I have been using the RF bridge with my Tasmota port located here:
The driver needs to be customized currently though. In the parse section you will see this:
if (result.containsKey("RfReceived")) {
if (result.RfReceived.containsKey("Data"))
log.debug "Data: $result.RfReceived.Data"
switch (result.RfReceived.Data) {
case "321222":
events << buttonEvent(1, "pushed", "physical")
case "321228":
events << buttonEvent(2, "pushed", "physical")
case "321221":
events << buttonEvent(3, "pushed", "physical")
case "321224":
events << buttonEvent(4, "pushed", "physical")
You basically need to watch the log while you press the button on the RF device. Then assign the code received to a button event. For example, code 321224 is assigned to button 4 pushed in the code above.
You can then use all of those button events in RM or other automations.