I did a fresh install of echospeaks and some features returned to work. The status of "playing" "volume" "track information like html picture" returned to update in a second or so. The only thing that I am missing is the LastSpokenTo that is alwys "false". Is this related to the issue you mentioned?
I've had some issues with this app, spamming my log with messages.
Does anyone know why these messages are coming out?
P.S. This was not my first attempt at getting this working, but I went into Herokuap and deleted all deployments except the one that I'm currently using:
Forgive me if any of these questions have been asked before; I'm sure they have but I haven't been able to locate any definitive information so far.
Zones are not recognized by Rule Manager, correct?
What is the preferred way to send the same announcement / notification to multiple echo devices?
If I choose "Send, speak or Log a Message..." I can choose to use "notification", "speech" or "music" devices. Echo devices are listed in all three categories. What's the difference?
If I choose "Run custom action" and "speech device", I can select custom actions like "deviceNotification", parallelPlayAnnouncement", "parallelSpeak", "playText", "sendAnnouncementToDevices", "speak", etc.
The ES documentation is somewhat sparse and some of these actions aren't even documented.
For some reason, these pings from Amazon are slowing down my Hub tremendously.
Doesn't anyone know why they are happening?
Does anyone know how to turn them off?
That might not be Echo Speaks--could just be any AWS server if that's why you've concluded it's Amazon. It also shouldn't have that much of an effect on your hub (there could be a leak/bug somewhere...just not sure I've seen that reported), but it does mean that something you used to have installed is still trying to reach a cloud endpoint on your hub for an app you no longer have installed. The solution is to find the other thing--which exists outside of Hubitat--and get rid of it.
My guess: HubConnect on SmartThings. I know that's an endpoint it uses, but thars a fairly generic name that I wouldn't be surprised if other apps use too.
Thanks very much for your guess. I appreciate you taking the time.
However, I don't think so - but just in case, I went to the SmartThings IDE and deleted everything (I mean everything). Let's give it some time, to see if that does anything.
I am always willing to go with the hunches of someone who has a lot of experience.
peeping in here - I ran through a similar issue - and got similar advice. At first, going to the Smartthings IDE and clearing everything didn't have an effect - until weeks later when I stumbled over my login to the new Samsung account which basically was the same stuff! I posted on here somewhere about that... check both accounts!
Not sure if this was your issue, but either way, on a related note, I'd be sure to log in from account.smartthings.com, not specific "shard" links that you might find in some docs (like what I believe was the original graph.api.smarthings.com or any of other regional-looking links you may see, which may not actually be where your account lives--but it will not let you know and will look like it's working, though your may or may not see here the same things you'd see in the app).
Thanks. The thing I was missing was to enable "Create a virtual device for this zone".
What does "Convert Zone speak commands to announcements" mean/do? Is there documentation for this stuff?
My original question of notification vs speech vs music device still stands though. The (virtual) zone I created shows up in all three lists when I choose "Send, Speak or Log a Message" for the action. If I select custom command, I have a list of commands to choose from.
Is there some documentation I haven't found, or some guidance on the best way to send announcements?
Just installed the app yesterday and getting to grips with the various functionality, but it doesn't appear that all of my Alexa routines have been imported during setup. Is there any way to refresh/update the routines in the app?
I've been using Echo Speaks to turn Alexa Guard on and off for months, now, and it's always worked great. But lately it's throwing an error when trying to turn Alexa guard on, and then it never tries to turn it off. Here's a sample of what I'm seeing:
The first symptom was actually Alexa Guard turning on when I left the house, but never turning off. I turned it off verbally. Since then I just get the error above.