If you use the Actions part of ES to create your announcements, you can change the voice however you like (accent, speed, etc). My daughter likes her presence announced by a female British voice. Works like a charm.
Hi! All of my devices are throwing the below error. I recently upgraded to a C-8 but kept Echo Speaks on my C-7, so I don’t think that would have caused it, but that’s the only recent change I know of. I saw a similar issue with solution here, but that fix didn’t work for me. Devices seem to be functioning correctly otherwise.
Any thoughts on a solution would be appreciated.
getPlaylists Response Exception | Status: (404) | Msg: status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found
I migrated to a C8 and have been having cookie issues since.
I refreshed the cookie and it reported success and ES tests work, but it keeps logging refresh FAILED errors. I even changed the callback URL from cloud to the local IP and it does the same thing. FWIW, I haven't restarted my server (Linux VM) since but I've never had to.