[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

Since the text-to-speech output is to an Amazon Alexa enabled device, you’d have to change the voice in the Alexa app.

Hubitat’s built-in TTS feature uses Amazon’s Polly service to speak on other types of connected speakers that don’t have a voice assistant built in.

Thanks! I’ll probably see if I can find the line in the code that generates it in the interim… it’s filling-up my logs! :joy:


I think you can use the ssml syntax in your string to adjust voice emphasis, etc.

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Interesting. But the actual voice would still have to be changed in the Alexa app, right?

The default is from the app, but if you use ssml, you should get what you include in your ssml

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Thanks for clarifying, that’s very interesting. It does look like you can instruct it to respond with a specified Polly voice.

That’s a whole other rabbit hole to go down :slightly_smiling_face:.

this makes sense. thank you

I commented out line 999 to squelch the log errors for now (In the Echo Speaks Device driver):


If you use the Actions part of ES to create your announcements, you can change the voice however you like (accent, speed, etc). My daughter likes her presence announced by a female British voice. Works like a charm.

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Awesome! Thanks @jerias.mitchell !!!

Thank you! I'm having the same issues and it's getting very crowded in logs.

Thank you @jerias.mitchell. I'm too getting the same errors in my logs.

Hi! All of my devices are throwing the below error. I recently upgraded to a C-8 but kept Echo Speaks on my C-7, so I don’t think that would have caused it, but that’s the only recent change I know of. I saw a similar issue with solution here, but that fix didn’t work for me. Devices seem to be functioning correctly otherwise.

Any thoughts on a solution would be appreciated.

getPlaylists Response Exception | Status: (404) | Msg: status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found

Scroll up a few posts, known issue, not hurting anything, and there is a fix to hide the errors if you dont want to see them:


Getting flooded with the same error.

that says your ES server is unreachable

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I checked my Heroku and it LOOKS like it is working. A quick test of my Echos with webcore worked. Not sure what to do with this.

Thanks. I didn’t scroll up far enough and search didn’t find it because only an image was posted.

Thank you for this!


I migrated to a C8 and have been having cookie issues since.

I refreshed the cookie and it reported success and ES tests work, but it keeps logging refresh FAILED errors. I even changed the callback URL from cloud to the local IP and it does the same thing. FWIW, I haven't restarted my server (Linux VM) since but I've never had to.

That process time seem excessive?
