[RELEASE] Elk M1 Integration

Ok, I added this line, as specified:
singleInstance: true,

Saved App Code, then tried to add the User App again.

No Change unfortunately... I still get the big spinny wheel status message indefinitely. :frowning:

I'll try to find a different app to add this evening, as a test, and see if I have some success.



I can recreate the problem. Give me some time and I may be able to identify a fix.


Hi Greg,

Thank you.

As a test, I installed the Chamberlain MyQ Garage Door App Code and that worked ok for me. After adding the App Code, I went to the Apps area and added it as a User App. I got the spinny-wheel status animation just for a second and then it went to a subsequent page to enter some settings. So, seems like that worked ok.


I found the issue and fixed it. I'm not sure why it didn't write an error to the Hubitat log, but I was lucky enough to find the line and fix it. The update has been posted on GitHub and only the application code was changed.

Also, since it has been so long since I last installed it, I didn't remember that after installing the app, it run the app for you. I was thinking it just installs it and you have to run it as a second step.

Sorry about the issue. I hope the rest of the install goes without a hitch. Please keep me posted!


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Thanks Greg! That fixed it for me.

Thanks so much for persevering to track down the problem - really appreciate it.


Hi again Greg - now that you resolved the App install issue for me above, I've got more questions, lol (sorry).

For the items above, that need to be specified...

Elk M1 Name: Can I put anything in here, or does it have to match something specific like the M1XEP Device Name as specified in my M1XEP configuration?

The IP address for the M1XEP is straightforward.

Elk M1 Port: My M1XEP is setup for access using the secure port (I've disabled the unsecured one). Can I use the secure port for this integration?
Assuming I can use the secure port, which fields in this setup process are used to specify the username and password associated with the secure port access through the M1XEP?

Elk M1 Keypad: Is this the ID number of my Keypad, or something else?

Elk M1 User Code: I have Multiple Elk M1 Users, and each one has their own arm/disarm code. Is it the ID of one of the users that is needed here, or the passcode of one of the users, or something else?

I did a bit of trial and error before posting here and didn't get very far. Actually , I've got an Elk Device I can't get rid of now (in the devices list) as a result of my install/remove/reinstall testing, lol.

Thanks in advance for your help.



I recommend trying to delete the mystery device you have created first. I'm not sure why it won't let you delete it. Maybe you will need to remove the Elk M1 Application and re-add the User App. You won't have to delete any of the code.

The name is the name of the device the app creates in Hubitat for the Elk M1. It doesn't have to correlate with anything within the panel.

Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to use the secured port from Hubitat. I would love to figure out a way to do so. I'm not too worried about using the unsecured port, however, as the traffic is entirely local. Port 2101 is the default unsecured port.

The keypad is used by the driver to determine area as well as some of the events the main Elk device logs. Keypad 1 is probably fine. You can change any of this later if you want.

The User Code is used by the driver to arm, disarm and optionally set other user codes. I use a user I set up just for Hubitat but you can use any one you want. If you use a regular user (not a master) it will not let you change user codes, which may be desired.


Thanks for the quick feedback Greg.

I'll go ahead and adjust my M1XEP settings to use the unsecured port then. Thx for clarifying all these details for me.

Related to the orphaned M1 Device in the Devices list...
When I uninstall the App, it seems to figure out that it needs to remove the associated Elk M1 Device automagically. In one of my install attempts however, I didn't complete all the setup screens to "complete" the install, but it had already added the associated Elk M1 device to the Devices list. That's the Device I can't get rid of now, since there's no accompanying App installed for it. If I access that orphaned Device from the Devices list, the "Remove Device" button at the bottom right of its page is grayed out. Reinstalling the App fully again just adds a new instance of the Elk M1 Device in the devices list, in parallel with the orphaned one that I can't get rid of. Unstalling the App removes one of the Elk M1 Devices, leaving the orphaned one still there. Oh well, no big deal.

Thanks for all the assistance.


You may need to post something about that device in the Support forum. With the app gone, I don't know if you can without their help.

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Hi Greg,

I ended up soft resetting my hub and resetting the zwave radio - effectively starting over with everything. I didn't have a lot of time invested yet so it wasn't a big deal.

Anyway, I've got the Elk Integration working now and all my Contact Sensors work well with the Hubitat Dashboard.

I have two wired Motion Sensors as well and can't seem to get those working on the Dashboard. I'm adding them with the template "Motion" in the Dashboard. They just report as "inactive" through the dashboard and don't update at all when they are in fact detecting motion.

Any thoughts about what I may have done wrong with these? Do you have wired (to Elk) Motion sensors working? Mine were added as devices using the import functionality in the M1 Application (resulting as type "Virtual Motion Sensor"), as were the Door Contacts and my Keypad.

Thanks for your help.



Someone else reported an issue with the virtual motion sensors back in July. My suggestion is to go to Devices -> (your Elk M1 Device) -> then scroll down and one by one, go into your Motion devices, make sure the preferences are the way you want them and even if you don't change anything click Save Preferences. That fixed their issue and it might fix yours.


