[RELEASE] Snapshot Lite - Monitor switches, contacts, locks and temps. Easily get a notification by device, speech and push

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Introducing 'Snapshot Lite'
Monitor switches, devices, contacts, locks and temps. Easily get a notification by device, speech and phone.


  • Trigger by HSM Change, Mode Change, Motion, Presence, Switch On, Time or Thermostat Heat/Cool
  • Select only the devices you want
  • Works with switches, contacts, locks and temps
  • Let the app know whether the device should be on or off
  • Only report on devices that are not the status they should be at any given time.
  • Turn on a switch if something isn't right.
  • Receive notifications on demand with both voice and push options.
  • Great for checking the house before setting the alarm or going to bed.
  • Parent/Child App structure
  • Create as many child apps as needed

App can be found on my Github:

V1.0.4 - 06/14/19 - Added message to speak when there is no devices out of sync. Will only send push when there is devices out of sync.


Here's an example of how I use it...

Hands free reporting:

  1. Trigger: Switch (Virtual Switch with 'Enable auto off' set to 1s'
    • add the Switch to Google Home app in HE
  2. Setup new routine in the Google Home Assistant App, 'Check the House'
    • Choose 'adjust lights, plugs and more'
    • Select the Virtual Switch to turn on
  3. Now anytime I want to 'check the House', I simply say, "Hey Google, Check the House". BAM, a message is spoken letting me know what's out of sync!


Thanks for sharing this, Bryan. I saved the parent and "lite" child source and installed the app, but when I tried to create a child app, I got a 404 error. I then added the regular child source and was able to create a child app, but it wasn't clear that I was using the "lite" version. Is there an easy way to tell? When would you suggest using the lite version as opposed to the regular?

Looks like I forgot to upload the new 'parent' app. Go ahead and re-download the parent app and you should be all set.

Regular "Full" version is geared to be used with the Dashboard. Gives a great visual display of your devices.

Lite has no dashboard options and is geared towards announcements and push notifications.

Have a play around with both and see which one suits your needs. Like I always say... "Choice is good"!


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New version on Github...

V1.0.4 - 06/14/19 - Added message to speak when there is no devices out of sync. Will only send push when there is devices out of sync.


Thanks! That did the trick. I look forward to giving it a shot...

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Hi, I am trying to use this apps, seams great. The only updated instructions for any one are this:
At Dashboard I pick up template Attribute, then you shuold whait a litle bit like 4min or 5min for options to show up.
I am supposed it has to be trigered first so dashborads shows attribute options to be selected.
Great app, explicit and realy helpfull instructons have being provided, :ok_hand:

Sure... what?! lol :thinking:

With anything dashboard related, yes you have to have data before you can add it to any dashboard. Once you see data in the device, then add it to the dashboard.