I have reworked my Tasmota Sonoff driver. It now supports many different SONOFFs using the same driver:
Sonoff Basic
Sonoff 2R
Sonoff 4CH
Sonoff TH
Sonoff POW
I have also added support for MQTT to get live parsing rather than requesting regular HTTP updates. This has reduced the network traffic on my hub as most of the LAN work is now being done by the MQTT broker running on a Raspberry PI.
Looks driver is designed to work with oficial Tasmota firmware ?
As far as understood - no discovery option, device added only manually by IP ?
Is it require static IP adresses for devices ?
Or here
if (json.containsKey('SonoffIPAddress')){
IPAddress = json.StatusNET.IPAddress
sendEvent(name: "IPAddress", value: IPAddress)
can be also changed IP of device in HE config ?
P.S. Pls explain - is inching feature (available in ewelink, f.e.) is a part of device/tasmota firwmare ? Can it be confgured from HE ?