[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

Ah cool. :+1:

My contribution is on the way …

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I'm having issues configuring echo speaks to use a local server. The server itself reports it's working well, and the logs look fine. But when I go through the steps in echo speaks to configure it I follow the instructions and get the following on screen.

should I be able to configure the IP somewhere?
currently, I'm just testing this out as I rely on ES a lot.
so this is just installed on my mac and I haven't removed the old ES app.
has anybody else run into this?

Moving the server into docker seems to get a little further but I think its picking up an inaccessible IP.

From @user2305 instructions above.

After you copy the call back URL from the Echo Speaks page go to

http://RPI_IP_ADDRESS:8091 . Insert the pasted string. Then go back to echo speaks and try to login

This is the step in the process that I completely missed until a lot of searching. :frowning: I didn't see that documented in the install instructions.

Hello @moh . The process was surprisingly frictionless but took some time. I did not write any custom code. My RPi was already up and running on bullseye (5.15.56+ #1575 Fri Jul 22 20:26:40 BST 2022 armv6l GNU/Linux).

The first thing I did was clone @tony.fleisher 's repository and switch to the "docker-enablement" branch.

The biggest hurdle was finding a version of node.js that would run on my RPi (look here: Node for ARMv6 and allow Rust/Cargo to install properly (I followed the guide here: Rust/Cargo for RPi).

I followed the guide located here (docker-compose on RPi ) to install docker-compose. It took a long time to complete some of the installation steps on my RPi but nothing crashed (so far).

The readme in the docker folder of @tony.fleisher 's repo (docker repo) explains how to make sure your host's IP address is passed to the container.

Lastly, I reviewed the thread on this site about replacing Heroku with a local server (link to thread) and followed the guidance for re-installing Echo Speaks on my Hubitat hub and pointing it to the local server instead of Heroku.


Thanks @casazco for putting this together. Much appreciated! A great guide to how to get started with this.

That's just paranoia. Assuming you use your NAS to serve files to your connected TV or TV-connected device, you're already punching a hole in any firewall to allow that to happen.

Truthfully, I'd trust most IoT devices more than mobile devices and also most computers that are used by family members.

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I have a linux server running a docker container already. I just need the docker image for echo speaks


It's here: echo-speaks-server/docker at docker-enablement · TonyFleisher/echo-speaks-server · GitHub

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I have been following this thread ever since Heroku announced their new pricing plan (regardless of the charges, I always wanted to not be dependent upon Heroku or any cloud implementation anyway, other than the cloud needed to work with Alexa). I went ahead and purchased and am awaiting delivery of a RPi400 (cheaper than building a RPi4 + case and RPi400 runs at faster clock speed at a cooler temp due to a very large heat sink). While the instructions exist to make Echo Speaks run locally, it was my understanding that @tonesto7 was working on a more “elegant” solution? The last quote above links to a GitHub dated 7 month ago so I assumed that this is not part of the “new” solution. Can someone (probably @tonesto7) confirm if this is in the process? Appreciate any updates on this. And as always, thanks to @tonesto7 for all he does.

I agree with @moh about understanding the process fully. However, I think I would still like an option to use Heroku. For me I feel like my home automation is taking over the HOME. :slight_smile: :laughing:

For right now $7 a month, assuming I understand the billing process. Plus, the cost for a system, PRI, VM, whatever, I can run it on Heroku for quite some time before the jack up the price. This doesn't include updating these applications and these systems (OS, Pi, other parts). Up front vs long term cost if you are looking at it from that perspective. For this type of solution, it is cloud based no matter which way you look at it. Echo/Alexa/Amazon is a cloud solution. Thus, running that part locally, to me, doesn't matter. It is all a cloud solution.

This is just my 2 cents.


I've tried the container version - it has at least two bugs. One easily fixed and one that someone more in touch with docker and nodejs than me needs to fix. The 'native' version runs fine on my Mint systems and on pi4. On the pi4 - use the 64 bit of Raspberry OS and you'll avoid any of that Rust install sadness. The PM2 instructions above should work for 'native' and be slightly easier that what I do - I use systemd service files.

Re: Docker containers. Some one's name will be attached to the file at the repo. It would be inappropriate for anyone but @tonesto7 or his delegate to push the image to the repo. Assuming it works well enough in docker, to his satisfaction.

@moh Enjoy the ride with the Pi and Linux.

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My plan is to completely rebuild the server and make it the central hub for Authentication and behave as the WebSocket for Alexa.
It will be auto discoverable by the ES app if on the same subnet as your HE hub.

Right now this is all vaporware but once I get the ambition I should be able to bang it out in a day or two :slight_smile:


Thank you, Im looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much, you are the BEST! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :partying_face:

that would be amazing !.. would some contribution help towards your "get the ambition" :wink:
some from my side is on its way..
Thanks again for your contributions

I agree with you completely with your point regarding relying on the cloud. However, the only difference is that a local server will at least cut out one point of cloud failure (although I suppose that another point of failure is added by the additional hardware needed). It is only a matter of opinion but I would rather rely on my own point of failure (hardware/software) as opposed to a potential cloud point of failure (which is what happened when Heroku pulled the free service rug out from under us).

At $7/month (which was also my understanding of the new fee structure), I fully agree not so bad either (can’t blame Heroku for wanting to monetize their work after all). However, there was someone else in another thread (could not recalll where I saw this) who stated that they had talked to someone at Heroku and for what they wanted to do with Echo Speaks, was allegedly told that it would be at the $14/month plan. IF this is true, $168/year is more than what I would want to pay. For that, I would just go through the hassle of using virtual switches to control Alexa announcements. JMHO in my own case. Obviously, others may feel otherwise.

Thanks! And thanks for your guidance and help!

If that is the case then I would agree. At this point I'm looking at what is out there publicly. And I do agree with options.