[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

version 1.0.1024 (beta)

  • fix username/password issue with RTSP connection

Super small change but I'm hoping it fixes the video tile for anyone trying to connect to a RTSP video URL with a username & password. I tested it using IP Webcam (Android app) but I feel like that worked for me in the past too so I want to make sure it works for someone with a 'real' webcam to be sure.

Anyway, just to summarize.. if you want a live video feed and have a camera that supports RTSP, add a new 'video' tile and enter the URL in the format: rtsp://USERNAME@PASSWORD:IP_ADDRESS:PORT/path. For example, rtsp://username:password@

Some of the above fields are optional.. for example USERNAME@PASSWORD: is only required if you need to login. :PORT is also optional but will default to 554 if not specified.

version 1.0.1027 (beta)

  • fix RTSP URL
  • reconnect RTSP connection if it fails
  • show temp icon color in blue/red if cooling/heating

Looks like fix earlier today wasn't quite right. It did work for me but I'm trying to get this to work for everyone else who wants to stream their video cameras as I don't have one that supports external streaming.

Also, quick correction.. RTSP format should be: rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP_ADDRESS:PORT/path

  • 1 non-video change.. I changed the little icon behind the temperature to blue/red if the thermostat is cooling/heating.
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@jpage4500, finally, I have my dashboard working with Fully Kiosk the way that I want. Your dashboard app is perfect for me. Great job with everything. I am very interested to see this project grow.

This is a great application!
A quick question:
In the Hubitat App (from Hubitat), there are two lines:
Enable Custom Dashboard
Can I put in a URL, and get your dashboard?

Sorry but no, because Joe's app is just that, a standalone Android app.

Have you noticed that it is the smallest, fastest app you have? It sure is for me and it's a testament to Joe's knowledge and skill that it is so. He's amazing!


I couldn't agree with you more.
It was so simple to put up a dashboard. Very easy, very quick. And it has the ability to easily move around the tiles, and to modify them. So much easier than the built in dashboard.
"Joe Page for President!"
(I can say that, because I'm a Canadian!)


Is there any way to slightly modify the characters to allow for a full view of the actual percentage open vs the "partially open" words? In other words, I'm more interested in the percentage not being cut off rather than seeing "partially open"... Hope that my request makes sense.

Thank you!

@jpage4500 On version 1.0.1028 I'm not able to change a tile's icons. I'm using a dimmer as a box fan speed controller so the tile shows the appropriate icons for a light dimmer but I'm not able to change them to the built-in fan icons. This tile is the only one in a folder and the folder icon changes when I attempt to change the tile icon but the tile does not. Am I doing it wrong or is it not supposed to work?

I tried this and it worked for me to change to any normal icon. I did notice when I changed to the animated fan (.gif) it didn't work - it showed a white block. Is that the fan icon you used? I'll look at what I did to break animated .gif support.

I really liked the idea of using animated gif's for icons but the 1 issue I ran into is gif's don't allow for transparent backgrounds.. so unless the gif's background color is the same as the tile color it wouldn't look good. I might be able to figure that out in the app (the gif background) and just use that for the rest of the tile.. something I can look into.

Sure, I can change it.. maybe there's no need to show any text and just the percent instead.. let me change it quick. I've got a bunch of other refactoring going on now but I'll try to get it out this coming week

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No. I picked the ones that look like the .gifs but there is no animation and the background is blue, just like the majority of icons.

Thanks, maybe even removing just the "partially" would be enough? "open / 15%" or "open / 100%" and "closed"

Although often I wish that he could port the app to IOS...

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Sent you an email but I figured I could post here to help out everyone. As a long time user of SmartTiles and SharpTools with Smartthings and now Hubitat I find your app to be the most intuitive to use and customize. That said I have a very specific use case that is preventing me from using it exclusively. Web access. I live and work in Chrome OS and thought that installing the app on my Chromebox could be the solution but I am stuck on getting the app to function outside of my home LAN where it functions flawlessly (even on my Chromecast with Google TV). Cloud mode is disabled and I can not figure out how to enable it. I have the appropriate Cloud Access token but can't seem to get the local SSID set. Any suggestions?

