Yes, the device you linked to is the one I have. Feit Electric DIM/WIFI Dimmer Template for Tasmota
I reviewed the settings from that page and applied them to the device. My settings were definitely not correct when I compared them. It still didn't work, but then I did a hard power cycle by flipping the circuit breaker.
I had noticed in this thread that one user said they had to power cycle it, by which I interpreted it to mean to completely remove power from the switch. It started working after the power cycle.
Tested and it's working in Hubitat for on/off, but I don't have any dimming functionality. The dimming functionality does work if you go to the Tasmota device web page. Well, two steps forward, one step back I guess.
[EDIT]I got dimming working in HE! Changed the child device type to "Generic Component Dimmer" and now I can control the dimming on my dashboard object for the dimmer!