Minoston Door/Window Sensor
Driver Capabilities
- Battery
- Contact Sensor
- Temperature Measurement
- Relative Humidity Measurement
Configurable Options
- Battery report threshold(1% - 20%)
- Low battery alarm report(5% - 20%)
- State of the sensor when the magnet closes the reed
- Delay in seconds with ON command report(door closed)
- Delay in seconds with OFF command report(door open)
- Minimum Temperature change to report(0.5℃/0.9°F - 5.0℃/9°F)
- Minimum Humidity change to report(5% - 20%)
- Temperature Upper Watermark value(0,Disabled; 1℃/33.8°F-50℃/122.0°F)
- Temperature Upper Notification and Association Group Control
- Temperature Lower Watermark value(0,Disabled; 1℃/33.8°F - 50℃/122.0°F)
- Temperature Lower Notification and Association Group Control
- Humidity Upper Watermark value(0,Disabled; 1% - 100%)
- Humidity Upper Notification and Association Group Control
- Humidity Lower Watermark value(0,Disabled; 1%-100%)
- Humidity Lower Notification and Association Group Control
- Standardized device data: FirmwareVersion, ProtocolVersion,Configurable
- Initial Release
- Syntax format compliance adjustment
- delete dummy code
- update ConfigParams as product designed
- update DTH name as product designed
- change lastBatteryReport to record the time of fresh battery
- add lastBattery to record the battery value