[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

Thank you for your help and effort!

Yea, messing up my Pico buttons...

Also, is there any easy way to copy button icons from one tile to others? I have a bunch of Pico and Prefer to show some buttons instead of 1/2/3/4/5.

I'll add an option to show either the 1 col or 2 col format

I really wanted to come up with an easy way to quickly change from numbers (1/2/3..) to icons. I just couldn't figure out how it should look.. thoughts?

I thought about also having an image with text inside of it.. downsides of that are it's just fit a single number or letter. Finally, I thought instead of different icons I could use a simple image that could be different colors.

side-note - I did make it so clicking on the change image icon would show buttons directly

Hi Joe,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you—it's a busy time of year for us at home.

Here's a screenshot of an example:

Regarding another issue, which maybe related, when I try to add a tile from Tile Builder, all I see is a grey tile with the message "Initializing." The tile is working in a Hubitat Dashboard.

When I accessed this link via a web browser, I was able to see what you're showing. However, I had to log in first, so please keep that in mind.

Yes, I do have Hub Security enabled.

I'll email you the device logs shortly.

Thanks for your help!

  • David

Hi Joe. Is there a way to configure a click action on a button tile...to permit verification of an action before a button is pressed (similar to switches)? The buttons are very easy to accidentally hit and sometimes I get unintended consequences when I accidentally touch one.

TBH, I'd love if one option was the layout of the 5-button Picos. :slight_smile:


Here's how I have one of mine setup from some time ago, but now I can't for the life of me see anything except built in buttons. Nothing in iconsdb.com (I believe where I got these from), hub file manager, etc. They're all blank when I try to edit. Only Built-in Images show any icons.



The other thing I don't understand is I believe each button used to act directly from the main HD+ dashboard but now when I press any button, it opens the button in a large square layout with the buttons in an odd order:

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

Oh, ugh. I just updated from beta 1.0.2591 to 1.0.2597 and now they look like this:


P.S. It looks like for the "icon" I actually may have copied/pasted an image into the button "Label." (though I still can't see images from any other sources.)

thanks for the logs - I see part of the error but not enough to see what's wrong. Can you view this page and send me the output? HD+ is looking for <title>Login</title> to prompt a login and I'm guessing it's not there

01-03 11:30:50.064  7696 19778 V HD_CustomInterceptor: DONE: 439231) 197ms
01-03 11:30:50.077  7696 19778 E HD_HubitatManager: listHubFiles: Exception:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $

That should be the default behavior today. Clicking anywhere on a button tile will bring up a larger dialog and not send any action to the hub. You can change this by setting the Click Action for any tile from "Prompt" to "Toggle" (image below)

Note that you can only send 'click' to the Hub from the main dashboard. Press and hold and doubleTap actions can only be sent from the larger dialog. You can still view it - just press and hold the button when in "Toggle" mode.

side-note -- before the last version it wasn't possible to change this.. so basically clicking on any button would always bring up that dialog.

I also see this too and will look at it.

see the above post.. I think it always worked this way by default (to avoid accidental button presses from the main screen when you're just trying to scroll it). There's an option to send the click directly but you need to set it (click action = toggle)

I'm working on some more button customizations.. just need a little more time to get it all working and tested.

  • single column mode to show vertical buttons instead of side-by-side that the new version uses. It only really looks better IMO when the tile is 1 column wide but it would apply to both 1x1 and 1x2+ tiles

  • setting a button icon for all buttons at once

  • showing both text and an icon at the same time.. this one's tricky

  • set a custom color for each button

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Hi Joe

I have emailed you a text file of the output.

I'm getting some different behavior here, maybe since Im using a multiple button configuration. See below screenshot

I verified from the HE logs that in my application, the action is being executed immediately upon my touching any of the above button icons.

That does happen on the edit device dialog (the screenshot you posted). But, it shouldn't happen on the main dashboard

version 1.0.2602 (beta)

  • add option to force single column buttons
  • allow each button to have it's own color
  • allow button and text to be displayed

Button tile changes:

  • single column mode will show buttons vertically (only works for 1 col wide tiles). Sorry, this is off by default so it will need to be toggled on to return to old UI for narrow tiles)
  • set button background color for individual button or ALL
  • show text AND icon on the button (NOTE: this is a WIP and looks better with some images than others)

I wanted to get these changes in while still looking at some other issues.. let me know if it works. There will be more button changes but these were what I could come up with today.


Here's a screenshot of the actual page that executes the button action

Its the Wall Remote device. I tap the "1" button (or any other button), and the action associated with the pressed button is immediately executed. I'd like to get a confirmation before anything executes, in case the button was accidentally tapped.

I LOVE these changes to the buttons!!!
Being able to color individual buttons is something that I have been wanting for some time, and YOU came through, OF COURSE!!!!
HD+ is REALLY coming a LONG WAY and I thank you for ALL your effort and help!!!
GEE... I feel a donation coming (going) to you !!!
How do I donate??

I will look out for the update too.

I tried tile builder and for what I want, I just use Button Controller app and a button tile.

BTW.. how can I copy the same button tile to different folders in HD+?
I have tried making a copy of the tile in the "source" folder, but how do I move the copy to another folder? I must be missing something (very possible).

Thanks again for this AMAZING app!

From the OP: :slight_smile:

Hmm.. it shouldn't send the command directly but can you open the edit tile screen -> click action -> change to "prompt"? That option wouldn't likely show up on older versions

there is a way to change the click action globally -- maybe that's why.. anyway let me know if that works.