[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

I am! The practicing definitely paid off. And, definitely not intended to be cruel to those that are having issues - I know how frustrating that can be, but the upgrade process went smoothly for me.

Plus, while I don't need it right now - I'm excited for the IP swap feature as well. Several months back I got a new router and reassigned all my device IPs to ones that made more sense. Broke the whole system. After I figured out why my automations weren't working, I had to put back the IPs for my two hubs and restore HE backups to fix it.

A donation immediately followed the successful upgrade. If that is separate from you and the support you have been providing, then at least accept my sincere gratitude for all the work you've done and support you've provided myself and others over the past several months.

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HubConnect 1.5 (hf 1) has been released. It has a fix for those using http between hubs (not websockets) who were experiencing device control issues and getting "null" errors in logs.

Hey guys, I've corrected an issue with http on the remote clients. If you still have 1.5 installed, please re-import the code on all of your remotes, visit the app, and click done. That should fix it.

Those using websockets to connect hubs need not update to this release.


@srwhite - Thank you! The update to v1.5 was smooth and rendered easy by the excellent documentation.

Having issues loading the SmartThings driver. I get the following error when trying to save it.

No signature of method: Script1.include() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [asynchttp_v1] Possible solutions: installed(), evaluate(java.lang.String)

Thanks, confirmed its working on http.

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There are 25 drivers in the SmartThings folder on Github. Which one are you installing? (These are used when 'mirroring' a Hubitat (real) device onto ST. )

On the other hand, there's one HubConnect-Remote-Client app that gets pasted into the My SmartApps tab of the ST IDE.

Ah that might be it... i was trying to install the HubConnect-Remote-Client in HE.

The HubConnect Server application is missing the attribute/capability map for humidity (I inserted below before "illuminance":

// Map containing driver and attribute definitions for each device class
	"alarm":			"alarm",
	"audioVolume":		"audioVolume",
	"battery":			"battery",
	"button":			"button",
	"bulb":				"bulb",
	"carbonMonoxide":	"carbonMonoxideDetector",
	"colorMode":		"colorMode",
	"colorTemperature":	"colorTemperature",
	"contact":			"contactSensor",
	"door":				"garageDoorControl",
	"doubleTapped":		"doubleTapableButton",
	"held":				"holdableButton",
	"humidity":			"relativeHumidityMeasurement",
	"illuminance":		"illuminanceMeasurement",
	"level":			"switchLevel",
	"lock":				"lock",
	"motion":			"motionSensor",
	"power":			"powerMeter",
	"pushed":			"pushableButton",
	"presence":			"presenceSensor",
	"refresh":			"refresh",
	"securityKeypad":	"securityKeypad",
	"shock":			"shockSensor",
	"smoke":			"smokeDetector",
	"speechSynthesis":	"speechSynthesis",
	"speed":			"fanControl",
	"switch":			"switch",
	"temperature":		"temperatureMeasurement",
	"thermostat":		"thermostat",
	"valve":			"valve",
	"water":			"waterSensor",
	"windowshade":		"windowShade"

@srwhite I'm getting the following error on my server hub regarding only "one" of my two remote hubs. Any ideas?

EDIT: It's regarding both remote hubs now. Pretty sure I followed the instructions, guessing I missed something?

EDIT#2 Cancel I think I have it cleared up now. For some reason I had two different Remote Hub Drivers on the server. After checking the utilities it still shown the remote hub driver as 1.4 I deleted the extra driver and updated the remaining driver to 1.5 and seems to have cleared up the logs. Fingers crossed.


updating to 1.5 (hf1) using import on the remote hubs worked fine now.
but I still am not getting the remote hub app version to appear in the "App driver version report"
Things still appear to be working fine though.
I am using event sockets for connection to the remote hubs.

thank you for the software!

It seems I've gotten HubConnect to communicate with my SmartThings hub. I can publish HE devices to SmartThings but i can't seem to get SmartThings dvices published to HE. I am trying to publish a switch which is actually my Samsung TV. I am hoping at the very least I can get HE to turn the TV on and off...

Hubs with Real Devices get Real Drivers... the hub at the other end of the interconnection needs a HubConnect "stub" driver.

Make sure you've gotten the Universal driver added to your Hubitat Hub. If you forgot, add it, then on ST's app, dive back into HubConnect Remote Client and where you selected the device.. you don't have to DO anything, just get that deep into the menus. Done (Save) all the way out and the final Done (Save) will resend the entire list of selected devices to the connected hub, which will build out any that are "new" and skip any that already exist.

That worked thanks!!!!!

Ugh I spoke too soon... HE sees the device now but it doesn't work. I guess the universal switch cannot turn on/off the Samsung TV.... anyone have any luck getting their Samsung TV to be controlled via HE?

It should work. I use it for a Sony TV, and it works OK......

Have you tried from the client hub to see if it works on there...

What does it mean if I get perpetually caught in this:

Did you change the app name in the actual code? The entries missing version information shoud read "HubConnect Remote Client" but they do not. That will break the report if the names are changed.

Could mean one of your hubs is not responding fast enough. Anything in live logs?

I had this happen as well, it also changed the name of my remote hub on the server listing from it's name to Hubconnect server instance. I'm thinking I must have missed a step, I ended up reverting back to 1.4. and will try again when I can pay closer attention to the instruction.

Should have looked there: