[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

You can delete them via the CLI, which could be scripted. You can get it from ST's GitHub Edge repo.

All the web based UIs would be one by one (with an acknowledgement to make sure of each).


Interesting. Thank you. I didn't know it existed. This is the link I found:

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I think it should be noted that Hubconnect isn't dead. It is just the Smartthings environment doesn't support it anymore.

Hubconnect will still work fine between Hubitat hubs


But as a hubitat to hubitat link it's been made redundant by the built in mesh feature.

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I've found the edge app Mira to be very reliable cloning and mirroring hubitat devices to smartthings. All local... So any automations created in the smartthings hub involving hubitat devices will continue to work even without the cloud. This is a step up from even hubconnect or hubithings

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I'm trying to uninstall HubConnect since I can't use it with SmartThings anymore, however it keeps deleting all of my virtual switches that I had connected to SmartThings. I'm still using these switches in several automations and redoing all of that would be a huge hassle. Is there a way to keep these switches when uninstalling HubConnect?

Edit: I should probably add that I was using HubConnect version 1.6.4.

Not sure about HubConnect, but one option would be to add new virtual switches and then use the Swap Apps Device in the settings menu to swap out the old virtual switches for the new virtual switches.


It's been YEARS since I used v1.6.4 and I'm not sure that the option exists.

v2.0 has the option of deleting HubConnect but not removing the "shadow" devices:
Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 7.26.34 AM

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I don't think that would work in my case since they are considered child devices to the HubConnect App.

I was afraid of that. I guess I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Thanks for the replies.

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I believe it would work because they begin as virtual devices that get a HubConnect Driver. But ultimately, they are just virtual devices.

The suggestion was to create an equal number of new virtual devices, giving each a name that is mnemonic and then swap them in and the HubConnect ones out. Eventually then, you would be happy to allow HubConnect to remove all those antique devices :slight_smile:

The other thought I have is to upgrade to HubConnect v2 JUST to get the button to not delete. My only caution is to make sure you have a good backup. :smiley:

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Hey everyone,

I just update all my hubs to and it seems to have broken HubConnect between two physical locations.

The only error I see in the logs is this:

httpGet() failed with error Read timed out

Anyone else experience similar? Two hubs at the same location are connected with no change. My third at a different location is the one showing disconnected... I tried resetting the connection to no avail.

Not my Experience :frowning:

Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 12.51.23 PM

All of mine have been churned over the past couple of weeks with incremental platform updates and I've had no issue. I do update the Hubs one at a time, and just expect HubConnect to work. So far, it's been true. :slight_smile:

SO. forgive me here, is this still an option, I had it , moved to C-8 and things seem to have broke, went into the IDE on my Smartthings and it will not let me do anything, I think the removal of Groovy has busted things. any other options?

There's an alternative called HubiThings Replica that might be what you're looking for...


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