So it does do what I was asking. The "name" field matches the location name from the app. So I can now fire rules or whatever from that name or stuff it in a string variable like you do to show it on the app.
Glad it's working out for you!
Yea, @jpage4500 did a great job on this app and is continually adding functionality to make it even better. I like to keep thing simple so I was happy to also be able to remove a couple apps and rules by using all the newer features.
I'm a bit behind the times - I know HD+ continues to set a new standard - Can someone give a basic overview of the steps to get a cell phone working with HD+ for location?
all I get so far is 'null' returned. I run HD+ on a desktop in portrait - i've setup a new HD+ maker API for my cell - and want to use location + on it for home/away. I tried and use a few others including life360 which - truthfully not even sure it's working right but my email spam folder is taking a pounding!
Can this be offline? I replaced my fire tablets with cheap Chinese ones but don't trust them. I would like to block them from the Internet at the router level. Any chance it that?
I think to fetch the latest image by clicking the camera tile would be a good starting point. Not sure how battery friendly is the option to call that command every x minutes. But maybe a good option in the settings.
What I want to try out is setting up a rule/webCoRE piston to get a thumbnail if motion has been triggered. I will try this out how it works.
Yes, it would be completely offline. The trade-off though is this would require the app to be running in order to receive device updates from the Hub. What I'd do is just monitor a specific device attribute and when it changes - read it via TTS
Yeah, I haven't updated Blink support in years and the drivers have had some changes over that time. One of them was adding new device drivers like "BlinkChild-Camera" which I don't have -- probably because I set mine up long ago. I've got it supported now and will update the app again shortly with it
Yeah, the trade-off of doing any kind of location tracking on a phone is battery drain because the app (including Life360, Owntracks) has to be woken up -> fetch location -> send location to server which requires a data connection; I tried to include some battery saving logic like limiting how often the location updates are even checked.
The presence tracking does a lot less of these activities -- and of course doesn't have to send the location anywhere. It only has to send 'present' when you enter the geofence and 'not present' when you leave.
Anyway, the hardest part for me is trying to make the UI easy to understand and that's where some of these new features falls short.. I'll try to clean that up but in the meantime you can disable Location Tracking by just long-pressing on the "Device" setting and removing the device. If there's no device to update, I don't do any of the Location Tracking logic.
You can/should leave all of the other permission related settings enabled since they're also necessary for Presence tracking
I'm interested in improving it so if there's some confusing areas let me know and I'll try to update.
On a completely unrelated note I keep thinking it'd be really nice to have some really simple step-by-step 'tutorial' type documents or videos on how to do a specific thing with Hubitat.. I know there's almost always more than 1 way to do the same thing which makes it tough.. but, that seems like the biggest hurdle for anyone wanting to move to Hubitat (or Home Assistant) from something a lot simpler like Alexa/Google/Apple's basic smart home.
I tried and use a few others including life360 which - truthfully not even sure it's working right but my email spam folder is taking a pounding!
I've got Life360 installed on my phone.. it's a great app but I hate how it's constantly running in the background even though I disabled location sharing in the app (I use it to track my 2 kids). In fact, if you remove the permission the app itself won't even run. That's one of the reasons I've been so interested in the Life360+ device driver.. if I could someday remove the Life360 app from my phone I'd be a lot happier!
I don't get emails from them.. but I do get notifications all the time from the app trying to sell features offering discounts which is annoying. And I can't disable notifications because I want to know when my kids are at school or home.. so I kind of just live with it
I have a graph made with Webcore but when I insert the https link in a Web Tile inside HD+ it's not displayed. If I use the same link directly in Chrome browser I can see the graph. I also try to use a virtual device with the HD+ Tile driver and same result, nothing is displayed. Someone know what error I do?
I just pushed a new version of HD+ (1.0.2234) that handles this device type.. sorry I was hoping to get some other Blink-related changes in at the same time but realized that was taking too long and wanted to get this out first.
I can't think of anything obvious.. I do see that little warning in Chrome about the https certificate.. what happens if you change the URL you use to http?
I think I see what happened. I hide that option when you're in cloud mode. I don't technically need to hide it because I can send driver commands while remote...
but the real issue there is that the images can't be displayed when remote because the image URL is local like this:
I've had an open question for a while about if there's any way access files that are on the Hub remotely. MakerAPI can be accessed remotely using a cloud token and going through But that doesn't work for other apps/drivers or the file manager.
EDIT: And if there is some way to access files remotely like this (without using a VPN) please let me know
@jpage4500 I had a feeling that was the issue (no route) and as soon as I got home, I could see the thumbnails again. Not a big deal as I was planning on viewing on tablets at home anyway. Thanks for all the great work you do! UPDATE: I was playing around a bit and noticed the "Update Image" option is executing "GetNewThumbnail" and it's erroring on my setup. I think that might be only for the "BlinkChild" driver. Looks like "BlinkChild-Camera" has "GetThumbnail", not "GetNewThumbnail". Be happy to test anything if you decide to make a change...
Looking to use "Link to Windows" to get this app on my desktop computer. I would have to purchase a separate device as none of my current devices support it. Has anyone used this that can chime in? Can you manipulate the resolution on your desktop to mimic a more tablet size or are you limited to the phones resolution/aspect ratio? Thanks!