[Release] HubDuino v1.1.9 - Hubitat to Arduino / ESP8266 / ESP32 / ThingShield Integration (ST_Anything)

No. i've not modded the libraries (not intentionally at any rate, i don't think i've even opened them).

I will pull the thing off the wall first to check the interference issue - i'll do the legwork my end before asking you to check the sketch. I'll report back in a few days!

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Anyone else have issues seeing all of your OTA devices in Arduino gui
I couldnt see my new device DogScale_ESP but I removed the Shade_ESP and then the DogScale_ESP showed up... The issue at I see it is that it will show a max of 4 OTA devices in the arduino gui.
Anyone else seen this and have a solution... my only solution is to unplug other OTA devices so that I can program another.

hmmm, somehow i now have them all

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Hi @ogiewon , I pulled the thing off the wall and sat on my bench it has run for over 30 hours without interruption, albeit with only the temp/humidity and illuminance sensors connected. I'd say then its either interference from the electric supply/meter, or something to do with my sketch re the other input pins (as on the bench, these are not getting triggered). If you could cast your eye over it that would be great, hopefully I will manage to embed it below. If it all looks good, back into the cellar for round 3 but in a different location :crossed_fingers:

Edit - couldnt embed but managed to link i think!

Happy to look over it, but not seeing your sketch.

Simply copy and paste it into the posting. Then select all of it, and then click the preformatted text menu item that looks like "</>".

I can see it in the Arduino Cloud link...

Your sketch looks fine to me. I do want to point out that there is something within ST_Anything that could cause an intermittent delay about every 5 minutes. By default, ST_Anything forces a refresh of all device statuses every 5 minutes to the Hub. While this does not take all that much time, in can be perceived if you have lighting automations dependent on motion or contact sensors. If the automatic update happens to be running when you open a door, for example, you might experience a few second delay. This is worsened when you have a large number of ST_Anything devices declared in the sketch.

To work around this, you can modify your personal copy of CONSTANTS.H in the ST_Anything Arduino library folder.

The first option is to completely disable the periodic, automatic updates. Simply uncomment the line below in constants.h, and then rebuild/load the sketch.

The other option is to change the frequency of the automatic updates from 300 seconds to something larger, to reduce the chances of anyone noticing this issue. As you can see below, I have mine set to 900s (every 15min) to reduce the possibility. You can go even higher if you'd like.

Great - thanks for taking a look, it is appreciated. I'll lengthen the refresh period out yes, thanks for the tip. Hopefully I will be able to post a positive result in the next week or so!

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I have a mega and a W5100. They are working fine. Is it possible to upload a new sketch (after updating the existing sketch I suppose) over my network? I know it can be done wirelessly. At this point I would rather keep the wired connection. Thanks

I don’t believe updating over the wire to a MEGA will work, as it has so little memory onboard. To be honest, I have never tried nor researched it, as I have never heard of anyone doing it. In fact, this is the first time anyone has ever requested it in about 7 years of ST_Anything’s existence. :thinking:

Leave to me. :slight_smile:
Thought I would ask. Thanks

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I just recently completed an esp8266 based project with controlling our hot tub. I found the project online. I'm very new to this area of home automation. My ultimate goal is to bring controll and info into HE. Will this do it?

Maybe? It really depends on the requirements you have for controlling your hot tub.

My 80+ year old parents constantly leave their home phone off the hook... they use MagicJack but you cannot reach them if the phone is off the hook.
Does anyone know what I would need to do to detect that its off the hook...then I could feed that signal into a hubduino contact and be able to signal their hub and have their alexa announce to hang up the phone.
HELP : )

Quick search 2 options.

In place of led you could feed a nodemcu or feed a relay with a big blinking light.


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wow, thanks for the assist !

Let us know how it works.

How about this???

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wow that is pretty interesting ...have you actually used that ?
Thanks for finding and sharing..

I have not used it. Just found it doing a quick Google search.