[DEPRECATED] NOAA Weather Alerts

@razorwing Hmmm good question. How does the Google mini’s show up? I thought they were just music devices correct? The Alexa devices have a custom command through Echo Speaks that allows me to capture existing volume, send message at desired volume and then reset volume.

That would be awesome on the Google minis. Here is the device details page if this is what you were inquiring about.

There is a set volume command that works, or at least it appears to work.

Do these show up as a speech or music device?

I think speech.

I have a google mini at the house in a box. Let me research it and see what I can do. :grin:

@aaron Thanks. My mini's are all used as speech.

Another question: are you using the chromecast beta HE built in app or something else?

@aaron I am using the built in chromecast app.

2.2.2 - added global volume/restore for all TTS devices, enabled ability for multiple different TTS device types, added support for Google Devices modified GUI to accomodate.

Warning - there was a good amount of code re-write. You will have to reselect TTS devices.

@aaron Fantastic! That was quick. No problem re-selecting mini's. Thanks for adding that.

2.2.3 - fixed repeat every 5 minutes issue

@waynespringer79 - found the issue! Thanks to you all for having me test Google devices I found the loop in the code. Odd it didn't do this with other selected devices.

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I'll retry adding everything back this evening, probably need it tomorrow more torandoes, still haven't cleaned up from the last one yet...

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@aaron I was so exited about the volume addition that I didn't notice the repeat didn't happen. I updated to 2.2.3 and it immediately played the message again. I assume that was the repeat but just stuck in the Que.

@razorwing Correct. It shouldn’t do it again. Let me know if it does.

Keep me posted as our weather hasn’t been bad enough.

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@aaron Will do. We just got a real tornado watch message that came through so this app is a life saver. Thanks for all the work you have put into this.

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@razorwing and @waynespringer79

So after our BBQ this evening I came back to the computer to work and found a huge but. I believe it is now squashed. This should fix the issues everyone was seeing from not reporting correctly to repeats. I was comparing strings incorrectly which is now fixed. Also, the pastalert state is remaining persistent due to legacy code changes.

My recommendation is to delete and reinstall with below version.

I do apologize about all the fuss.

2.2.4 - fixed installation issue and fixed comparison of alert sent dates issue

@aaron, I deleted the app per your instructions and resintalled. However, when I installed it, every time I click Done, it announces a test on all of my devices that says:

Attention, Attention. null Weather Alert for the following counties: null null null This is the end of this Weather Announcement.

Was this intended?

UPDATE: Apparently this is repeating every 5 minutes. I do not have repeat messages enabled. All I did was recreate what I had prior to the update, and nothing more.

Hmm no it wasn't intended to do that. I have a weather alert in the JSON API feed to maybe that is why I didn't see that. Let me look at one more thing and maybe you can help me real quick?

Yep, I am here. It is repeating every 5 minutes as well......I do not have repeats enabled.