It's actually pretty easy, as the app grabs everything from your hub.
After you install the MakerAPI, there's a list of your devices you choose to add. When you run the HubDash app, using the IP address for the hub, it grabs the devices that you checked in MakerAPI from your hub and displays them.
The icon color change refers to when you change the icon color. Now, the text color will also change to match. I'm also not trying to change the color of certain icons either since that didn't work for everything (ie: HSM or app icons)
This is how it should show today. The icon is the same but the text will change once it's fully armed. Is this what you're looking for or something else?
Perfect. Frankly, I hate even asking for anything, when I'm not paying for it. I really appreciate your work. I just moved to HE and this make life so much easier.
@jpage4500 has asked me to coordinate his business affairs.
Send me a PM and I'll provide you our suggested donation levels, and to make it simpler we've decided on bitcoin, gold, and vintage cars of the 20's and 30's (with full provenance).
Unfortunately, I sent all of the above to the Nigerian Prince who has promised a much more lucrative deal. Having said that, once the aforementioned Prince satisfies his responsibilities, I will be happy to send you most, if not all, of the proceeds.
add support for Blink Cameras (arm/disarm, enable/disable motion)
better cloud detection logic
The big change here is support for Blink Cameras. I picked up 3 Blink XT cameras for cheap on Amazon Prime day and with a brand new Blink driver for Hubitat I've gotten these integrated into the dashboard!
The driver is still very new and under active development.. but, I was able to get some important functions into the dashboard including arming and disarming the system as well as enabling motion detection an individual camera. Finally, you can open the Blink app from the dashboard as well.
At some point in the future I'd love to add image and video support but these aren't possible as of today.
NOTE: right now the 'armed' state comes from the Blink 'network driver' and isn't set per-camera.. so, you need to include this as well as the cameras in the MakerAPI in order for the armed state to be set.
That seems like more towards over-doing it, I think. Unless @jpage4500 is going to start obseleting old Android OS versions due to some issues, you don't need anything special at all to run the dashboard.
I haven't really looked into cheap tablets as I have several old ones around the house, but others here may be able to point you to something simpler/cheaper that will work well.