[RELEASE] Google SDM API - Nest integration

Thank s i am seeing google login page now :slight_smile:

had to remove the pic lol it has token information

ok last part i guess before i get my thermostat

Might want to rescind that image from the public forum -- as it contains your hub uuid.

Trying to think back to my initial setup... Did you copy the Cloud credentials.json over to your Device Access project?

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lol already did that hahha

hmm i dont think so , where do i do that ? do i just add oauth field in device access page?

could it be that i am not the owner of the device "thermostat" i stil have to add it to my account. it s on my wifes account but i hvae guest access to it.

Yeah, the OAuth client Id on the device access page should match that in the Cloud project. Make sure you've enabled the PubSub topic for your project, too

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which one of these?
cloud pub sub is enabled.

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Yep, that's good. And a topic is listed in your Device Access console?

At some point maybe I'll go back and set this all up from scratch, and try to make the documentation more detailed...

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omg i got it , i had to add my email for test users.

thermostat is here.


@dkilgore90 and @bfara83 thank you for helping me and @dkilgore90 thank you for posting the code on github. Do you have a donate page ? I wanna buy you coffee.

I just got home and tested it. Thermostat is now controllable.


this is very nice, thank you

So I clicked discover and nothing shows up. Auth went great, not sure what I am missing

And here is my error log when trying to discover:

Is it because I have multiple thermostats?

Also want to add that the app is receiving temperature events from the thermostats. I can see it from the log

I take it, I can't test this without converting my nest account to an google account and breaking my NST Manager on my ST Hub?

This integration is for those that switched to google accounts. I dont think it will work with a nest account.

@filkin01 hmm... What HE version are you running? Seems like the problem is with the device type specification being a GStringImpl instead of String.

Not related to having multiple thermostats, but nobody else has reported this. What HE version are you running? I'm going to look into this, I think I have a quick fix.

UPDATE: Couldn't reproduce this on my end -- but added a call toString() to force this to a String type -- try with app:0.3.3

@potts.mike is correct, unfortunately there is no overlap - you must convert to a Google account on order to use this integration, which will break any legacy Works With Nest integrations

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@dkilgore90 Ok thanks a bunch! Will try in the morning. I am probably running an old version of HE, I stopped updating after an update broke my integration. I was thinking along the lines of incompatible argument but I am not that familiar with groovy yet

I had the same problem recently and I added a delay before sending the information for my driver. You can find the solution here Fixed setting temperature in dashboard ยท claudegel/Hubitat-sinope-GT125@d2baad5 ยท GitHub

@dkilgore90 I added the toString line to the app but that didn't fix it. I updated the hub and it worked. Thanks!

I have nest thermostat 1st gen. When changing mode, I can't change temp at the same time. I have to add 3-5 seconds delay in between. For example - change mode to auto -> 3 secs delay -> set cool temp to 73 -> 3 secs delay -> set heat temp to 70

Is there a better alternative?