[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

Its starting to look a lot like Christmas! Wow that feature helps a lot.

Thank You, and Happy New Year!

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FWIW: on SmartThings, displayName is generally provided for all devices (and device-related events), where:

     device.displayName = device.label ?: device.name

Hi @srwhite ,

I just installed HubConnect and I'm struggling with a few things.

First, I don't know why but the app running on Smartthings Classic won't let me add my Ring Doorbell to the list of devices to synchronize. Also, I have Arlo devices shown 3 times in the app (but only one will go to Hubitat as it should) Check out the image attached.

Another thing is I cannot share the devices from Hubitat to Smartthings, just ST -> Hubitat. It tells I don't have anything to share. What am I missing?

Thanks a lot for your work on this app. Always wanted to have my Arlo cameras and Ring doorbell integrated to Hubitat.

New Server Container still says 1.6.3?


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Got it! I was in fact prompted to hit "Done" in the apps, whether required or not.

Thanks, Christmas looking good here, even though I only have 1 outgoing device on my server. :slight_smile:

The prompt will still pop up the next time you open an instance or remote after the update. It's just a formality since there's nothing in the 1.6.4 update that needs to be reinitialized.

I just upgraded to 1.6.4. After upgrading to 1.6.4 I added 2 new devices to one of my hubs. When I went to share them with my Server Hub they weren't there. They are the exact same leak sensor as the one you see listed. I've rebooted the hub, no change.

UPDATE: None of my hubs are listing devices I can share other than the ones that are already shared.

UPDATE2: I went back to 1.6.3 and I can select devices to share and unselect devices I no longer want to share again.

I was afraid it was just me! I’m not able to make any changes to device selection on any of the hubs. @srwhite or @csteele any idea what’s going on?

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I have some questions with HSM pushing from main hub to remote hub. I can chance the arming state of HSM on the main hub from a remote hub, no problem. My problem is if I push the armed state to the remote hub, where i have Webcore running, the hub receives the change via the log but does nothing with it unless I setup a dummy instance of HSM on the remote. Is there any other way to accomplish this? The problem I ran into is after a reboot of the remote caused by a power outage it pushed HSM armed to my main hub and as you can imagine caught everyone off guard. Id like to keep this setup but without having to keep the HSM app on the remote hub. Thanks!

It's a bug from merging code.. I've also fixed it and updated the repo... I did not update any versioning on the files.

I have 4 code branches across 2 repos and have been having trouble with my GitHub client switching between them. (Switching branches re-downloads files and some have not been updating).

Complicating things is that I can no longer test the 1.6.4 branch of code.. @csteele and I are running 1.7 in production with the proxy server... My entire dev environment is on very, very early 2.0 code.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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You have to have HSM installed on the remotes at the very least.. The server does not need it as it will passively send HSM events.. But the remotes absoutely need it in order for any apps to be able to integrate with its API.

No apology necessary. I appreciate your hard work on this.
Updated and working now. Thanks :blush:

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I have installed the server app on my Hubitat and the Client app on my SmartThings. However when i connect the hubs, i show 0 devices available on my ST to push to Hubitat. I have move most devices to Hubitat but a few remain on my ST, some Z-Watch switches and garage door openers.

Edit: I think something funky is going on since i get "Connected!" in ST no matter what key i use, even wrong. I also don't get a "Connect Local Devices to Client Hub" option in Hubitat. Any thoughts??

Installed remote hub driver and server instance?

Server Instance in the apps and Hub Driver in the Devices are done

After pasting the Code in ST's IDE, did you Install it using the Classic ST App under Marketplace? (I believe so based on your 'key' statement, but that would be the wrong place to enter a key.)

The step after is to configure, That's in Classic App in the Automations: SmartApps menu.

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They'll obviously know a lot more than me, but it looks like those are for three different Arlo camera types: Q, Pro, and Go. The Ring Doorbell selection only allows Ring Doorbell Pros, so that may be why you don't see yours. It's an easy edit to allow selecting the "regular" doorbell instead, if you want, though I'm having problems getting button pushed events to go through (motion is fine)--can't imagine that has anything to do with it, though.

Not sure about your other problems unless they are addressed below.


I am not getting it sync'ed across the hubs. At least the App in the master and the secondary remote never report state. To explain, Device Hub has the current control and from there, I arm/disarm the hub. I have that hub set up as:

On the master, I installed HSM and configured HubConnect as:
Incoming from Devices Hub:

Outgoing to Rules Hub:

Looks like this:

Finally on the Rules Hub, HubC is configured as:

Yet, this Rules hub always looks like:

Note, I have not configured HSM from the App point of view on this Rules hub, do I need too? I simply installed it and hit done.

@srwhite Since the latest upgrade, I am unable to add new items in the Remote Client to be synced with the Server hub.

The items I've already got there are listed, and are syncing just fine, but when I click on a type of Devices, even one where I have devices selected, I get an empty list.

I've tried rebooting the hub and reloading the app. Help!