[RELEASE] The Flasher - Flash your lights based on several triggers

Cool. I have Apple so it’ll be my first attempt with Matter.

Thank you

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Wow very easy to set up in using Apple Matter then pair it to Hubitat. Whole thing took like a minute to setup. Matter is an impressive protocol!

But ……

The bulb only slow dim on the slow dim off. The flasher app work with this bulb however since it not instant on and instant off l, it easily missed when it’s flashing. I already check bulb configuration and there doesn’t seem a way to set it to instant on/off unless I am missing something.

Even if I hit button ON it still slowing dim to on status not like instant on.

I have purchase other brand bulb like this before only to return it because manufacturers told me that how they programmed it this way and it not configurable on user end.

Sengled bulb was one of those bulb that are instant on/off and could be configured to dim on or off

Anyone know any other brand RGB bulb that are instant on or off ? I’ll buy and try it then report it here.


Does your Matter bulbs gradually comes on or gradually goes off? If it instant on/off, what brand is it or do you have link for it?

The bulbs I got off of Amazon is not instant on/off so it's easy to miss it unless you are looking directly at it. Is there any other RGBw bulbs brand you know of that will work with your flasher app?

Thank you.

The Matter bulbs I have are the ones I posted. They turn on super fast but ramps down when turning off. Takes about 2 seconds to turn off.

In my house I use Philips Hue for any lamp that doesn't have a switch. If it has a switch, then it's Lutron Caseta and a generic LED bulb.

Hope this helps.

Strange, the ones I got that you posted ramp up and ramp down off. You right about taking 2 second to ramp down but it also taking about 1-2 second to ramp on as well too. Ramp down is longer than ramp up but the ramp speed is still too soft to attract attention if it was flashing.

The Philips Hue bulb, is it instant on/off or have ramp to on and ramp down to off? Can it be paired to Hubitat without Philiips hub?


The Hue bulb can be set to the timing you would like from ASAP to 5s. They also have a 'Flash' option that is what you wuld be looking for. Instant on/off/on/off,etc. I have all of mine connected to the Hue hub and brought in using CocoHue but the bulbs can be paired to HE directly.

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And yes they can, look at "innr" lamps as well I think they are better than Philips. They can also do instant on and off along with loads of other features.

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Thanks for the tip!

I ordered a pair to try it out. A bit pricey but if it does what I need it to do then it’ll be worth it.

I got the innr bulb which have all the option you described on Hue bulb. I like it so far but I like the bulb built in flasher feature. Is there a setting in Flasher app that I could set it to use bulb built in flasher instead of flasher app timing between flashes?

I am also testing it out in Rule Machine 5.1 to see if it doable using bulb own flasher and I got it flashing but I am struggling on getting it to flash more than 3 flashes and how to return the bulb to previous state before it was triggered to flash.

@BorrisTheCat Thank for tip on innr bulb. I like what I am seeing so far but not there yet. Hopefully, it the bulb that will work for me.

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I'll take a look this weekend.

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New version...

1.3.4 - 03/01/24 - Added ability to use devices built in Flash option


The updated flasher works but it could be the limitation of Innr bulb.

By default, the Innr bulb build in flasher only flashes 3 times and always return to ON state even if previous state was OFF.

When I use the updated flasher app and set it to 10 seconds with red RGB.

Innr bulb RGB was set to yellow (for testing purpose) and OFF. When flasher was triggered, it did come on and turn red RGB then only flashes 3 times then stay ON in red and at 10 second it turned back to yellow RGB but still stay in ON state. It did not go back to OFF state.

I already check over Innr bulb configuration and don’t see a way to increase the number of flashes or to set the ON / OFF state to previous state after flashes so I am guessing it the Innr bulb limitation or something I am missing in the setting.

Would Hue bulb be better for this app or am I missing a configuration on the Innr bulb to make it work with this flasher app?

So close, I am excite about it.

When it comes to bulbs, there is Philips Hue and then there is everything else. Leave them attached to their hub and bring them into HE via one of the two user apps (I use Cocohue) and you'll never have a problem again!


I plan to get Philips Hue bulb to try it out but you said hub. Do you mean Philips Hue hub?

I went and ordered this one

On sale with $40 off and it got a hub with it,

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It works but somewhat lol ….

The Hue bulb does flashes but it like 100% 50% 100% 50% 100%.

I wanted 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% flashes.

I did clicked on Flash in bulb configuration and it flashes exactly what I wanted not down to halfway dim then back up to full dim.

Another thing is that it dim slowly to off even I have it set ASAP in the bulb configuration under transaction setting and bulb seems to stay at default setting.

I am using Hue Bridge linked to Hubitat with app you mentioned in your post.

Am I missing a setting somewhere?

I look in bulb setting on Hue iPhone app and only setting it give me is to change the name of bulb. There no other configuration on Hue app.

How do I set transaction to ASAP on Hue bulb since configuration in Hubitat doesn’t seem have any effect to it. Other configuration works fine in Hubitat.

So close but getting excited.

Can anyone help me out here?


I think I know what's going on. Let me wrap my head around this and I'll give some things a try this afternoon.

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Awesome and Thank you!

How it's coming?

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New version :smile:

1.3.5 - 03/14/24 - Built in Flash now works better