[RELEASE] Tile Builder - Build Beautiful Dashboards (Grid 2.0 Released)

Interesting, I just tried it with the other variables types.

They show in the device list like this.

and I can access them in the normal way.

Are your variables created using the first dialog or through some other means?

I don't have any connectors associated with the variables. And I take back my earlier statement: even the Boolean variables don't show up. Only the variables with defined connectors. Here's what my hub variables look like:

I see, so you are saying that if I use the method you linked to earlier then the variables are accessible even without creating the connector. Got it. I'll have to think how I could integrate that. Bit of a pain to have to integrate two separate pickers, one for devices and a seperate one for hub variables, but I'll figure out something.

I second this statement. Tried to add a variable to one of my tiles. The new variable has no connector and it does not show up in the device list.
A previous variable that has a connector is showing in the list.
If it matters, the new variable was created using hub mesh from a different hub.

I have released Version 1.2.1 of Multi-Attribute Monitor.
These are the release notes:
Cosmetic Changes to the Menu Bar and Title.
Adds a counter to a comment field for results > 1024 which ensures that every update is unique and causes the file to be reloaded in the Dashboard on any change.
Fixed documentation link to point to Tile Builder Multi-Attribute Monitor Help instead of main Tile Builder Help file.
Added Character(s) Replacement Option to work with Zigbee Monitor Driver.

The main fix is to the handling of files > 1,024 bytes which were not automatically refreshing on the dashboard when the contents changed. This now works as expected.

Any issues please let me know.


For Tile Builder Advanced users I will draw your attention to the my recently published Zigbee Monitor Driver which you can read about here.

It was built in such a way that allows Multi-Attribute Monitor to present the data in the familiar tabular form despite the fact the 2nd column contains two pieces of data and has a one to many relationship.

This is a view of a single repeater:

In my case I'm running the driver on all my repeaters as it supports dedicated repeaters or simple switches so I can see my whole network at once.

To get started make sure you have the newest version of Tile Builder Advanced - Multi Attribute Monitor (V1.2.1 - 11/3/23). Everything works the same way, but to get the comma separated fields to format using the Horizontal rule you must select "Replace Chars" in the Rules field and it will format correctly. The formatting characters can be changed under Highlights-Show\Replace Chars.

If you like this style you can import it like this:
Go to the Style Tab
Click on Show Import\Export
Copy this string to where it says Paste Basic Settings Here!
[#A00#:Zigbee Repeater Map @ %time%[br][i]LQI - Repeater (*Parent), #B00#:Siblings, #bc#:#000000, #bfs#:18, #bm#:Collapse, #bo#:1, #bp#:0, #br#:0, #bs#:Solid, #bw#:2, #comment#:?, #customHeight#:190, #customWidth#:200, #fa#:Center, #fbc#:#bbbbbb, #fc#:#000000, #fs#:60, #ft#:%time%, #hbc#:#c0504d, #hbo#:1, #hc1#:#008000, #hc10#:#F00, #hc2#:#CA6F1E, #hc3#:#0F0, #hc4#:#00F, #hc5#:#F00, #hc6#:#008000, #hc7#:#CA6F1E, #hc8#:#0F0, #hc9#:#00F, #hp#:0, #hta#:Center, #htc#:#000000, #hto#:1, #hts#:100, #hts1#:100, #hts10#:100, #hts2#:100, #hts3#:100, #hts4#:100, #hts5#:100, #hts6#:100, #hts7#:100, #hts8#:100, #hts9#:100, #iFrameColor#:#bbbbbb, #id#:qq, #isAlternateRows#:true, #isBorder#:true, #isComment#:false, #isCustomSize#:false, #isFooter#:false, #isFrame#:false, #isHeaders#:true, #isOverrides#:true, #isTitle#:false, #isTitleShadow#:false, #k1#:,, #k2#:?, #k3#:?, #k4#:?, #k5#:?, #ktr1#:[hr], #ktr2#:?, #ktr3#:?, #ktr4#:?, #ktr5#:?, #myKeywordCount#:0, #myThresholdCount#:0, #rabc#:#f2dcdb, #ratc#:#000000, #rbc#:#f2dcdb, #rbo#:0.3, #rp#:3, #rta#:Left, #rtc#:#000000, #rto#:1, #rts#:75, #shblur#:5, #shcolor#:#000000, #shhor#:0, #shver#:0, #ta#:Center, #tbc#:#c89393, #tbo#:1, #tc#:#000000, #tcv1#:70, #tcv2#:70, #tcv3#:70, #tcv4#:70, #tcv5#:70, #tff#:Comic Sans MS, #th#:Auto, #titleShadow#:, #to#:1, #top1#:0, #top2#:0, #top3#:0, #top4#:0, #top5#:0, #tp#:3, #ts#:125, #tt#:My Title, #ttr1#:?, #ttr2#:?, #ttr3#:?, #ttr4#:?, #ttr5#:?, #tw#:100]
Copy this string to where it says Paste Overrides Here!
#class1#=td:nth-child(1) {text-align:center} |
#class2#=td:nth-child(2) {padding-left:10px !important;padding-right:10px !important} |
It should look like this:

Click on the green button Import Style.
If you like the style you can save it and apply it again in future.

