kWh

is it the driver issue or hubitat class using different units ?
the expectation is to use either Wh or kWh for both energy/energyThisMonth
note: the device events unit column is empty though ... which leads me to believe that driver is the culprit

Has anyone managed to get the TP-Link H200 hub connected? I note that the integration has been tested with the H100. I'm trying to get T110 contact sensors working.



Do not understand your question. Are you having a problem with the H200 or with the T110???

First suggestion is read the instructions. Most common error is not installing the required DRIVERS (two) - one for the Hub and one for the T110.

As far as helping, logs with associated errors are required to understand what is not working.