[DEPRECATED] Kasa Plug, Switch, and Bulb integration

Thanks for the tip. I can only see stats for the current month and last month. I was hoping to see a current power usage level, similar to what the Kasa App shows. For example to use to determine when an appliance might be in use or finished a particular activity. Is that something that you can get from the device?

You should be getting current power and today's usage. Try refreshing several times. If you are not, turn on debug logging and press refresh. Then post here.

Here's two refreshes with the debug logging turned on

dev:1952019-09-01 01:19:28.144 debugBedroom Dehumidifier 4.3.04 refreshResponse: status = [dev_name:Smart Wi-Fi Plug With Energy Monitoring, hw_ver:2.0, rssi:-53, latitude_i:-327264, err_code:0, type:IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH, longitude_i:1521544, deviceId:8006341C3495231B8C3137878E5DB1601B20DE44, mac:D8:0D:17:CE:4D:F3, active_mode:none, icon_hash:, updating:0, led_off:0, on_time:40864, feature:TIM:ENE, relay_state:1, next_action:[type:-1], alias:Bedroom Dehumidifier, oemId:6480C2101948463DC65D7009CAECDECC, model:HS110(AU), hwId:A28C8BB92AFCB6CAFB83A8C00145F7E2, fwId:00000000000000000000000000000000, sw_ver:1.5.5 Build 181225 Rel.102720]

dev:1952019-09-01 01:19:28.022 debugBedroom Dehumidifier 4.3.04 sendCmd: command = {"system" :{"get_sysinfo" :{}}} // device IP =, action = commandResponse

dev:1952019-09-01 01:19:28.019 debugBedroom Dehumidifier 4.3.04 refresh

dev:1952019-09-01 01:18:40.312 debugBedroom Dehumidifier 4.3.04 refreshResponse: status = [dev_name:Smart Wi-Fi Plug With Energy Monitoring, hw_ver:2.0, rssi:-55, latitude_i:-327264, err_code:0, type:IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH, longitude_i:1521544, deviceId:8006341C3495231B8C3137878E5DB1601B20DE44, mac:D8:0D:17:CE:4D:F3, active_mode:none, icon_hash:, updating:0, led_off:0, on_time:40817, feature:TIM:ENE, relay_state:1, next_action:[type:-1], alias:Bedroom Dehumidifier, oemId:6480C2101948463DC65D7009CAECDECC, model:HS110(AU), hwId:A28C8BB92AFCB6CAFB83A8C00145F7E2, fwId:00000000000000000000000000000000, sw_ver:1.5.5 Build 181225 Rel.102720]

dev:1952019-09-01 01:18:40.267 debugBedroom Dehumidifier 4.3.04 sendCmd: command = {"system" :{"get_sysinfo" :{}}} // device IP =, action = commandResponse

dev:1952019-09-01 01:18:40.265 debugBedroom Dehumidifier 4.3.04 refresh

just realised you might be more interested in this, from the logs for the second plug

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.467 infoKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 Hubit name for device changed to Kitchen Dehumidifier.

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.421 errorjava.lang.ArithmeticException: Division by zero on line 244 (setThisMonth)

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.411 infoKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 Refresh set for every 1 minute(s).

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.400 debugKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 setThisMonth: energyScale = null, cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_monthstat:[month_list:[[month:8, year:2019, energy_wh:4428], [month:9, year:2019, energy_wh:172]], err_code:0]]]

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.391 debugKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 setRefreshInterval: interval = 1

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.357 debugKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 sendCmd: command = {"system":{"get_sysinfo":{}}} // device IP =, action = nameSyncDevice

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.354 debugKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 syncName. Synchronizing device name and label with master = device

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.343 debugKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_monthstat":{"year": 2019}}} // device IP =, action = setThisMonth

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.340 debugKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 updateStats

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.337 infoKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 Scheduling nightly energy statistics update.

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.335 infoKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 Description text logging is true.

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.332 infoKitchen Dehumidifier 4.3.04 Debug logging is: true.

dev:1962019-09-01 01:27:32.312 infoUpdating .

Thanks for discovering this error. The driver has been updated. To install,

  • go to the Driver Code tab
  • select the existing driver
  • replace the driver with the code at the below location
  • go to Devices then the device
  • run Save Preferences.


Check out and reply to me either way (working or not). IF not working. I will need the same logs again.


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Bingo!! I now have the power reading. Thanks Dave.

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Current power reading is working for me now as well with the same model of plug. Thank you.

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Hi Dave,

I appreciate the driver - I'm glad I can use my existing HS110 on my new Hubitat.

I, too, am having trouble getting a real-time power reading. I am, and have been, using the most current version of the driver (v 4.4.01). I've also tried toggling the "Enable energy monitory features" switch several times, refreshing several times, and reinstalling the device a couple times. Everything else seems to work. Any ideas?

FWIW, here are debug logs:

[ev:259]( 07:39:15.003 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Power is 0 Watts.

