That's an odd one.. it looks like something is causing the Life360 API service to crash. Can you try creating a new circle or renaming it? Maybe there's something in the current one that's causing an issue?

Yep, that is the reason. Life360 has made some optimization so that location on the app doesn't change even though gps makes those useless jumps. My point was to ask if there is way to optimize it on your app somehow. I have been trying different variations on webcore piston but seems difficult. I wish there could be additional variable which somehow counts unlikely location changes and reports only real changes.


I already have a few days that have connection error, reading this post I met Life360 +, I followed the instruction to remove my old Life360 Connector, and install again now Life360 +.

But I keep getting the same error below.

Any recommendations?

Sit tight:

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sorry i must have missed this message and haven't visited this thread in a while..

just so i'm understanding this correctly.. you're saying the gps coordinates of the device (user) changes but the location name (address) doesn't change? if so that makes sense to me.. they probably use some kind of reverse lookup service like this one from google. Services like that cost $$ so you probably want to limit their use as much as possible. Maybe they only do the lookup if the user has moved X meters and/or no more than every Y minutes. Also, at a large place like a mall the user could move around a lot but the address won't keep changing.

Anyway, just wanted to see if this is what you're talking about


I saw this was posted in another thread, not sure if you need to update the code as well for the API changes with Life360:

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Address1, Address1prev and coordinates changes according hubitat but life 360 app keeps "address1" same.

It might be something like you just wrote. Most likely it has something to do with saved places. With free account you can add x places and if you pay you can have unlimited. I'm using free version and I'm still using unlimited places and run location changes (notifications) with webcore automation.

I just checked the 360 integration on HE and it seems to be working. Anyone else confirm this?

I don't use this Life360+ version, but my stock/native L360 integration is back to working fine now.

Life360+ and the hook into HD+ are working fine for me, I didn't see the reported issue at all unless I'm missing something.

Hey @jpage4500, great app thanks. I just installed it replacing Bryan’s earlier version. When I toggle html to ON on the device details page, should the html attribute be available from the native hubitat dashboard, or only from your HD+ app? I’m asking because the html’s aren’t showing up either in device details or under dashboard attributes. No errors in the logs.

Wonder if this is just Life360 cloud latency perhaps.

EDIT: for anyone who follows — yep, just Life360 latency. Took about 15 mins, but then all good.

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Yeah that's the downside of the driver not updating fields unless the device location changes.. if you change a setting like that 'show HTML' fields it won't actually get populated until the device location changes.

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Anyone else seeing these errors with Life360+ ? I can't open the app... I get the following message when I try:

Enter Life360 Credentials

Unexpected Error

An unexpected error has occurred trying to load the app. Check Logs for more information.

Error: status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden

When trying to log into the website at: Life360 I get a "Something went wrong. Please try again later." message.

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Getting the same

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Same same here

Yeah, I'm seeing this too. For me the last update happed around 3 PM EST.

I wonder if something changed.. a quick search found this

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I've created a pull request which fixes it: Fixed url and auth token after Life360 migration to cloudfront by jbaruch · Pull Request #14 · jpage4500/hubitat-drivers · GitHub

I'm curious -- I see lots of places where api.life360.com is used -- assuming they'd all need to change too?

also is that USER_AGENT = "com.life360.android.safetymapd" needed as well?

It looks like everything works as it is with the changes I made.

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