[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

I made it through all the steps to get recorder setup, but it is not working, I am getting this error:

The recorder scree is not showing any information

Should it at least be sending something back home if I'm on significant changes and not too stationary (I drove 8 miles away)? I'm not seeing it updating unless I send a manual signal.

Is this iOS or Android? If Android, did you enable it to get a location in the background? Otherwise you'd need to open the app to get location updates. Other causes is battery saver mode, or the app set to restricted battery mode. If you check the very first post, I have a section that shows the 3 settings that you need to toggle in the phone to make the app operate reliability.

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Never seen that one before! Can you confirm in the recorder setup of HE, that your URL looks like this:

I only had the IP address and port i.e When I added the" http://" it works now. Thanks for your help.

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Android. I followed those steps months ago when I added just myself and my wife and it was working, but now that I added the rest of the family it has stopped working. I just double checked and background data is allowed and so is location always allowed. Thinking I'll remove my user, uninstall, and reinstall/setup.

Just wondering if I've messed a setting or something....
The member below is correctly showing as not home and at another favorite location 1.3 miles from home.
But, for some reason the user is shown as being "Home" with the home address, although it clearly shows on the map that the user is connected to a different SSID at a different location !?

Update: it seems that after a "ping" is triggered after about 33 mins, the correct details are now showing.


Which version of the Android App is that? There was a bug posted in the GitHub about one of the recent ones not properly triggering on region transitions.

Just pushed the version with the Friend Groups (1.7.91). There is a new section in "Installation and Configuration":

The inline documentation should explain how this works. Let me know if you run into anything odd!


Android v2.5.6.
This may explain why some history does not get recorded in my case and gets registered as a new line from home.

Hmmm. 2.5.6 should have that fix in it. I pushed it once it got corrected in the main project. Things that can impact location updates are:

  • Battery optimization not set to "unrestricted"
  • Battery saver mode on
  • Locations with poor cellular connectivity (has issues trying to triangular a location)
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Thanks for your reply.
All battery optimisation as per your guidelines are set to "unrestricted" on all 4 member devices.

I am not able to control "battery saver mode" on member devices as this is either turned on by the user and/or when battery level is low.

However, with regards to the battery saver mode and extreme battery saver mode on our Samsung devices, I have noticed that the Owntracks app is not selectable or visible in the battery saver options (all other apps are visible), not sure if this is due to a restriction or something?
It would be great if the app was visible then I could add it to the "Never auto sleeping apps" list.


I don't quite know how Android deals with the battery saver modes. From my experience, it seems that they dictate what gets limited in those modes.

With "unrestricted" battery usage set, it would be defaulting the the "Never auto sleeping apps" -- that is probably why you don't see it on the list. Battery saver is a different beast than this though.

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That's interesting, after changing the battery setting back to default "optimised", it is now visible and I am able to add the app to "Never auto sleeping apps" list.
Will test this on 3 Samsung phones, but this feature is not available on Google Pixel phone.
Also, there seems to be a warning message displayed due to this change.

batteryOptimizations : Optimized/Restricted

Ahh that makes sense. Being "optimized" it can sleep the app as required, but I made the app indicate that this may happen since location updates suffer when that occurs.

Being "unrestricted", it becomes exempt from the "never auto sleeping apps" section since it can operate as required, so it wouldn't now in that menu.

Battery saver mode does supersede the above based on whatever Google does though.