[Release] SmartUPS VBS Version

Yea, don't much care about volts/watts, etc.

On battery, and when the batts/time gets low shutdown the hub.

I already had Powerchute managing the server (which I had to uninstall for apcupsd), I just wanted to roll in some hub shutdown protection even though I have the hub protection cloud backups.

Not sure I even need to use eventghost if apcupsd is set in the config to shut down the Win server at 10%/5 minutes remaining as I have it set now.

Yeah I think eventfhost is primarily for scheduling the sending of the data, which you could do as a scheduled task or something similar.

Commenting out line 259 cascades to more errors in the power calculation section...

I can live with it, just that red errors are a bit annoying.

I just did a pull test on the mains and it works as expected. I'll have to work on the deeper stuff like batt% remaining and time on battery later.

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Do a repair of the code.

Comment out lines 179-184.

Set the DNI to the address of the MAC "0A0A0A02" when you create the device.

I just went through setting up Hub Ping and a System Start piston to deal with power outages; proper shutdown and restart.
Then I snoop around this morning looking at old posts and low there is this :slight_smile:
I have a wired APC and this would have saved me all that piddling around. :rofl:


I haven't installed it yet, but I had to dig around to find a download link for EventGhost:

Last post has a good link. Not sure what's going on with the dev, hasn't been on since 9-22.

Not much. It continues working for me so I have not encountered the issue with Event Ghost.

I did find this version of Event Ghost on Github.

That's all the source, I couldn't find an installable exe there.

FWIW, this is good work and I certainly don't mean to crap in your thread, but if I had a Pi, NAS, or other KVM besides my Win10 running VBox (for ES cookie server), I'd probably get NUT Server going with the latest single device driver below.

You needed to open the releases section on the right-hand side of the link @arnb provided. I am using 0.5.0 rc6 from 2018. There is a setup exe in the list of assets.

Thanks, obviously I'm an idiot for not finding that. Honestly, I 've never pulled anything from github except code.

Not really, it's not immediately obvious, and not something I have needed to look for very often myself, with the repo's I have used to-date.

I have eventghost installed and connected.

I guess I'm still a little confused about a few things with the UPS monitor driver.

I can see many attributes in the driver in RM, but only a few (states) are exposed in the driver (and usable on a tile). Why aren't all the attributes exposed in the driver?

The attributes that are shown when the driver is selected in rule manager don't align well with the attributes showing in apcupsd or returned to the driver from the PC. Which one exactly is TIMELEFT?

How are you trying to add the device / tile to the dashboard? Are you selecting the attribute tile template?

Make sure you have the device selected on the left, and I did notice that you need to select the device before selecting the template, i.e. if I chose the Attribute template then selected the device, I still saw a reduced attribute list. If I unselected the template and selected it again (which the device still selected, I then saw the correct list.

Do you see something like this list in the Device Edit page?

If not, there may be something else going on.

Ultimately I'll leave this one for the developer to answer, but in the end if the driver does not include code to interpret the piece of data, it won't automatically appear. You should request an update to the driver / VBS script if there is something you are after.

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I suspect that is going to be timeRemaining

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I do not see all those states. It's never shown more than 3 or 4 states in the driver.

Between this and the java errors still in the driver when events are returned from the PC and all the other issues, I'm not sure I'm going to pursue trying to get this working. There's too much effort for too little benefit for me at this time.

Thanks for the help.

Kindly post an image of your UPS device page.

When I run the smartups.vbs or trigger eventghost refresh

My apcupsd tray status

corresponding section in the driver


It looks like you don't have a NOMPOWER value in APC so the parse is getting tripped up on it. Try just commenting out line 259 (put double slashes at the beginning of the line '//').

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I agree with @FriedCheese2006, the NOMPOWER element is not in the Debug input message. Line 259 should be commented out on your system, then try again. There is a status element value of "" so hopefully it will work.