Release HSMPlus2

Post removed on tues 22 Oct/2019

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What happened?


This happened.

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He was releasing drivers with basically stolen code. No attribution to anyone he was lifting it from. This is why Cobra took all his apps down. And we have all suffered for it. I'm sorry....but I'm not going to just let something like that go without saying something.

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No one should... just because code might be free to use it still took coders their time to write it and that is never free..... that is why people should donate to open code to keep it open.

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So help me here. Since it is open source anyone is free to copy or modify, however it is common sense to give credit to the original poster, and without proper creditl given to the original creator, it's it s violation of the GNU gpl license? And considered stealing?
I can't say I blame people for being upset, as considerable time and effort can go into these programs, and for someone to just take it, is not acceptable behavior.

So am I in trouble for editing a driver someone released, for only my own use?

Not at all. But you're also not posting them up on the forum without attribution and if required, permission of the original author. I do this with open source drivers all the time. But they never leave my system. I don't even post them to my personal github where someone could stumble onto them.

The real issue was that the first time he did it, another user and I pointed it out and he fixed it. Then 3 days later he does it 4 more times. So, it wasn't like he didn't know what was expected.

He admitted to me in another message that he had no intention of supporting the software in any way either and was just sharing what he had set up on his own system.

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