[Release] Roku Connect integration App and Roku TV Device Handler

I just confirmed, both drivers updated correctly via HPM for me. Please try using Repair feature in HPM

It worked for me, although I do not see any child devices. And the menu looks different from your example.

[EDIT] Nvrmnd....child devices showed up after I Saved Device

The screen shots are old. I have to update them. I am just one person working in this for my personal purposes that I decided to share and it caught on. Which is awesome! But, as I have a full-time job programming, finding time to update things like documentation is lacking. You will find this to be rather common with many systems. Still, that is not an excuse, and I will update them. Thanks for the 411.... it was overlooked over the many changes since I wrote the docs.


Oh, believe me, I completely understand. It's folks like you that really help these platforms grow, and many people, myself included, are very appreciative. I wish I had the time to learn groovy programming so I could help out more. Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

Missed the repair note. Sorry. Working fine now. Thank you.

I don't know what it is about HPM. But I noticed that if you can for updates too aggressively, occasionally it will report no updates, even though there is an update. The repair force downloads the files, rather than considering the local cached data about versions. I have had to do this a few times after updating my manifest files for the package.. HPM picked up the manifest, but not the files related to the manifest. There may be something I am doing wrong when I publish.

Is it possible to use this app to turn the Roku TV off and on?

[EDIT] Let me clarify...the switch works in the HE Dashboard, but not in the Android app. [BETA] Android app for wall mounted tablets

The TV already implements switch capability. Any device supporting switch capability should be able to be commanded as a switch. If it does not work, contact the Android app developer. I cannot offer support for their app. Sorry.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm using a Roku Stick+ that has CEC control of the TV, I add the device through the app, add a button for power and powerOff but neither of these seem to control the Roku device. App buttons work fine, and many keypresses do too...but not for power control. Any ideas?

Does the TV support CEC? Most Roku Sticks do not support CEC, but the TV must also support CEC. Also, are you using an HDMI extension cable? I had a brand new HDMI cable that was supposed to be based on the 2.0 standard but my premier stopped working for CEC, I then plugged a very long 1.2 cable back in, and CEC started working for power again. So, if you have a cable, bypass it, and connect the stick directly into TV. Make sure the TV has HDMI-CEC enabled, and configured for remote power. And finally, make sure the Roku stick really does support CEC, by trying it in another TV, because most of the sticks do not.

Thanks for the speedy reply. Looks like I made an error...my TV recognized the Stick+ as a CEC capable device, so assumed I was "good to go." In doing more research, it appears the CEC support on the Stick+ is minimal and doesn't support turning the TV on and off per this quote from Roku support on their forum: "If you're referring to HDMI CEC functionality, our 1-touch play feature will allow your Roku device to alert your CEC enabled TV to activity when you perform a function on your Roku device, which may allow it to power on and switch to the input that your Roku device is connected to. However, as you noted, this functionality does not allow a Roku device to power your TV off. " Sorry to bother you with this before doing my homework thoroughly....

No worries. I just reviewed their documents and it appears that those Roku sticks probably will work.
There are a few things you must do.

  1. the Roku must not get power from the TV, but from another power source, as most TVs will disable the power on their USB ports when the TV is off.
  2. you must have the HDMI-CEC option on the TV configured to allow for the remote power on/off of the TV.
  3. Enable One-Touch-Play on Roku. Navigate to Settings, System, Control other Devices, and turn on 1-touch-play option

Item 2 is not required, if you know your Roku is powered on and working while the TV is off.

To test, turn on the TV, and wake up the Roku (if it is sleeping) then search the Roku icons for the "TV-Off" icon/shortcut. Select it, and the TV should turn off. To turn the TV on, press the Home button on the Roku Remote. Allow up to 20 or 30 seconds for the TV to be able to receive commands again.

Once both of these are working, then you will be able to use my integration to send the on/off commands and they should work.

Armand, thanks for the great app, I have been using it for over a year and it has worked great. Although the errors have not caused any issues that I know of, I do receive errors in my logs that I wanted to forward to you for what its worth.

Sorry if this was already answered in this huge thread... I've got this running for my three Roku stream+ sticks. Is there a way for Hubitat to know status of things like the button presses or status changes?
My main Roku is finally in a great state for me - I have the CEC all configured correctly and it powers on the Onkyo AV receiver, Sony TV, and mute an volume work and are kept in sync. One simple remote for a happy wife.
I would probably only want a rule machine type of rule for 'Good Night' to turn it all off, or a rule to turn off other smart switches when Netflix launches. Is that the type of things automated?

Also, what are the details of a Roku on a dashboard?

I just bought the YTF IR bridge on Prime Day for the same type of things via Tasmota-IR loaded on it.

Yes. Create a child for Netflix app. You can turn it on/off using the button, and if you set the Roku device driver to refresh app every 10 seconds, the. Within 10 seconds of launching Netflix on the tv, or immediately from launching Netflix in HE, then the NetFlix child device will turn on, and can create a rule based on this child device state.

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Thanks I just tested this and it worked.

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Hello! I get a ton of these logs in my System Log, every 6 minutes it looks like
ssdpTerm roku:ecp 2020-11-26 10:24:05.314 AM PST

I'd like to reduce the noise there in that specific system log, any idea if there is a way to reduce this?
I don't change anything about my Roku setup often if at all, so am wondering if I could increase this command to something longer:

I was thinking of tweaking it before posting here, but I'm not finding the definition of that command, so am a bit stuck on what the options would be to reduce the discovery (if that's possible), or even eliminate it and I'd be happy to manually "discover" through a command if needed.

And Happy Thanksgiving!

That isnt the system logs, it is the events log. I don’t have any control over what appears in there, these are all the events. My personal opinion is that you should not be concerned over the number of events. But if you are, are are free to Terri the code how you see fit — I doubt it will really play any impact on the system whatsoever.

Thinking about this more, I could add a setting in the app to disable auto-detect, when not in the add new roku screens. This means that if you don’t have your Roku assigned to a static IP address, it will fail when the device’s IP address changes. Give me a few days to think about this. I want to make sure I don’t break anything because of this, and that I can clearly communicate the implications of disabling the auto-detect feature before I publish such a change.

But I still think this is unnecessary.

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I have the same issue. I'm getting these in the log
2020-11-27 11:29:42.148 errororg.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) on line 343 (ssdpHandler)

and at the same time these in the event log
ssdpTerm roku:ecp 2020-11-27 11:29:42.089 GMT

Only on my hub with the roku code in.

I have a clean log except for these recurring messages. I'd like very much to not have these messages.

Your code works well with Alexa commands.. Keep up the good work.