[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

From the restore pop-up you can just long press the backup and an option to delete it appears.

When I've made changes to my dashboard(s) I usually create a new date identified backup - 'yymmdd_Kitchen' for the specific dashboard and save it to both the device and the hub. Once I'm happy that everything is the way I want I'll delete the older backups from the device and hub as described.

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I had the token expire after 7 days for me and then saw this post which said:

Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent and change from the testing status to published.

I don't think it's been 7 days yet since I changed the status to published so I'll know if it's still working next week.

Hmm.. I originally used the same logic as Google Photos app which you just pasted in the entire JSON file and it parsed it. But, I also needed a 2nd JSON file (for the client) and after going back and forth a few times I figured it would be more clear to make each field separate.

I don't know if this will help but here's what I have.

Also, the API Key pasted results have multiple spaces in them as you copy a block of data:

looking at your screenshot that might be it.. I called it "API Key" but it's really the current_key value from that file.

Sorry for the confusion.. by the time I fully release it I'll try to make it more clear.

I still need to figure out a way to support multiple phones (create multiple child devices in Hubitat)

Here's another thing to check.. once you link the Hubitat device with HD+, you should see the clientKey field set on the Hubitat child device.

I should also mention that the first 2 fields in the companion app are needed for the server (hub) but the last 3 fields are needed for HD+. And if they aren't filled in correctly it would be hard to even know.. I'll have to figure out a way to help with that too in the future

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Great information. I got it to work now and it looks good. Looking forward to seeing how it will evolve.

I have been seeing this error now for about 2 months and I am pretty sure I have not added anything to the Maker API for HD+. Anyone else seeing this and have a fix?

App Maker API - Android Dashboard App (Scott) (198), method GET produced response of [128500] bytes, cloud message limit is 128000.

Hello everyone. I need some help. I just can't see how to create a second dashboard. I've backed up the current one so I see that to be able to link to it. But how do I create another one. Ideally I want to create a way to page to a few areas without just scrolling down continuously. Thought, help, pointing out the obvious to me is greatly appreciated,


It sounds as though it's not actually another dashboard you want but additional screens to link to from your dashboard?

If so, just add folders. You then either move specific devices into those folders or you could create a copy of specific devices (that works if you want a commonly used device both on the main dashboard and in another screen).

As an example, I have my main home dashboard showing commonly used devices and those specific to the room the tablet is wall mounted in. On the bottom row of that dashboard I have shortcuts to folders for 'Lights', 'Curtains/Shades' etc. Clicking on those brings up that folders contents along with a 'Go Back' button to return to the main screen.

Hope that helps. Some dashboards such as Sharptools work differently in that each dashboard is separate and you add links to a specific dashboard.

If you're looking to switch between 2 dashboards here's 1 way:

  • start by doing a backup of what your screen looks like (eg: "A")
    • make sure you uncheck the 'auto save' option.
  • make changes to your dashboard.. if you need to start from scratch you can log-out and login again
  • if you want to add a tile that opens up the other dashboard, add a new 'shortcut' tile and select the first dashboard
  • do another backup but call it something else (eg: "B") -- again make sure the auto save option isn't checked
  • at this point you have 2 dashboards and a link in the second one (B) to quickly open the first one (A)
  • open and edit the first dashboard and add a shortcut link to the second
  • make sure you save (backup) any changes you make

@jpage4500 - I noticed that entering a number when clicking on "Set Position" doesn't work. Moving the slider does.

I've been having scrolling issues in portrait mode on my Google Pixel 5 phone. The dashboard won't scroll all the way to the bottom thereby cutting off many tiles. If I turn my phone to landscape, scrolling works fine all the way to the bottom, but turning back to portrait and I can no longer scroll to the bottom. This is an intermittent problem that happens maybe 80% of the time. You can see in the attached screenshot how the tile towards the bottom is even cut off part way.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Yeah, it's a known issue with 'tall' tiles. I tried to fix it and made it much better but still needs improvement. From my experience you can minimize the problem by arranging the tall tiles at the bottom or just playing with it to see what works best. It's not a great answer but the best I've got at the moment..

I'll try to fix that for the next version

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Thank you! I did notice re-arranging things seems to change the behavior. I'll see if I can get a placement that works.

It's been > 7 days and I'm still getting notifications so looks like that's good.

Not sure I said this before but it should be a 1-time-only thing and never again

There's a lot of things that can be done with this.. right now it's pretty simply notifications, Text-to-speech notifications or running a Tasker task. I haven't tested the last 2 items lately though but those are examples of things that couldn't be done with the native Hubitat app.

I've thought briefly about a way to add quick reply buttons to the notifications. ie - you could customize these and what they do when clicked.. for example maybe you get a notification from HSM saying "Security Alert: back door opened" and you could have a notification button that sends some device command back to the Hub to do something.. or, send a text message.. lots of ideas but nothing concrete since I don't have any great examples of what to do with it.

The other thing I can do which is maybe even more powerful is silent push messages.. that's what the TTS and Tasker notifications are. Instead of just displaying a message on your device it opens the app (HD+) and can do something (run a device task, etc). But again, I don't have any concrete things to do just yet

How does the Play Track work for a HD+ Device (phone)?

I tried putting a mp3 URL in there and it doesn't play anything on the phone.

I didn't add that field.. Hubitat does based on the capabilities of your device driver. There's a ton of fields like this one that don't do anything. But, I think it's needed just to show the "Play TTS" or something similar to that.

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Mine still expired after ~7 days. Do I have to change anything on my side?

Do you happen to know if you clicked authorize after the project was in production?

I just know the first time I set this up it only lasted 7 days and then expired.. I don't remember if it was the same error but probably since it was http:401.

I didn't change any values but did make sure the app was in production (see the last step in the link above) and then I re-authorized (in hubitat app - image below) and it hasn't expired since.


I don't exactly know all the rules of keeping an Oauth token valid.. the app refreshes it every hour which is what the Google Photos app also did. That actually makes me curious what would happen if we lose power for a while -- something that happens to me a few times a year.

I'll have to think about ways to make the HD+ app surface any issues like that.

Ah, I see the last step that says publish to production. I might have missed that when I first set it up. We'll see if it works now.

Do you know if adding two or more devices is working now?
