[Release] Garage Door Opener App - LGK Virtual Garage Door

I couldn't get that driver working for me (same issue), I'm using the stock HE driver configured as per below. The key item here is turning off "inputs connected to outputs".

Just be aware that whenever you save new settings using the stock driver, it fires the relays so will open or close your door.

Thanks for that. What is the driver called? This is only day 2 playing with my new toys :slight_smile: :grin:

Simply "Fibaro Smart Implant".

Toys are fun :grin:

@dJOS, i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, but its still not turning off the output. I've tried using the Simulated Garage Door Opener V2 driver and the native Virtual Garage Door Controller. I've removed the custom Fibaro drivers and changed it to the native driver. Even removed the device from the hub and re-added it.

Hmmm, I dont think I did anything special. I just added it as a secure device (3 button clicks), made sure it was showing the correct driver.

I then Changed my settings as per the image above, then clicked configure.
Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 1.50.42 pm

Once that's done you'll have a heap of child devices:

The actual Relay's are items 3 & 4 shown above.

One thing I did find, and this may be your issue, is that nothing really seemed to register or work until the 1st contact sensor detected a state change. I only found this out after opening and closing the door with the Motor itself.

It's also worth noting that the security sensors I have worked in the opposite manner to their labeling, "Normally Open" on mine is a "Normally Closed" Sensor in the HE driver and a "Normally Open" sensor in the Community driver.

You can work this out using a Multi-meter in continuity mode - HE's definition of an "NO" Sensor = a broken circuit when the magnetic sensor is moved away from the main sensor unit.

I think the difference are that ive set the Fibaro up as a S2 Authenticated, not secure. And other difference are that i'm using a Samsung SmartThings Sensor, and not the Fibaro inputs.

S2 Auth isnt an issue, Im using the same mode. The lack of Fibaro sensor is the issue - However you could jump start it by beifly joining the Yellow and blue wires together. After that it should just work.

Im not sure why they have linked the sensors to the outputs the way they have, it's daft.

if its too much of a pain just write a rule in rule machine to turn it off when it turns on.. that is the way i used to have it working in smarthings anyway and it always worked fine.

He hasn't even gotten that far - after inclusion, the smart implants appear to be non-functional until it detects at least 1 sensor state change.

The simplest workaround is to configure the 1st sensor as a security contact sensor and then briefly complete the circuit with the yellow & blue wires.

Awesome! Thanks for that. My 1st Rule in rule machine and it work like a charm. Thanks @dJOS and @kahn-hubitat

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@kahn-hubitat thanks for porting this over, new convert from ST (long time user on ST)

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Is there a way to setup a default delay for closing? I'm looking of way to flash the lights too. Doing that first and then closing. I'm many different ways. I'm trying the flasher, but this doesn't delay the action.

It would be nice if there would be an option to turn on (or flash) a light for X seconds before the door starts closing.

My use case:
I would setup a color bulb to turn red for X seconds when a request is made to close the door.

I have had one situation occur where I manually opened the door while backing in the driveway and then shortly after, my door opening rule kicked-in but instead of opening the door, it closed it. Could have been a problem if I hadn’t noticed it and it had closed just as I started entering the garage!

To help with this, I will add the color bulb in a spot where it will be very obvious when backing in the garage so we will be warned if it is closing while we are backing in.

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I guess if your garage lights were connected you could build a rule to flash the garage lights, have a 5, 10 or whatever amount of seconds wait and then open the door. Maybe build the rule with conditionals time of day, luminance, presence or motion in the garage area to determine when the conditionals would become relevant.

What would really be great if there was a way to connect to the MyQ hub which has the audio and visual warnings when the door closes from the MyQ app.

The flasher by BPTWorld seems to work if there is a away to hook into that that would be great.

I'm seeing the status change to open/closed almost immediately upon activation of the actual door from the dashboard. Does this driver not wait for the tilt sensor to change the status? It's very obviously not changing based on the sensor.

tilt sensors change almost immediately.. what timneout have yhou set

I get something put together that Kind of works.

Setup a V-Switch with Auto off at 5s
Let The Flasher apps like this.

Configure the RM rule like this

So, V-Switch turns on The Flasher application starts Flashing lights about 5s before the Rule to close the Door starts. With the V-Switch is turn off (auto off) it will wait another 5s (configurable) then close the garage door with the lights flashing..
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rotating_light:

A little frankinstienish but it does work.

Nice! Can you share the code changes/additions?

Too many options!!

I have read through this thread and the app/driver the Zooz has put out. I’m trying to decide which one to try.

I can not figure out the difference. Can anyone easily help me out?