[dev:259]( 07:39:15.000 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** powerResponse: cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_realtime:[current:0.131451, total:0.089000, err_code:0, power:1.823785, voltage:119.845363]]]

[dev:259]( 07:39:14.902 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:14.896 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** getPower

[dev:259]( 07:39:14.217 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:13.796 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** refreshResponse: status = [dev_name:Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring, hw_ver:1.0, rssi:-62, latitude:42.2, err_code:0, type:IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH, deviceId:8006C6AD0B18DD184F25C95D49FFD628173504D6, mac:50:C7:BF:01:EE:E5, icon_hash:, active_mode:schedule, updating:0, led_off:0, on_time:1214, feature:TIM:ENE, relay_state:1, oemId:FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE, alias:TP-Link, model:HS110(US), hwId:60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61, fwId:00000000000000000000000000000000, sw_ver:1.2.5 Build 171206 Rel.085954, longitude:-83.773485]

[dev:259]( 07:39:13.689 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"system" :{"get_sysinfo" :{}}} // device IP =, action = commandResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:13.685 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** refresh

[dev:259]( 07:39:13.027 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:11.722 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:10.564 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:09.378 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:08.224 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:07.097 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:05.949 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:04.775 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:03.597 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:02.427 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:01.271 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:39:00.124 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:58.979 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:57.007 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:53.678 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:52.404 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:51.295 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** setEngrToday: [emeter:[get_monthstat:[month_list:[[month:9, year:2019, energy:0.089000]], err_code:0]]]

[dev:259]( 07:38:51.146 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_monthstat":{"year": 2019}}} // device IP =, action = setEngrToday

[dev:259]( 07:38:51.143 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Power is 0 Watts.

[dev:259]( 07:38:51.111 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** powerResponse: cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_realtime:[current:0.131294, total:0.089000, err_code:0, power:1.819564, voltage:119.880405]]]

[dev:259]( 07:38:50.506 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:50.497 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** getPower

[dev:259]( 07:38:50.483 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerPollResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:48.063 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Last month's energy stats set to 0 // 0

[dev:259]( 07:38:48.038 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** setThisMonth: energyScale = null, cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_monthstat:[month_list:[[month:9, year:2019, energy:0.089000]], err_code:0]]]

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.757 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** refreshResponse: status = [dev_name:Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring, hw_ver:1.0, rssi:-63, latitude:42.2, err_code:0, type:IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH, deviceId:8006C6AD0B18DD184F25C95D49FFD628173504D6, mac:50:C7:BF:01:EE:E5, icon_hash:, active_mode:schedule, updating:0, led_off:0, on_time:1188, feature:TIM:ENE, relay_state:1, oemId:FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE, alias:TP-Link, model:HS110(US), hwId:60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61, fwId:00000000000000000000000000000000, sw_ver:1.2.5 Build 171206 Rel.085954, longitude:-83.773485]

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.627 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_monthstat":{"year": 2019}}} // device IP =, action = setLastMonth

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.624 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** This month's energy stats set to 0.09 // 0

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.611 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** setThisMonth: energyScale = null, cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_monthstat:[month_list:[[month:9, year:2019, energy:0.089000]], err_code:0]]]

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.541 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"system" :{"get_sysinfo" :{}}} // device IP =, action = commandResponse

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.538 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** refresh

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.513 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_monthstat":{"year": 2019}}} // device IP =, action = setThisMonth

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.510 pm [debug]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** updateStats

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.481 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Scheduling nightly energy statistics update.

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.466 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** ShortPoll set for 1

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.464 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Refresh set for every 15 minute(s).

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.462 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Description text logging is true.

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.460 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Debug logging is: true.

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.429 pm [info]( **TP-Link 4.4.01** Device IP set to

[dev:259]( 07:38:47.368 pm [info]( ..

I will look into the problem.

to clarify, when you selected the Energy Monitor feature in preferences, you then ran Preferences?

Enable debug logging and run Preferences again. I need to see if the energy monitor setup is properly setting up.


Following is is the debug log after I clicked "Save Preferences". After I did this, I did turned on the space heater that I have plugged into the HS110; still no power reading. I checked the Kasa app and it is reporting 754 watts - so the plug is working and the draw is sufficient that the lack of a "power" reading in Hubitat shouldn't be due to a rounding or truncating issue.

