[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

Thanks ogiewon,
ok, so even if I install all the universal drivers for each of my devices, I won't be able to use them with the Smartthings app on my cellphone? This is exactly the reason why I wanted to use Hubconnect :roll_eyes:. The Smartthings mobile app is the only good thing left of this hub... Is there another way to be able to use the Smartthing on mobile app?

By the way, the driver for the dimmers does not install and I have attached the error.

I honestly do not know. I haven't messed with Hub Connect in years. I was just trying to point out the fact that the TILES section is no longer useful as the 'New' ST App ignores it. ST does try to display the correct information as long as the device has a single Capability defined, I believe. So it might work???

Personally, I use HomeKit on my iPhone as a mobile device GUI. I have HomeBridge running on a local always on 'server' system. This works pretty well for basic remote control. I do have a few Hubitat Dashboards as well. And, all of my lighting is either Lutron Caseta or Phillips Hue. Thus, I can use those apps to control lighting in a pinch. "The Home Remote" is another mobile app that worked well in my very limited testing. It utilizes the Hubitat Maker API app to provide its connectivity between your phone and the Hubitat Hub/Cloud. You might want to check it out, as it would be much simpler than configuring Home Connect, IMHO. You might also want to look at ActionTiles and SharpTools, if you're ok with a third party cloud service. Both are mature, robust solutions.


Just curious will the universal drivers work for RC2 if i used HPM? Im very new to hubitat and im trying to be able to use all my smartthings devices in hubitat? Not sure what the difference is in RC1 and RC2

The Drivers are unchanged in RC1 and RC2. HPM installs RC2 drivers.

Ok so I have it connected to my smartthings hub now. It seems like some of the devices from smartthings arent responding to commands i give them from the hubitat UI. For example I go to 'living room lights' and click on and it responds with a little latency but it does work. then i go to 'dining room lights' and try to give it an on command and nothing happens, and both of these lights are lutron caseta smart switches. Just wondering why some things respond to commands and some dont. Like i said im just starting with hubitat so im still learning lol.

Do these Lutron Lights rely on a SmartThings Cloud to Lutron Cloud integration? If so, perhaps the problem lies somewhere in that integration? Sounds like the way you have it configured, you are dependent on the Hubitat hub, communicating with the SmartThings Cloud, communicating with the Lutron Cloud, communicating with your Lutron SmartBridge in your home. That's quite a few hops required to simply turn on/off/dim a light switch. :wink:

May I ask why you don't simply integrate the Lutron lighting locally with Hubitat? Yes, it does require the Lutron Caseta SmartBridge Pro2... but trust me, it is totally worth it. Having the ability to use Lutrron Pico remotes as button controller devices in Hubitat is amazing. No cloud hops or Internet required whatsoever, when using Hubitat's built-in Lutron LAN based integration. It works great, and is lightning quick.


All of what @ogiewon said and double the comment on quick. The Pico's don't just control Lutron devices but ANY activation device on Hubitat. Want a button to go grab a Weather Report and turn on a light to a specific color based on the report?? A Pico can initiate that. (Rules will be required to stitch it together, but the first step could be a Pico button press.)

I use my Pico's to set the dimmer and fan speeds of a Hampton Bay (Zigbee) Fan Controller. Have 4 of those through the house. Press a button, the light is controlled, Long Press (press and hold, release) and the fan speed is set.

Something else you may want to consider is that the legacy IDE at Smartthings is kind of on barrowed time at this point. You may not want to depend on it for much of anything. Unfortunately this great app is 100% a legacy IDE app in reguards to Smartthings. So just be aware whatevwr you figure out now may have to be completely reworked by then end of the year or thay is atleast what i habe heard.

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As noted by others, it is better to use the lutron integration vs using HC for managing lutron caseta devices between systems..

OK, there is a newer integration for Lutron in ST and users with the older integration are starting to experience issues with their lutron devices on ST… mainly a huge lag. To solve that problem, remove your lutron devices and integration, then add it back to resolve any issues.

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So yes youre right its def a lot of hops from hub to hub lol and I actually recently did get a pro bridge to be able to control pico remotes. All my original lutron switches are on my regular lutron hub. I was hoping not to have to uninstall all my lutron devices and move them over lol but looks like thats the only way to get lutron and hubitat to play nice and not rely on all the cloud services in between. and might i add the lutron and hubitat integration with the pico remotes works phenomenally, much better than i thought it would. thank you for the info.

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yep i actually started with smartthings and a regular lutron bridge and relied on the cloud services. I recently got a hubitat to try out and purchased the lutron pro bridge as well to take advantage of the telnet service and use the pico remotes. this integrations works extremely well. I was just looking for a solution to not have to uninstall all my switches on regular lutron bridge and swap to pro bridge, but looks like thats what i will have to do to get reliable automations. thanks for the info guys. the hubitat community seems so much more active than the smartthings community.

So now its telling me my remote hub is offline. It was working fine earlier. What can i check to troubleshoot this issue? Now it is saying warning next to my remote hub in hubitat? what does this mean?

With groovy being EOL and graph ide going the same way will this app work moving forward to connect smartthings to HE?

No it will not. You will need a new solution that uses the new Smartthings APi's.

The ST->HE devices that have broken for me thus far are shades and Virtual group lights.

Also, seems like I can't send over any new lights to HE but the existing ones still work for me. I should have sent over all the devices before the integration began to break.

Eventually it will cease to function at all.

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I installed HubConnect earlier this year and had it running for a while without issues.
Recently the connection to the Smartthings Client Hub started showing as OFFLINE.
After trying to troubleshoot unsuccessfully, I decided to start over and install everything from scratch again.

I have followed the instructions in this thread, and get all the way up to trying to "Connect to Server Hub" from the Smartthings App. I paste the connection key, but always get a "Not Connected :: Error Gateway Timeout" message.
If I look at the logs in Smartthings IDE, I don't get a lot more. This is the error message in the logs:

error httpGet() failed with error Gateway Timeout

Both Hubs have static IPs assigned, and I've double checked they are correct.

Any hints on what I might be doing wrong, or what else I can do to troubleshoot?


Hi, I just noticed that my August Lock doesn't have contact sensor information when being shared from Smartthings. Is there a driver that would get contact sensor as well as allow locking?

The devs can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think new connections are accepted. I haven't messed with my existing conections as I believe they are grandfathered in for now. But as Bago mentioned in the post before yours they will all stop working eventually.

Thanks. I feared that might be the case, but being that it was still working for some people, I didn't really think it would stop working for some, but not others. That's a real shame.

On the bright side, that's forced me to tinker a bit with node-red this weekend, and I've been able to re-create the automations that needed HubConnect using node-red with Hubitat and ST nodes.