[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

@jpage4500 I'm integrating Tile Builder to your glorious app. Tile builder uses a single storage device and allows me to select prebuilt tiles that are all inside the single storage source. To access them HTML can't work, since I have to override and select which Tile I'm going to display.
While it is still HTML, your options and defaults for HTML are lost once I select 'custom attributes' - a necessity.

If only there was a Tile Builder specific tile I could add! I think any 'Tile Builder' tile would use the HTML features while still letting me select the custom attribute. In this way I'd get the best of all worlds!
If you can add a Tile Builder tile type to the list - I'll buy multiple coffees!

I also added a Tile Builder tile a few weeks ago but haven't had time yet to really delve into making it easier to use with HD+.

That said, you should select the "HTML" device type and not the "Custom" device type. Then, you have these options:

Once you use that 'select field to display' option and pick which 'tile' you want displayed, HD+ will keep using this from now on. Otherwise, as you might have seen HD+ will pick the first available HTML field which could change as you add new tiles to the same device.

If only there was a Tile Builder specific tile I could add

I haven't exactly figure out how to automatically support the Tile Builder device type (but haven't had much time to think about it either so I'm open to ideas). Maybe a 1-click way to create a tile for each of the 'tile' fields? It'd be the same as copying the device tile and selecting a new field for each one.. but, could save some clicks.

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You - are the best!
I never saw that 'select fields' before. that is exactly what I was looking for!!!! I'll speak to Gary about id'ing an inbound TB tile - he already explained to me there is a simple way to ID it. This explodes the value of your work for me!

Sending coffee as soon as I have a chance! 1 gal sized.

@jshimota, admittedly, I have not taken the time yet to dig into Tile Builder. But why would I use that with HD+?

How did you enable Android Auto Support? I'm not able to see that in my Android Auto settings when I go to customize the launcher

I believe the app triggers the android auto support when your phone connects to android auto. Then you need select which devices to expose.


I don't wish to take anything away from this incredible app - HD+ tiles handle a boatload of tile needs far and above what Tile Builder does. Take a look - Here is the pick list - notice some of the huge missing tiles from HE like a clock, image, calendar. This app answers so much it's not funny - Cameras work well too in most cases ...

I use Tile Builder to create some condensed tiles - for example,
or another:
and one more - a multi Tile (that saved cut 6 tiles out!)

The integration is really source driven and allows me condensation - with Tile Builder coupled with HD+ I'm was able to cut out 14 tiles easily. Also, I used to have to customize app generated tiles manually so they worked nicely in my environment. Tile Builder breaks that chain.
Please understand - I am THE biggest fan of HD+ as it is my single most valuable tool for my needs.

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I want to add one more plug for Tile Builder - and remember, I'm HD+ biggest fan...
Tile Builder uses a 'storage container'. 1 single virtual device that allows up to 25 tiles to be stored in it. So in my hub instead of 8 individual virtual tiles, I create 1 storage container, assign each of the Tile Builder tiles to a single indivual tile within the storage container. Thus freeing up devices as well. No more customized virtual tiles necessary and a much smaller footprint!
AND - there is no 1024 limit on the html - well. technically. Talk to Gary but some of my tiles are very robust!
edit* I want to add that although all my examples look text based - TB does handle images and extended CSS as well! (I add this as i was PM tickled )

I'm still playing with Tile Builder and HD+ -- one of the areas I thought could help is to remove the padding/margin around the table -- to let the HTML fill the entire tile. I'm not there yet.. I was able to fill the tile for the tiles < 1024 characters but not the <iframe version yet (see the 2 bottom tiles below. top row is iframe tiles).

I also thought it'd be nice not to show the normal tile background color when there's already a self-contained table inside. I did figure that one out -- see the 2 tiles on the left side of the screen for that example.

Anyway, I'll keep playing with it


Is icon color supported on a custom icons? I have some svg images I exported as pngs and when I set the "Icon Color" the image doesn't change.


On another note; I'm running HD+ on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Lineage OS 20 (Android 13) connected to a Dell P2314T 23" Touchscreen monitor. I'm still testing and it's very early days but performance is surprisingly good.

Running HD+ on a RPi 3 B+ connected to a 42 inch monitor running Emteria Android OS. It works very well.

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Yes but the logic only replaces white with the selected color. I had to do this because some of the built-in images have a couple of colors and I didn't want to replace everything with a single color.

If you convert your image to all white it should work.

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Works perfectly - thanks!

version 1.0.2116 (beta)

  • fix issue retrying a failed command
  • fix folder - tiled view - first image smaller than others
  • back key won't open nav drawer if this isn't a gesture navigation device
  • show empty tile in edit mode
  • change how background transparency setting is displayed
  • add grid color to last item of favorite color list

It's been a while since the last release.. I really wanted to get a small fix in but was in the middle of several other changes that weren't ready.

The fix I'm talking about has to do with retrying a failed command.. a typical case for this is when using a location to update your phone's presence when leaving/arriving home. Sometimes the app will detect you've arrived or left but it won't be able to notify the Hubitat.. likely related to the phone in in the middle of switching between WIFI and cellular. Anyway, the app will retry these 'failed commands' today but it won't ever reset this so it'll work again next time.

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@jpage4500, is this also in 2116?

@jpage4500 - its hard to ask one dev to support another - but there is a bit of conflict of philoposophy here so to speak.
Tile build is trying hard to write the shortest/cleanest html with Css. As I understand it (and I'm not an expert) an html tile used to start with ''. In todays html5/css3 it can also start with .

Is it difficult to ask @jpage4500 to scan for both to ID an inbound HTML? this saves a lot of chars!


Can you send me an example what this attribute looks like? It might have gotten removed from your post.. if you surround it with backticks (example) that should work

Yeah, I do look for certain things to determine if an attribute has HTML text in it and I can add more to that to support Tile Builder

Yep, it is although it's just a log entry like this:

onDeviceUpdatedEvent: WAKE: DeviceName

I got stuck trying to reproduce this one a while back (and also got really busy). From what I remember last what seemed to happen was HD+ stopped listening to Hubitat events when the screensaver was displayed. It's not happening in my case though which always makes it harder to figure out.

Hugely so.