dev:2592019-09-24 05:26:00.809 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Energy is 0 kilowatt hours.
dev:2592019-09-24 05:26:00.788 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 setEngrToday: [emeter:[get_monthstat:[month_list:[[month:9, year:2019, energy:0.177000]], err_code:0]]]
dev:2592019-09-24 05:26:00.672 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_monthstat":{"year": 2019}}} // device IP =, action = setEngrToday
dev:2592019-09-24 05:26:00.669 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Power is 0 Watts.
dev:2592019-09-24 05:26:00.664 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 powerResponse: cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_realtime:[current:0.135035, total:0.177000, err_code:0, power:1.854120, voltage:122.686317]]]
dev:2592019-09-24 05:26:00.540 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}} // device IP =, action = powerResponse
dev:2592019-09-24 05:26:00.534 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 getPower
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:59.609 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Last month's energy stats set to 0 // 0
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:59.575 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 setThisMonth: energyScale = null, cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_monthstat:[month_list:[[month:9, year:2019, energy:0.177000]], err_code:0]]]
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:59.404 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 refreshResponse: status = [dev_name:Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring, hw_ver:1.0, rssi:-59, latitude:42., err_code:0, type:IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH, deviceId:8006C6AD0B18DD184F25C95D49FFD628173504D6, mac:50:C7:BF:01:EE:E5, icon_hash:, active_mode:schedule, updating:0, led_off:0, on_time:164783, feature:TIM:ENE, relay_state:1, oemId:FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE, alias:TP-Link, model:HS110(US), hwId:60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61, fwId:00000000000000000000000000000000, sw_ver:1.2.5 Build 171206 Rel.085954, longitude:-83.]
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:59.091 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_monthstat":{"year": 2019}}} // device IP =, action = setLastMonth
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:59.088 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 This month's energy stats set to 0.18 // 0.01
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:59.072 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 setThisMonth: energyScale = null, cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_monthstat:[month_list:[[month:9, year:2019, energy:0.177000]], err_code:0]]]
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.998 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 sendCmd: command = {"system" :{"get_sysinfo" :{}}} // device IP =, action = commandResponse
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.996 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 refresh
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.971 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 sendCmd: command = {"emeter":{"get_monthstat":{"year": 2019}}} // device IP =, action = setThisMonth
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.968 pm debugTP-Link 4.4.01 updateStats
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.946 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Scheduling nightly energy statistics update.
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.945 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 ShortPoll set for 0
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.942 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Refresh set for every 15 minute(s).
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.940 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Description text logging is true.
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.938 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Debug logging is: true.
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.891 pm infoTP-Link 4.4.01 Device IP set to
dev:2592019-09-24 05:25:58.847 pm infoUpdating ..

I just noticed in the logs that the 'power' variable is correct and does update when refreshed. So, it appears that the problem is that it is not updating in the "Current States".

dev:2592019-09-24 05:42:25.604 pm debug TP-Link 4.4.01 powerResponse: cmdResponse = [emeter:[get_realtime:[current:6.336879, total:0.238000, err_code:0, power:747.083222, voltage:118.206375]]]

New Update 4.5 now on GitHub. I am combining some driver files into single files. Update steps:

  • Update Application file with new file
  • Update relevant Driver files with new files
  • Start the logs page in Hubitat
  • In each device:
    1. Turn on debug logging in preferences
    1. Run "Save Preferences"
    1. Execute some of the command in the device, looking at attributes, etc.
    1. Review logs for ERRORS and WARNINGS for the device.
    1. Turn of debug logging and run Save Preferences.
  • After testing all, evaluate and provide anomalous data here.


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The new update should solve your problem.

Note: I do not have a HS110, so I combined the driver files with the HS300 multi-plug. That way, I am able to test all functionality except basic communications. I then tested as a HS-110 device (to a surrogate device) to validate that the code generates the expected commands.


I scanned this thread but didn't see this answer. I've done all the setup on the PDF and installed the HS200. It just blinks amber/green which I assume indicates it isn't sitting on my network. The App also doesn't find it, of course. Is there something I need to do to get the switch on my home wireless network other than powering it up? I've also done a basic and a factory reset on it. Moved it into the same room with my wireless router. No change. I'm sure I've missed something despite using the PDF instructions to install this. Do I have to use their app to install it initially? Guidance would be appreciated!

I had to use the Kasa app to install the devices. You can then go into your router settings and make their addresses fixed, so that if your router reboots they don't get a different IP address.

You must first install the device using the Kasa App. That app sets the device up on the network.

Edit. This process connects to the device on it's factory wifi address and connects it to your local wifi.

Thanks for the replies. I was afraid of that but thought it would be a step in the App Doc PDF if it was necessary. I was really hoping not to have yet another random App invading my phone data, even temporarily. And yes, I am one of those tin-foil-hat people. One reason I chose Hubitat to begin with.

I love tin-foil. After you set up the device, use my Kasa Tools to unbind the devices from the Kasa Cloud (then the cloud will no longer control the devices). You could also delete the Kasa phone application (you do not need it anymore). Just remember your password so you can re-install in case of problems (sometimes the devices reset to factory default).

I keep my Kasa app as a backup in-case the hub fails. I also keep it since I am continually developing/checking drivers.


After using the Kasa app on my Android, I go to the phone's system apps page and do a "force stop" on the app. It will not run again until I manually start it. This has the added benefit of reducing battery usage.