[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

I am old school and use vi but that can be a bit overwhelming if you are not use to it.

Glad you got it running though

Yes, clearly it was a control character in nano that I could not see. Thank You! THANK YOU!! for the extra set of eyeballs and brain you saved my day.

jsonlint.com is a great place to test it out for those simple syntax, extra/missing chars.

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believe it or not I parsed it several times through there and it didn't catch the extra character at the start of the file. :-/

hmmm.. I've been trusting it all this time to be:

"dead on balls accurate." "that's a industry term"
-- Mona Lisa Vito

I was reading through the last few posts and was just about to post the exact same thing.

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I wish it had been able to catch my error, but I think the issues was that I was cutting and pasting into nano and that was causing the issue. I never saw what was actually hanging it up. I just decided to fix the formatting to something more easier for me to read and I opened it up in vi to look at it, and then wrote it back out and then it worked.

I just setup HubConnect between hubs on my local LAN - now I want to connect hubs that I have at a remote location. Before I start creating a VPN, I see that I should be able to --->

  • Flexible oAuth endpoints; Hubs do not need to be on the same LAN or even same location.
  • Remote hubs can be located anywhere with an internet connection.

But setting up a hub requires "Private LAN IP Address of Client Hub:" - is VPN the only way, or am I missing something?

Thanks, SImon

When you Connect a Hub on the Server, you'll pick the Internet option an paste the Key into that new Remote. This method uses Hubitat's Cloud servers for the interconnect... rather similar to connecting to a SmartThings hub.


I'm finding that my motion sensors are not "connected". I have other devices that are set up, the hubconnect is working well for them. I DO have the driver installed!

Motion never gets reported to the master hub. Any thoughts? What can I do to troubleshoot? The sensors have flowed through to the master hub, but no device attributes (motion/inactivity etc).

I have four different motion sensors functioning via HubConnect....

Aeon MultiSensor 6
Dome Motion Sensor
Iris Motion Sensor v2
Iris Motion Sensor v3

Three Hubs... coordinator (Radios disabled); Upstairs, Downstairs with Radios enabled, only Upstairs hub has Zigbee enabled. My Zigbee motion sensors must send their data to the downstairs hub -- meaning each has to use HubConnect twice, once from upstairs to coordinator then again to downstairs.

Dashboard runs on my 'coordinator' and thus every device is included in HubConnect.

What Motion sensors are you using?

I recommend vs code. Free and has syntax highlighting and lint checking.

I'm using wired motion sensors that are linked into HE via a network bridge. They are child devices under my parent "Alarm System". They have a unique device number, so they should work. The motion sensors have been working well in HE (generally), but I want to get them off my main hub as they are very chatty.

Edit: can you try and create a virtual motion sensor, and connect it to master hub, and see if the status flows through? Maybe that's it.

Hubitat has three virtual motion drivers.. motion, multi and omni.. which one did you want me to test?


The first, thanks!

Yes, it works.

I created the virtual on my 'coordinator', added it to HubConnect to send to my Upstairs Hub and installed the driver before the final Done click.

Results in:

But did activity and inactivty flow through? if you press motion on the virtual device? That's what I'm not getting.


Results in...

Logs show:

'coordinator' hub:

app:3   2019-08-12 06:54:51.545 am debug Sending event to ZeeRadioUpper: TestMotion [temperature: 77.70 °F]
dev:547 2019-08-12 06:54:51.470 am info  TestMotion is 77.70°F
app:3   2019-08-12 06:54:43.453 am debug Sending event to ZeeRadioUpper: TestMotion [motion: active null]
dev:547 2019-08-12 06:54:43.395 am info  TestMotion is active
app:3   2019-08-12 06:54:41.890 am debug Sending event to ZeeRadioUpper: TestMotion [motion: inactive null]
dev:547 2019-08-12 06:54:41.856 am info  TestMotion is inactive
app:3   2019-08-12 06:54:40.542 am debug Sending event to ZeeRadioUpper: TestMotion [motion: active null]
dev:547 2019-08-12 06:54:40.444 am info  TestMotion is active
app:3   2019-08-12 06:54:38.627 am debug Sending event to ZeeRadioUpper: TestMotion [motion: inactive null]
dev:547 2019-08-12 06:54:38.536 am info  TestMotion is inactive

'upstairs' hub:

app:837 2019-08-12 06:54:49.102 am info Received event from server/TestMotion: [temperature, 77.70 °F, isStateChange: true]
app:837 2019-08-12 06:54:41.050 am info Received event from server/TestMotion: [motion, active , isStateChange: true]
app:837 2019-08-12 06:54:39.422 am info Received event from server/TestMotion: [motion, inactive , isStateChange: true]
app:837 2019-08-12 06:54:38.112 am info Received event from server/TestMotion: [motion, active , isStateChange: true]
app:837 2019-08-12 06:54:36.180 am info Received event from server/TestMotion: [motion, inactive , isStateChange: true]

Hmm, I'm bamboozled then. Mine dont report motion. I definitely have the driver installed.

Your logs match mine??
If no, what's failing?
There's 3 log entries per motion change.