Imported setting worked fine.

Screenshot 2021-05-10 7.08.07 PM
Chromebox will not accept the local SSID and keeps stating to set SSID to "null" Putting "null" or leaving the SSID blank does not work. Any suggestions?

version 1.0.1039 (beta)

  • add global PIN protection for sending commands to hub
  • new prompt for toggling devices on/off - displays both options
  • fix fetching cloud token from 'cloud mode' dialog
  • add new click option: prompt, no prompt, read only, etc
  • add PIN protection for individual devices or tiles
  • add option when saving files to save to device / SD Card

Lots of changes here.. requiring a LOT of refactoring in the process. I did my best to test/test/test.. but, as usual please let me know if you see any issues and I'll try to fix them ASAP.

The biggest change is giving more control over what happens when you click on a device tile. You have the following choices:

  • Toggle = always toggle device state - on/off, open/closed, etc, regardless of device type
  • Prompt Some = Prompt for device types locks, valves, garage doors
  • Prompt All = Prompt for all device types (such as lights)
  • Read Only = No action when clicking on any device tile (except things like folders)

  • In addition to above, there's a new "Lock Hub Commands" option. When enabled, a PIN is required to send ANY command to your hub. Basically, a global PIN prompt.

  • If you don't want a global PIN prompt but still want to PIN protect a given device or even folder - that's now available too. When set, a PIN is required to send a command to that device (or view the given folder).

    • NOTE: if BOTH a global PIN and device PIN are set, the global PIN is used
  • The prompt that you see has also changed. Instead of the prompt: "Do you want to turn the lights on?", I'm now showing both options. It'll just give more control in case you want to send the 'on' command to a device that's already on or if the app/hub isn't in sync with your device.


version 1.0.1043 (beta)

  • allow multiple WIFI AP's (SSID) to be entered into cloud mode dialog

It's 2-for-Wednesday :slight_smile:

With this version, I tried to improve the Cloud Mode dialog and logic.

  • If you want to force the app into cloud mode - just enter anything in the SSID field and hit OK. I'd need help testing for a device that doesn't have WIFI like a Chromebox.. @Paulo
  • You can now enter multiple SSID's - comma separated. Basically, if the current SSID equals any of these the app will be in LOCAL mode -- meaning all requests will be made to the local IP address.
    • I'm not exactly sure the use case for this one.. it was mentioned a while back though. someone who had multiple WIFI AP's with different SSID names for his home network

NOTE: The app still requires location permission in order to use cloud mode. I tried to explain this in the "More info..." button. If I can figure out a better way to auto-detect which one to use without this I'll implement it.. but, as it is this logic has worked pretty solid for my personal devices.

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I'm guessing the Chromebox doesn't have WIFI and thus the logic I'm using to auto detect local/cloud mode isn't working. I tried to address this in the latest version (above). You will still have to grant location permission and enter something in the SSID field - then hit OK. The app should compare your current SSID (which will be 'null' since no WIFI) with this manually entered value and because they don't match - it'll route everything through cloud mode.. at least that's the idea! Let me know if that doesn't work though (and device logs is possible) and I'll try to figure it out)

This should be fixed.. I don't think I mentioned it since it was pretty small compared to a lot of refactoring and big changes..

btw - I found that the "partially open" text comes from the device driver. I'm just looking for it now and showing just the percent open (I think)

windowShade - ENUM ["opening", "partially open", "closed", "open", "closing", "unknown"]

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Still no luck getting cloud mode to work. Updated to the beta version and the Chromebox does have WiFi so I disconnected the Ethernet cable to force a WiFi connection and that still would not enable cloud mode. :confounded:

I also checked that the location permissions were on from both the Chromebox system settings and the Android play store settings.

Anything else I can do to test this?

Thanks for the quick fix for the blinds - works perfectly!