There will be a few more posts on this topic I'm sure, but some will be under the Zigbee Monitor Driver topic. If they are exclusively to do with Zigbee I won't cross post, but if they relate heavily to Tile Builder then I probably will.

Let me know how it goes.


Thanks for this G! I'm going to implement this - it looks incredible insightful.

It really is, although a lot depends on your repeaters. It's only designed for dedicated repeaters and simple switches (on/off only) so a lot depends on the proportion of those that you have.

Tile Builder Attribute and Activity Monitor updated to V1.4.3.
Cosmetic Changes to the Menu Bar and Title.
Adds a counter to a comment field for results > 1024 which ensures that every update is unique and causes the file to be reloaded in the Dashboard on any change.
Added Character Replacement capability similar to MAM
Added some Zigbee Monitor Attributes to Attribute Monitor

Tile Builder Parent updated to V1.4.4
Added new Style called Zigbee Monitor
To make the new Style Appear go to the Parent App\More\Rebuild Default Styles.

If you have more than one instance of Tile Builder you will need to repeat it for each.

If you wish to report on your Zigbee Repeaters you can now do that fairly simply using Attribute Monitor as shown below. Only thing not visible is replacing "," with "[hr]" in the Highlights tab.

If any of the Advanced Users have created a style they particularly like or are proud of and would like to share with others please PM me. I'd be happy to add some new styles to TB (but color\style is not my forte) and you could give it whatever name you want.


In the Multi Attribute Monitor would it be possible to add another attribute from the same device on a single line? My thinking is to either add another attribute column or replace Item Name with another attribute. I have a couple of tiles I would like to create but need the 2 attributes on the same line. Thanks.

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I had been mulling over a multi-dimensional grid but that does not make a lot of sense for MAM as the rows will have all different kinds of units. What I'm thinking of is adding variables.

Let's say you could have 5 variables, var1 - var5. You could assign these to any device\attribute that you wished. You could then put these anywhere in a text field by putting %var1% in the field. Or multiples like %var1% [hr] %var2% [hr] %var3% and it could look like the screenshots of the Zigbee Monitor except the data would be drawn from multiple devices\attributes.

Won't help with what I want to do. I want a way to assign an attribute to the item name column.

How about allowing the Item Name to be either static text or an attribute from the device?

Examples with attributes from same device:

LO temp - HI Temp

Date - Value

The Item Name is a text field so using %var1% would be a valid input and give you the result you want. Give me a few more examples of left and right attribute values that you are likely to use to see if I see any issues with this approach.

How do I assign an attribute from the device to %var1% ?

I have yet to write that feature, but it's next on my list so give me a week or two.

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I'm getting pretty close on this. Code is mostly done, just tweaking here and there and have to update the documentation. Should be out next week sometime and then you'll be able to do what you were asking for, which was to be able to have attribute values in the left and right side of the table. Plus quite a bit more.

Would you do me a favor and send me a screenshot of all of the attributes in your Weather Underground device. I'm using Open Weather and have added some support for that but it may be generic enough that it would work on WU as well but I don't have it and I don't think it's free.

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sent you a PM

and, thank you.

Hi everyone, I've been working on an update to Multi-Attribute Monitor Advanced to allow for greater control over location of content. Here is an example:

I can place data on either column 1 or 2 and I can have multiple pieces of data in a single cell as well as have each piece of data be independently formattable. For example the numbers in blue are formatted by a rule <= 32. Wind direction is formatted by a Format Rule.

But here's the rub, I'm just not finding it quite friendly enough and it takes longer than I'd like to create the output I want. I know how to fix it to make it both more powerful and more intuitive but it requires a change in the paradigm that I believe would make 100% backwards compatibility very challenging. But the plusses are pretty big:
The ability to have additional columns.
Be able to re-order the cell contents without having to re-pick devices or attributes.
All the capabilities shown in the above image.

This example shows my old MAM table on the left and my updated version on the right. I think it has the potential to offer significant improvements in the information density as well as more natural and intuitive layouts.

What I'm thinking is to hold off on this interim release and create a brand new module with all the capabilities described above that can be run alongside Multi-Attribute Monitor but does not offer a migration path. Multi-Attribute Monitor would remain in its current incarnation and I would still support it, but it's capabilities will be majorly eclipsed by the new module.

Please share your thoughts, especially those with TB Advanced to which this is mostly applicable.

We are so grateful and lucky to have you and all of your creations. My dashboards have never looked so good.:slight_smile:

I am all for the new advanced MAM.

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My main use case is the "climate tile", where I would like to have both temperature and humidity for 5-6 sensors.
Currently, I have two separate tiles side by side for this purpose.

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