[RELEASE] HubiThings Replica

thanks for the quick reply. I believe I had created virtual ST devices and then linked them with the actual physical device through the replica app. I'm realizing that I may have done extra work since the app allows you to create a ST virtual device based on the HE physical, is that correct?

As a result of creating rules individually I only created the most basic rules (on/off/dimmer if applicable), so no health status, or other for locks.
wondering if I'm better off deleting the virtual ST devices and starting from the beginning.
thank you again

For a virtual ST switch/dimmer the 'new' virtual dimmer solution in Replica would be better. And you don't need to use 3rd party virtual solutions since this uses the native ST solution.

For the virtual ST lock...honestly don't know the best direction and probably trial and error. The way locks work between ST and HE is dissimilar and problematic. There is a lot of logic with the ST Physical -> HE Virtual in the Replica driver to make that work. Doing the HE Physical -> ST Virtual will not be as robust.

Got it. Went ahead and deleted the virtual dimmers I had created and used the replica method, as you suggested. Have only done a few to test, but so far it seems to work perfectly well.

With respect to the lock, I have three and only one acts strange. Will delete and try again.

Thank you!

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Before I go to deep down the rabbit hole..

Turns out this device is a BlueTooth device.

Does Repica support devices connected to the ST App that are connected via BT.

If you can you see the device in the HubiThings OAuth device subscription picker, then it should be supported (only exception known are the Samsung Tags which have no data). If the device is not in the list, then sorry it isn't supported.

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New release Replica 1.3.10 supporting the SmartThings Virtual Lock and all ST Virtual devices will be updated with default values upon creation. Updates to 'Replica Location Knob' with more AQI information, Level fix in 'Replica Fan Control'. Minor static updates to several other drivers.

Install instructions here with HPM updated to match.

Replica 1.3.10:

  • SmartThings Virtual Lock support
  • SmartThings Virtual devices updated to default values on creation

Replica Location Knob 1.3.3:

  • AQI information


Please see here for new @djgutheinz device handlers and information. These are available in HPM for installation and updates.


Finally got around to adding my Samsung fridge. Thank you very much. :slight_smile:



New release Replica 1.3.11 supporting the SmartThings Virtual Devices API allowing user to build their own ST Virtual devices (see examples below). Expanded UI support editing rules using buttons to enable/disable logging & periodic refresh.

Install instructions here with HPM updated to match.

Replica 1.3.11:

  • Support for building your own Virtual Devices
  • Mute logs/Disable periodic refresh buttons on rules.
  • Updated to support schema.oneOf.type drivers (support for Samsung Microwave)

Replica Switch 1.3.1:

  • Auto off functionality

Replica Location Knob 1.3.4:

  • Weather Icon updates


Please see here for new @djgutheinz device handlers and information. These are available in HPM for installation and updates.


Replica Configuration (Example 1):

SmartThings Virtual Device custom:

Replica Configuration (Example 2):

SmartThings Virtual Device custom:


I want to thank you for creating such an awesome app to make the transition from Smarthings to Hubitat that much easier. I've been able to replicate most of my z-wave and zigbee devices without issue. The only problem I'm having is with my light sensors. I have a Xiaomi Mijia Smart Home Light Sensor. It works fine in SmartThings, but I can't seem to find a corresponding Replica driver for light sensor.

I'm using the Replica Multipurpose sensor, but it doesnt show the 'illuminance' property in WebCore. Is there an available Replica light sensor that will expose this property? Thank you.

Send me the JSON structures inside your current Replica driver. I can see what properties are missing. Please post them like this:

Please remind me how do I update a Microwave driver?
I tried all possible options via HPM. Everything was somewhat updated (I hope, it did not brake)
except for the Microwave driver.

Thanks. Here is the driver summary information for Replica Multipurpose Sensor (from 'Driver's Code' in Hubitat portal):

Replica Multipurpose Sensor
AccelerationSensor, Actuator, Battery, Configuration, ContactSensor, Refresh, TemperatureMeasurement, ThreeAxis
2023-07-09 2:08:40am EDT


capabilities: {"components":[{"attributes":{"illuminance":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"unit":{"default":"lux","enum":["lux"],"type":"string"},"value":{"maximum":100000,"minimum":0,"type":"number"}},"required":["value"],"type":"object"}}},"commands":{},"ephemeral":false,"id":"illuminanceMeasurement","name":"Illuminance Measurement","status":"live","version":1},{"attributes":{"battery":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"unit":{"default":"%","enum":["%"],"type":"string"},"value":{"maximum":100,"minimum":0,"type":"integer"}},"required":["value"],"title":"IntegerPercent","type":"object"}}},"commands":{},"ephemeral":false,"id":"battery","name":"Battery","status":"live","version":1},{"attributes":{"availableVersion":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"currentVersion":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"lastUpdateStatus":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"enum":["updateSucceeded","updateFailed"],"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"lastUpdateStatusReason":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"lastUpdateTime":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"pattern":"^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-?(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-?31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-?02-?29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):?[0-5]\d:?[0-5]\d(?:.\d{3})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?::?[0-5]\d)?)$","title":"Iso8601Date","type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"state":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"enum":["normalOperation","updateInProgress","insufficientStorage"],"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}}},"commands":{"checkForFirmwareUpdate":{"arguments":[],"name":"checkForFirmwareUpdate"},"updateFirmware":{"arguments":[],"name":"updateFirmware"}},"ephemeral":false,"id":"firmwareUpdate","name":"Firmware Update","status":"live","version":1}]}

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The Summary post above is capabilities for my Xiaomi Mijia Smart Home Light Sensor (using replica multipurpose sensor driver above). I copied this from Hubitat 'Device Details' screen. Please let me know if I should copy from a different location. thanks

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Good evening @Bloodtick_Jones and everyone else who has worked on or uses this app...

Is anyone using this to integrate motion from Ring doorbells and/or cameras? I use this app for ST presence sensors and it has been working great for those. I thought I'd try to integrate my assortment of Ring cameras and doorbells but haven't been able to get them to trigger motion... I currently use the "Unofficial Ring Connect" app, but figured I could eliminate that and get everything through this app...

I have the Ring cameras and doorbells (multiple locations) all subscribed, and the virtual devices on my Hub... Just not getting the motion events like I wanted.

I'm using the "Replica Motion Sensors" driver for the cameras and the "ReplicaMotionSensingDoorbell" driver by @djgutheinz for the doorbells, but getting no motion events on any of the devices... They do show battery status and "online" status... Just no motion.

Are there better drivers I should be using? Am I expecting something that might not be possible?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Hey guys. Did anyone find a way to turn off display lights with hubitat for a Samsung air conditioner?

@Bloodtick_Jones Hope you are doing well... just checking if you had a chance to see why the 'Replica multipurpose sensor' does not support the 'Illumination' property. Thanks

Update your driver to this and go to the device and select "config". LMK if it works and it will be included next HPM release.

Sorry, I haven't completed the oven updates or included the oven in HPM. Hoping to get into this soon, just have some 'things' going on that Hubitat is taking second place. I will need to work with you again on the Oven driver to get it working properly.

Do you see motion in SmartThings? If so, it should be available to be replicated over. If not, probably not. Send the information from the Device "data" section like this and hopefully I can tell.

Thank you and no problem.
I will wait for the instruction(s) when driver will be ready for testing,

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