I just noticed something in the working of your post. Have you verified that the motion devices in Hubitat are using the Virtual Motion Sensor driver?

Hi Greg - thanks for the tips. Yes, they are setup as Virtual Motion Sensors. I went into Devices and resaved each of the Virtual Motion Sensors and they are working now.

So happy to have this Elk integration - Thank you!



I'm glad it's all working for you know. Hopefully the integration suites your needs.

Thanks for letting me know this solved your issue. Since this is now the second time that issue has come up, I am going to update the documentation to include this fix. Hopefully that will help others as well. I suspect there is something in that Hubitat driver that isn't checking for null.

Just FYI, with this version of the app and main driver, you can take one of the Security Keypads that Hubitat supports and integrate it with the main Elk device. I have done this with a cheap Centralite keypad I bought off of e-bay and now the keypad sits on my nightstand ready to arm or disarm the Elk panel. The keypad's user list is independent of the Elk users but arming home, night, away or disarming from the keypad executes the command on the Hubitat Elk device. The keypad also shows the Elk's arm status. I use it all the time.

Thanks again for the update. Enjoy!

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Hi Hubitat Forum,

Quick question regarding ELK and Hubitat integration. Can the Elk M1 see and interact with devices connected to the Hubitat? I understand the Hubitat will see devices connected to ELK but its not clear to me that ELK will see devices connected to Hubitat.

For instance could the ELK M1 turn on a Phillips Hue light connected through Hubitat based on an event within Elk? I prefer the Elk side to be in control and just use the Hubitat to connect Z-wave and Zigbee devices to it so it can interact/trigger.

Thank you in advance.


Welcome to the community!

Yes, you can accomplish this with the Elk integration. It will give you on, off and dimming control via the Elk but changing bulb color isn't available.

To do this, you will need to create the devices on the Elk. Within ElkRM under Automation -> Lightning just set up a lighting device for each light you want to control that is attached to Hubitat. Name each device however you wish, set the Format to Serial Expander and the type to On/Off or Dimmer, depending on the device. I suggest putting the word dim or dimmer in the name if the device is dimable just so it gets the right driver automatically assigned in Hubitat. This isn't a must since you can change the driver after the fact but it makes it easier.

Then go to the Hubitat and run the Elk M1 Application. Go to Devices -> Import Devices, choose Lighting and click Import Devices. Give it a minute to import, then click Next and you should see the virtual devices you created in ElkRM now imported as an Existing Device. Click on each one of them and you should be given an option to integrate it with a like device on Hubitat. If a device is a dimmer, it will have both Switch and SwitchLevel capabilities to integrate.

After clicking Next both the virtual Elk device and the actual Hubitat device you selected should be kept in sync so if you turn the device on or off on the Elk, in Hubitat or physically, it should be quickly reflected in all places.


Hi @captncode,

Thank you for getting back to me, this is great news! I placed an order for my Hubitat based on your response. Thank you for all the work you put into this integration.

My goal is to use the Elk as the center of my home automation with all the automation logic built within ELKRP and use the Hubitat to connect devices that the Elk cant talk to like August locks, Hue lights, motion sensors and some more.

Thank you,

That's good news. I hope it is all you are looking for. You can integrate thermostats and security keypads that are supported on Hubitat as well.

I had been using the Elk with it's z-wave module and Smart Things. This Integration driver has made that obsolete. It has been much more reliable with Hubitat than any other configuration I have come up with.

I will say that I started with the plan to have the Elk rules control everything and the Hubitat to just handle the devices but as time went on, I moved almost every rule to Hubitat. I think the only rules that remain on my Elk M1 are the rules with keyfob buttons. I have not figured out a way to read those in Hubitat directly although they could be done indirectly by setting up tasks to fire when keyfob buttons are pressed.


Hi Greg,

Sounds like you already went down the road I was considering. I was about to buy the eKeypad Pro app (expensive app!) and try to use that as the main interface for all the M1 connected devices along with the integrated Hubitat devices. I wanted to feed HE connected devices input into the Elk and show the motion on the eKeypad app, control devices, etc... I assume you have some experience with this app and would love to hear some of your insights which brought you back to Hubitat as the center of your automation. I have zero experience with Hubitat, but it just seems logical that the Elk would be at the center of the automation vs. Hubitat. Alternatively, Hubitat seems like it talks to more devices natively vs. Elk.


@AKTown -- I have the Elk M1 + eKeypad Pro app. Good. Not perfect but quite good. I struggle with the arm/disarm flows. Never regretting buying it though and the owner is nice.

@captncode -- Have you considered replacing (or, at least parallelizing) the M1 with Fibaro Smart Implants? I'm struggling with where to go next. I have a large 4 panel Elk M1 system with AC relays, DC relays, 9 thermostats, etc so dragging my feet making a change. I do very much hate UPB lighting though.